Couch to 5k,who wants to join me on this journey?

I cant run for like 1 minute without feeling like Im about to die but I recently started the couch to 5k program (Im still at week one) and Im getting better but I always lose motivation in continuing so if I had someone going through the same thing Id keep on it 100%?


  • weightloss06
    Hi there, i have just finished week one and feel the same as you, can't run without feeling i am going to die. we can do this together! feel free to add me if you want :-)
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    About to start this tomorrow, I already can run almost fully 3k but I never really started running right so my shins are kind of rebelling. :blushing: Hoping this will help my body catch up to my ability :smile:
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    I fisrt started learning to run back in September, and followed the same basic guidelines that c25k uses with interval training.

    I started the true c25k plan about 7 weeks ago, after taking almost two full months off from running. I had to start over again because I would get SO tired even after 90 seconds of jogging. I literally did not think I could do it. But I persevered and am so proud to say that Tomorrow I'm scheduled for week 6 day 2.

    I have to tell you, I am simply amazed at my endurance because before this, I literally was on the couch, not doing a damn thing, every day. Last week? I did week 5 day 3 which involves 20 straight minutes of jogging. And I DID it!

    So I'm here to say, if I can do it, anyone can do it. Just don't push yourself. If you feel you need to slow it down, then do it. If you have an iPod or smartphone, I highly recommend getting a c25k app that you can run in the background while listening to music. All you have to do is wait for the prompt to say "run" or "walk" and you won't even notice how long you're even running for until you suddenly hear "cool down". That sense of accomplishment feels great, so stick to it!! :smile: U can do it!
  • kkwtp
    kkwtp Posts: 3 Member
    Any suggestions on an Android C25K app? I pulled it up on GooglePlay and there are several developers of the app, so I am a bit overwhelmed in which one to pick.
  • cinemafromage
    Any suggestions on an Android C25K app? I pulled it up on GooglePlay and there are several developers of the app, so I am a bit overwhelmed in which one to pick.

    I used C25k Pro by Guy Hoffman to start and it worked great for awhile. Later on around Week 6 or so, it started resetting itself about the time I started my cool down phase which frankly....sucked. Could be my phone though, don't know. Up until then, it was simple and pretty great.
    I cant run for like 1 minute without feeling like Im about to die but I recently started the couch to 5k program (Im still at week one) and Im getting better but I always lose motivation in continuing so if I had someone going through the same thing Id keep on it 100%?

    To onirama, it *does* seem impossible some times, but push on and you'll be surprised how much you can do! My one tip, (did Week 9 Day 1 today) don't look ahead at the intervals on whatever app you're doing! Just buckle down and run when your app tells you and it helps take the fear out of it!
  • randisimplified
    Starting this TODAY. I am not a runner, never have been. I got talked into signing up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run which is being held in our area in mid-September, so this is my effort at getting ready for this challenge!
  • bloooms
    bloooms Posts: 17 Member
    I'm going to start either Saturday or Monday.. I haven't been feeling great, so if I am not feeling better by Saturday I am going to start Monday. I can run anywhere between 4-10 minutes at a time, depending on the day. I've started and stopped this program numerous times and plan to start on week 3, and do week 3 twice, week 4 twice then go on to week 5 and move forward from there so it should take me the same 9 weeks!
  • JPom83
    JPom83 Posts: 6 Member
    Last night I completed week 3, Day 1. I was terrified of making the jump from 90 seconds of running to 3 seemed impossible since I already felt like I was dying by the end of 90 seconds. I intended to repeat week 2 (for a 3rd time!), but decided to at least TRY it and see how far I could get. I did it! I am so excited, still, that I was able to finish! I'm taking it slow and repeating weeks to take it a little easier and help develop more stamina. I'm using the app C25K Free for the iphone, and I believe it's available for Android as well. You can do it, good luck!!!
  • WineVine
    WineVine Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, I'm in! Used to do the 10k's in the area, and I don't think I could run 10 minutes right now!
    I'll look into the c25k app...
  • islandpwp
    islandpwp Posts: 32
    Hi, not sure what couch to 5k is , but I joined a beginners running club this week and was surprised at how much further I ran with someone else, had only been doing run one lamppost to the next and walk the next one for a week.
    I'm 52 and finaly realising I CAN exercise, even enjoy it.
    good luck with your goal and keep in touch if you think we could help each other.
  • jealous_loser
    I really like C25K, I completed Week 5 last night and I am doing so much better than when I started. I keep looking at the intervals and going, there is no way I can do that! But I can and do!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I am on week 2 day 3, very excited... I encourage everyone to try it. I am 300+lbs and am having no problem so far. Good luck to everyone who is doing it. And those on the fence about it.... JUST DO IT!!!
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I will do it with you. When my friend and I first started, we did week one for almost a month. We started walking the whole thing, but we did run some of the intervals. I'm started over this week, and I'm going to try and run all the intervals. You got this!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am going to start it. I have been trying to do something similar on my own, just to start moving again. I just found out about it today, so I am going to get started.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I've downloaded but haven't started it yet, though I have been doing some of my own intervals as far as running until I'm exhausted, cooling off, and then starting over until 30 minutes have passed.

