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Did you take pictures?

consumone Posts: 139 Member
So I started this journey about 12 days ago and I am doing awesome. I have not had my picture taken in over a year and than it was just a few to keep my daughter happy because it was her wedding. Before that it was honestly 20 years ago. I always said it would take my soul away, but honestly I thought I would break the camara.

Well as I look at some of the success stories I see before and after pictures. Is anyone taking before pictures, I am honestly scared to but maybe reality will set in and I will admit I can do this and maybe I will be just as beautiful as some of these other women and men?

Oh and I am always looking for support, I am desperately trying to boost my ego at the same time as this weight loss. Been through a lot of crap and I know I am a good and beautiful person, but I just don't believe it. So if you are so inclined, please help me as much as I would like to help you.

Let me know - did you take a picture? Do you think this is important?



  • No I did not. I think it's important if you're planning to lose a lot of weight. If it's only 10-20 pounds, I don't think it's important.
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    I didn't take a picture and wish I really had. I avoided the camera like the plague. I kept it in my hand so I was taking pictures and not having mine taken, but know I don't have a whole lot to do any kind of before and after. Take one for later or for motivation now!
  • skinnyBellgirl
    skinnyBellgirl Posts: 9 Member
    I did. Not that I'll ever show anyone, but I wanted to have a reference point. It was important to me : )
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I took one, and it was quite awful to look at honestly...but I am SOO thankful I did...on the days that i am self-loathing, feeling like I have accomplished nothing..I look back on that picture, best motivator EVER.

    My before pic has been one of the best boosts I have done so far, so go take some pics!!! One day you will be very happy you did- promise!
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    I did it. I used the camera on my phone and stood in front of the mirror in my undies and took one front, side, behind and then with clothes on. Then printed them straightaway and deleted them from my phone immediately. Definitely don't want them turning up anywhere until I'm 100lbs lighter! At the moment I'm the only one who's seen them.
  • ive got a picture of me at my brothers wedding 19 months ago and a picture of me now and i have had so many complements on how much i have lost
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I didn't take a before picture, but wish I had. All other pictures (so far, I've got a 10lbs down and a 20lbs down pic) I'm taking officially, in my swimsuit. My before picture DOES show my weight very clearly, and I never avoided photographs so there are plenty on Facebook, but I wish I'd got a before picture in my swimsuit so I could compare fully.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I didn't want to take pictures but I finally did. Since I'm not losing weight, just toning, it's hard to find a way to see if the work you're putting in is actually working. I joined a gym in the beginning of June but didn't start counting calories for another 2-3 weeks. I finally gave in and took a few pics on my phone about a week ago and then took some this morning to track my progress with the start of JM 30 Day Shred. So yes, I have before pictures and I won't even look at them!!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I don't have proper before pictures from my heaviest, although there are photos of me from that time. When I started on MFP I took a range of photos from different angles and different clothes. I've taken the same shots at two further intervals after losing a certain number of pounds. I'm so glad I did because they are so motivating. On days when I feel discouraged because the weight's coming off slowly, or measurements seem the same, or when I look in the mirror and can't see any difference, I look at the photos and am amazed at what a difference there is. I haven't shown the pictures to anyone else, and I may never do, but it's really been worth it.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I do not yet but I do plan on it. I have only been back on the wagon for almost 2 weeks now and I really need to. I had no problem taking my belly pictures when I was pregnant but heave if I can get myself to do it now. Maybe I will go home tonight and have the hubby do it. I would love to take one in my underwear for personal viewing of the change but I know that will not happen. I think I will take it in a form fitting tank top and a pair of shorts or my work out pants. I like to use the same clothing all the time so you can really tell.
    You can do this and you ARE worth it.
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Take pictures offer and actually look at them. They're more important than a number on a scale. You'll be glad you took pictures once you reach a point you're happy with. I use pictures/the mirror way more than the scale these days. I'd rather look healthy than simply hit some number I pulled out of thin air.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I regret not taking pictures of me at my highest weight. I have only 1 or maybe 2, and they don't really show my body. I lost 42 lbs, and it's sometimes difficult to see the changes without having anything to compare to.

    You don't have to share those pictures if you're not comfortable, but I do recommend taking them, just as a record.
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    I did, but I was so embarrassed that I really only got my face. Now I really wish I had taken a full body shot for comparison!
  • Hi all, my first post here :)

    I took pictures the first time I lost and I was glad I did. This time around, I'm using those same photos to get me back down to where I was before I gained 30 lbs back.
  • I think it is important to take before pictures. You will know what you have accomplished and it will remind you of how you never want to go back. You except the before and love the after :) take those pictures
  • I did but just for myself! I will probably never show anyone!
  • myrnaa1
    myrnaa1 Posts: 3
    Not yet but I am planning on it.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I didn't and I wish I had!
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    I didn't as like you didn't want to take the picture see it or have a record of it. But now nearly a year on i really regret i think it would be great to see how far I've come, have few pics can compare, but would have like one in my gym gear or something. Once you start loosing take photos as i find something hard to see the changes in the mirror but when in a photo it seems to sink in more. Good on you to doing this, it takes time but you get ther and it is so worth it.
  • kazoooo8
    kazoooo8 Posts: 71
    A picture is what got me here actually :) A picture was taken of me and my daughter-in-law at her baby shower and I looked more pregnant that she did. I knew I had to do something. I haven't taken stripped down pictures and I want to. I'm actually a photographer and I avoid being in front of the camera at all costs!!! My daughter told me once that my grandchildren were not going to remember what I looked like in my 40s cuz there are hardly any pictures of me!!