Looking For a Support System

Hi everyone! I've been using MFP for a little over 3 months (this time around). This is the second time I've lost serious weight with the site. I've replied to several posts where other women were looking for a serious support system and have only found one person that is actually practicing what she preaches. I'm looking for female friends who are serious about their weight loss efforts and plan on using the site long term. I've found that MFP is much more enjoyable (less boring anyway) when I'm not going through the motions alone. Please add me if you like! :)


  • gvroxie
    gvroxie Posts: 10
    I am new to the MFP site. I am taking a little block of time for the next few days trying to learn the site. I have friends supporting me with the weight loss but none of them have as much to lose and I do and none of them are much into computer forums.
    I am determined to lose the weight and keep it off this time.
  • michele2224
    Hello, I'm very new just started this past Sunday and so far seems pretty good! I like many others have done all diets seems like you lose fast at first and then it just stops, I hope that keeping track & seeing what i'm eating will work for me. I am planning on doing this and being dedicated and just like you I can use some support as well!
  • along52111
    Welcome gvroxie! Hope you enjoy the site! It has a lot to offer! :) Add me as a friend if you like!
  • along52111
    Hi Michele! Please add me as a friend if you want! I'd love to share in your weight loss journey. :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I will be glad to add you ladies! You can never have enough support:):smile:
  • along52111
    Well, one thing about it is that MFP helps you to make friends all over the world. :) If someone becomes a hinderance you can always DELETE them without having to worry about hurting their feelings. lol. I don't do well dieting with local friends either. It seems that they always want you to hold their hand every second of every day or they want you to do it for them, which isn't possible. I hope you find new friends here. MFP users don't seem to be the type to need their hands held or for others to do it for them. :) Add me if you like.
  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    Im on Day 8 here and seriously motivated for health reasons and have hit my first goal already I track everything I watch what I eat and I do as much excersies as my heart will allow me. I find the forums and support here to be wonderful and I love having the ap on my phone so its easier to track everything im doing and eating. If anyone would like to add me I am commenting and cheering you on and support every effort you make to get healthier.
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    We all need support feel free to add me
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    I've sent my request to you. I feel the same way, I'm here for the long haul. This is a great place to get support and there's always someone to give you the boost when needed!
  • jenypri
    jenypri Posts: 46
    You are definitely in the right place if you are looking for support. Everyone here is willing to become your personal cheerleaders, Me included. Feel free to add me as a friend.
    The health battle is a consistent one and you want great people on your side!
    HERES TO THE JOURNEY!!!:drinker:
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Feel free to add me too, I have a great team of ladies that have come together to support each other. They are very inspiring and encouraging. :smile:
  • kristys2013
    I agree with you, doing it alone never worked out for me . I need a push or/and support :D
  • Amanda92385
    Amanda92385 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I've been using MFP for several months now. I was a bit remiss after being on vacation but I'm trying to get back into it and reach my goal. I'm definitely interested in being a support - I think I need it this time around too. I find it easier if I have someone to talk to about it, push me and me push them and help you keep going on the days when you're like uuugh I soooo don't feel like working out today. I'm hoping to reach my goal before the end of September and then continue with the site to help me maintain and track my eating and make sure i'm not creeping back up. Definitely add me if you're interested in supporting/partnering up :).
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sending a request now :)
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    Hi there! I'm definitely serious about getting healthy. I've already lost 66 lbs, and have another 10 to 15 to go. I love giving support to those that are serious in this journey :)
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Anyone, and everyone...feel free to add me too!

    We can all use supportive friends on this life journey.
  • jasminecandle
    Feel free to add me as well!
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    Um....YES!!! I practice what I preach! I am close to where I want to be and continue to kick butt! I watch ever morsel that goes in my mouth and I exercise DAILY! I encourage my pals to do the same if they want results. I also think having an open diary is the way to keep it real. People who don't are only lying to themselves. I log everything, good or bad, although there is rarely bad.

    I will say that the last few days, I have been going through some emotional things, so I am forcing myself to stick with both plans, but doing it none the less. Feel free to add.

    Please send message with request. :)