    Anyone is welcome to friend me, we can do this together!!!

    How cool would it be to run a 5k as an MFP group one day!?
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    Your post helped me so much, thanks!!! :flowerforyou: I've been wanting to do c25k for a while now. Just downloaded the app & looking forward to starting.
    I fisrt started learning to run back in September, and followed the same basic guidelines that c25k uses with interval training.

    I started the true c25k plan about 7 weeks ago, after taking almost two full months off from running. I had to start over again because I would get SO tired even after 90 seconds of jogging. I literally did not think I could do it. But I persevered and am so proud to say that Tomorrow I'm scheduled for week 6 day 2.

    I have to tell you, I am simply amazed at my endurance because before this, I literally was on the couch, not doing a damn thing, every day. Last week? I did week 5 day 3 which involves 20 straight minutes of jogging. And I DID it!

    So I'm here to say, if I can do it, anyone can do it. Just don't push yourself. If you feel you need to slow it down, then do it. If you have an iPod or smartphone, I highly recommend getting a c25k app that you can run in the background while listening to music. All you have to do is wait for the prompt to say "run" or "walk" and you won't even notice how long you're even running for until you suddenly hear "cool down". That sense of accomplishment feels great, so stick to it!! :smile: U can do it!
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    I just did Week 3, Day 2. I've loved the program so far and am encouraged by my progress so far. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to switch to 3 minutes as well but on Day 1 was able to do 2 1/2 minutes and then 3 minutes on the repeat interval. Last night I did Day 2 and had a bit of a harder time but it was my first night using a jogging stroller as well so I'm thinking that had something to do with it. I'll probably repeat this week.
    Any suggestions on an Android C25K app? I pulled it up on GooglePlay and there are several developers of the app, so I am a bit overwhelmed in which one to pick.

    I use RunDouble and haven't had any problems with it. It has a free two week trial and then it's $1.60 for weeks 3-9. I really like it because I can play my own music and when it's time to switch between intervals the program tells me my pace and how far I've gone.
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    Starting this TODAY. I am not a runner, never have been. I got talked into signing up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run which is being held in our area in mid-September, so this is my effort at getting ready for this challenge!

    so Starting Today, you ARE a runner . If you're putting those shoes on and going out the door, you're a runner.

    And just keep reminding yourself that no matter how slow you're going, you're always lapping everybody back home on the couch :wink:
  • kbmiller27
    kbmiller27 Posts: 70 Member
    You're very welcome! Have fun!! :happy:
    Your post helped me so much, thanks!!! :flowerforyou: I've been wanting to do c25k for a while now. Just downloaded the app & looking forward to starting.
    I fisrt started learning to run back in September, and followed the same basic guidelines that c25k uses with interval training.

    I started the true c25k plan about 7 weeks ago, after taking almost two full months off from running. I had to start over again because I would get SO tired even after 90 seconds of jogging. I literally did not think I could do it. But I persevered and am so proud to say that Tomorrow I'm scheduled for week 6 day 2.

    I have to tell you, I am simply amazed at my endurance because before this, I literally was on the couch, not doing a damn thing, every day. Last week? I did week 5 day 3 which involves 20 straight minutes of jogging. And I DID it!

    So I'm here to say, if I can do it, anyone can do it. Just don't push yourself. If you feel you need to slow it down, then do it. If you have an iPod or smartphone, I highly recommend getting a c25k app that you can run in the background while listening to music. All you have to do is wait for the prompt to say "run" or "walk" and you won't even notice how long you're even running for until you suddenly hear "cool down". That sense of accomplishment feels great, so stick to it!! :smile: U can do it!
  • DeniseofPA
    DeniseofPA Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe this fall when I can hopefully afford the running shoes.....