Meal replacement shakes? good or bad?

Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
Do you feel they give you enough nutrients, and energy throughout your day.

And what meal replacement/shake do YOU drink.


  • sanchezgmc06
    sanchezgmc06 Posts: 8 Member
    A few years back i was taking the Herbalife shakes but then i still felt hungry so i would have to eat a protein bar with the shake. I think those are beneficial when you arent so hungry however i dont know about subsituting the shakes for a meal. I dont think i would do it again.

    I have also tried the slim fast shakes but i can taste all the preservatives (ew) so that did not work for me.
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    I am trying the SlimFast meal replacements at lunchtime - so far I find the shakes not really enough to take away the hunger. The chocolate crunch bars are a little more effective.
    Possible reasons might be either that the shake does not involve actually eating and chewing anything, so it doesn't feel like a meal or that it is finished too quickly, before the hunger is sated.
    The bar does involve chewing and does take a little longer to finish.
  • jfatheree78
    jfatheree78 Posts: 78 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology for nearly 4 months. I love it. It's all natural, no preservatives, plant based and it tastes good.. well, at least the chocolate one tastes good! It keeps me full for about 3 hours. It's a little costly, but worth it to me considering all the good ingredients.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i will drink one occassionally, special k. they're fine and taste good, i prefer eating real food though
  • mawatkins71
    Im using Protizyme, you may want to look into that, Im very happy with the taste and also It makes me feel full. Good Luck to you!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ultim8fury
    ultim8fury Posts: 42
    The question I would ask is "is it sustainable for the rest of your life?" you will find you lose weight quicker on a supplement drink regime but what happens after that?

    That's not to slight the supplement crowd but real food is better for you.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Im using Protizyme, you may want to look into that, Im very happy with the taste and also It makes me feel full. Good Luck to you!!!:flowerforyou:

    Is it from
  • richcreighton
    Break out your meals to 5 times a day and a meal replacement shake for one of those times is fine. I am using Dymatize Whey Protein powder as part of my shake. Remember, by eating the proper portions 5 times a day, you should never feel hungry other than when you wake up in the morning. Keep track of your macros as myfitnesspal offers and you should be doing just fine.
  • sarrylove
    sarrylove Posts: 88
    I have been drinking Shakeology for nearly 4 months. I love it. It's all natural, no preservatives, plant based and it tastes good.. well, at least the chocolate one tastes good! It keeps me full for about 3 hours. It's a little costly, but worth it to me considering all the good ingredients.

    I also do shakeology and feel the same way!!! Give me all the nutrients I need without all of the preservatives and does keep me full!!! I was skeptical about the price at first, but totally worth it to me!
  • Yelbita
    Yelbita Posts: 9
    I started using nutrilife meal replacement shakes and they have helped me feel full and curb my cravings. According to their description "Each shake provides 35% of the Daily Value of 24 vitamins and minerals." If you wanna learn more just go to the link below, click nutrition, "weight management" and it should be the first product on the list. The reason I used that one is because thats the IBO i purchased it form. (SN: The meal replacement bars are good too!) Good luck.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology for nearly 4 months. I love it. It's all natural, no preservatives, plant based and it tastes good.. well, at least the chocolate one tastes good! It keeps me full for about 3 hours. It's a little costly, but worth it to me considering all the good ingredients.

    Have you had any luck with the other flavors? (I don't like chocolate stuff like that.. no chocolate cake, or cookies, or ice cream, nothing of that sort.. yuck)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Why not just eat a meal? Unless you can't control your portions or you need it for medical reasons, I don't see the point. What happens if you stop using the shakes? Can you control portions then? I used Slim Fast years ago and it only taught me that I was wasting my money when I could have been buying and eating healthy food to begin with.
    I don't think they are bad for you, I just think they are a waste of money.
  • friend2cptsolo
    friend2cptsolo Posts: 29 Member
    So what's in a Slim Fast diet shake?

    The 4 main ingredients are skim milk, sugar, fructose, and cocoa. In other words, milk, sugar, and sugar. Other ingredients include various vegetable oils, emulsifiers, and a dubious vitamin blend.

    A 375ml (1.5 cups) shake contains 12 grams of protein -- slightly less than what you'd obtain drinking the same amount of 1% low-fat milk.

    This same shake contains 38 grams of carbohydrates -- 20 grams more than if you drank the equivalent amount of 1% low-fat milk (with those additional carbs coming from the added sugar).

    Considering that milk contains significant amounts of vitamins A and D, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc, I'd suggest that you chuck the Slim Fast shakes (vitamin blend and all), and simply drink milk instead.

    Ok. so what that is just Slim Fast.... I am not sure about the ingredients in other shakes but look and see what are the top 4 or 5 in the ingredients list. Why not just make a smoothy recipe and take a daily vitamin.
  • RamTX22
    RamTX22 Posts: 165 Member
    I use Syntha -6 as a protein supplement and or meal replacement especially for breakfast when I'm in a hurry, I also use chike from They both taste great , and are adequate meal replacements according to my nutritionist :)
  • jfatheree78
    jfatheree78 Posts: 78 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology for nearly 4 months. I love it. It's all natural, no preservatives, plant based and it tastes good.. well, at least the chocolate one tastes good! It keeps me full for about 3 hours. It's a little costly, but worth it to me considering all the good ingredients.

    Have you had any luck with the other flavors? (I don't like chocolate stuff like that.. no chocolate cake, or cookies, or ice cream, nothing of that sort.. yuck)

    The Tropical Strawberry also has a good flavor, but they use a different blend because it's vegan and it tends to be a little chalky in texture so I prefer the Chocolate. Many people also like the Greenberry, but I find it a little too "natural" tasting for my liking. =)

    And to all you Nay Sayers.. There is nothing wrong with replacing a meal with a shake or a smoothie. If you are making one that is all natural with healthy ingerdients it's as good as eating any other food. No one says you HAVE to drink it every day to lose weight, or that it has to be for the purpose of weight loss. For me, it's a quick easy breakfast that is a lot more nutritious than many regular food options. Just saying...
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    I use a protein drink but not as a meal replacement. It's a post-workout drink and I love the taste and versatility of the Vi-Shake.
    Great source of protein and jam packed full of nutrient ... and it makes me feel like a million bucks :smile:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'd rather eat a healthy nutritious meal! I have on rare occasion opted for a meal replacement shake if I'm out running errands and didn't have time to stop and eat a proper meal........but food trumps a shake in the can any day!
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    I use shakes as post workout snacks, or as a snack replacement. I typically go with Weight Watcher's smoothies, Arbonne chocolate or even GNC Lean Shake.
    If I have enough calories to play with for that snack, I use milk and peanut butter to get a good boost of protein.

    I would not ever just replace all my meals with them. They completely lack the nutrients to keep your hair, skin, nails and everything else in good condition. As a hairdresser I see clients often who have terribly thinning, dry hair and a lot of times its from poor diet. One specific woman had been on a liquid diet of protein shakes for 6 months. Her hair is just wrecked.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I use Meal replacement shakes and have had good luck with it. I also eat a lot of veggies and proteins. But, do what works for you. That is all that counts. :smile:
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You have to have the right shake!! I would not recommend Herbalife or Slim Fast.

    I use Premier Protein, 160 calories, 30g protein, 3g fat and 1 gr sugar for 11 oz. Great way to help get in the protein you need without the fat and sugar. Also helps you stay full throughout the day!!!

    Just remember to drink your water!!!