How do people cope on 1200 calories p/d?!



  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    Im on 1200 calories p/d but my net is 1060 sometimes 900.. I never eat my workout calories back and i feel just fine never hungry..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was on 1450. I feel like I am starving to death. There doesn't seem to be enough choices to fit into 1450 a day. I've just bumped them up to 1550. Sigh. It sure gets harder the closer you get, huh? I'm about ready to give up. Seriously.

    Give up? And do what?

    It's pretty simple really. If you want to eat more, eat more and lose more slowly (which honestly seems more practical than giving up altogether) or exercise so you can "earn" more calories and still stay at 1200 net.
  • tckldpnk
    tckldpnk Posts: 6
    I just started on the 1200 calories per day and my stomach growls like it never has before, lol. It's shocking to me how many calories I was eating before this. I couldn't even eat an entire snack sized bag of trail mix today for fear of going over my 1200 mark. But I know that I have to make better decisions about what I eat. Fruits, veggies, protein and 8 glasses of water will keep you full.
  • christopherpm
    christopherpm Posts: 75 Member
    You've got 180 calories in your morning coffee alone. That's a couple of snacks. You could try substituting for either a regular black coffee which would be 3 calories, or 12 calories if you had it with skimmed milk.

    Also, I notice that in today's diary, you had a lot of pre-packaged stuff - try making your own lunches and dinners.
  • Cornn
    Cornn Posts: 11
    I'm on 1200 a day and at first I felt a little hungry at the end of the day but my body adjusted. One thing that really helps is that I drink 72 + ounces of water a day and that helps to fill you up. Also, I make sure to eat foods that I know will keep me feeling full, especially protein. I also work out four days a week and eat those extra calories. I never feel hungry at the end of the day now.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    i was just asking this yesterday when thanks to a midnight snack i ate on monday, i was left with around 1200 calories for tuesday. first 2 meals were fine but the last meal i was trying to think of what to eat with only 200 caloies left.

    i ended up waking this morning and eating a huge breakfast
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    The doc actually put me on 1200 c/p/d...

    I feel alot better cutting out processed foods...
    eat alot "greener" or "purer"
    The doc also told me to cut wayyyy back on carbs (this is helping on so many levels, more energy, chronic pain, so no flaming please)
    When I eat salad, I usually don't log it, but I log everything else, because no one got fat from eating too much lettuce LOL
    (but thats my theory)

    some days its easier than others, but I really am happy with it, and it's working for me! :)

  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Exercise n you earn more :) I eat quite a bit per day, (sometimes not so good choices) but I earn the calories I eat.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I am still losing @ 1800 calories a day btw, so you don't HAVE to eat 1200 to lose =)

    Agreed. I would starve at 1,200 per day. I usually exercise MORE just so I can eat more! =)
  • christopherpm
    christopherpm Posts: 75 Member
    Im on 1200 calories p/d but my net is 1060 sometimes 900.. I never eat my workout calories back and i feel just fine never hungry..

    You need to be careful with this, because your body could go into starvation mode which has a negative effect on your weight too.
  • JoanneRuddock
    JoanneRuddock Posts: 9 Member
    I haven't even gone over my 1200 allowance in the 2 weeks I have been here I am eating lots of fruit and salads I have one little chocolate treat a day which is a fun size milky bar and that's my limit I also haven't had a drop of alcohol in the time I have been on the diet but that will all change at then weekend when I am at a party
  • atregre1030
    I'm just getting started, but I definitely have to echo drinking PLENTY of water! Drink water before a meal and between them to start out a little fuller (and processing everything efficiently), then make sure you are getting lean protein (tofu can be VERY tasty!). Also, EXERCISE, go for an extra walk or hit the gym, whatever it takes to earn a few extra calories back :) Watch out for extra sugars (even in fruit), I am learning they are pure evil and I have a killer sweet tooth : )
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    The closer you get, the more you can eat, generally. You're on the right track. Don't give up now!
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    It's hard at first but after a while you realise how much food you eat out of bordem/greed rather then what your body actually needs
    This is how I feel. My goal is actually 1600-something but I rarely get to that, I hover around 1200-1400. I do it by only eating when actually hungry, not "just because" like I used to so much.
    Once I stopped eating out of boredom, I actually found myself rarely hungry and at the beginning I could barely get to 1200! It's amazing to find out what your body needs (or doesn't need, more accurately).
    Of course I started eating more the more I exercised and I have no problems getting to 1200 most days.
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    First off inner fat girl...I love your user name! I say all the time that I'm 500 pounds at heart. Secondly, I commend you for wanting to eat more than 1200 calories and not restricting yourself as much. However, you should really increase your protein. By doing that you may feel full longer.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    Mine is currently 1240, and even then there are days when I have to add a snack in to get it up high enough. I have never had a problem with feeling hungry. If I feel hungry and it's not mealtime, I drink water and it goes away. But when school starts, I may change my settings to make it higher. I just wonder how I'm going to eat more food...
  • thetrapezeswinger
    This thread is making me hungry.

    Yep, me too. Haha.

    At first, it was hard for me to stay at 1,400. After eating pretty clean for a while (very lean meat, LOTS of fruits and veggies, low-cal whole grain tortillas and breads, etc.,), I was ending most days with calories left over. I've since bumped myself down to just above 1,200 calories - and I still end up drinking a glass or two of organic milk before bed on some nights, to make sure I hit my mark.

    For me, it's not about how much I eat. I try to avoid large meals, in fact, so that I can avoid the temptation to overeat. I just eat constantly throughout the day and drink more water than should be humanly possible... Haha. You'll find that as you incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet, you'll be less hungry on less calories. Just my two cents.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    On days I don't work out I fast during the day and eat only dinner .. ever tried to eat 1200 cals of chicken breast and veg? I can't even eat that much. ; )
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    The first day I logged my foods, I wanted to lose weight as quickly as possible so I set my goal at 1200 calories per day. Trouble was, I was halfway through the day when I decided to start and had already put away 1100 calories by 3 or 4 o'clock. (I ate TONS of bread, cereal, and fruit, which although not necessarily junk food, adds up the calories quickly).

    So, I had 100 calories left for dinner. Lucky for me, my husband wasn't home that night so he couldn't make fun of my dinner. I made scrambled egg whites and had like 9 large shrimp, cold. I went 50 calories over so I hopped on the treadmill until the readout reached 50 calories (I understand that the readout is not always accurate, but hey, points for trying right?).

    Anyways, the best way to stay within 1200 is to cut out most grains. I know, that's not popular around here, but most breads, cereals, and pastas pack a LOT of calories. Have eggs for breakfast with fruit or veggies. For lunch, have salads with chicken or shrimp (I think a 3 oz chicken breast is around 100 calories. It's totally bland, but it's food, right?). For snacks, have carrots and celery and if you use any kind of dip/hummus, just put a tiny speck on each vegetable. I eat asparagus, squash, and zucchini cold and plain every day. For fruits, try to stick to berries and citrus instead of apples and bananas, which are like 100 calories each. A can of tuna is only like 100 calories- I have that for lunch a lot. I also have scrambled eggs for dinner every time my husband works late or is out so he won't make fun of me. Sweet potatoes with cinnamon are also a great, filling snack.

    If you stick to just lean proteins (tuna, chicken, turkey, shrimp, egg whites) and vegetables and just 1-2 servings of fruit a day, you can eat a LOT and still be under your calories. I think one egg's worth of whites are like 20 calories. A cup of broccoli is 33 calories. 9 large shrimp is around 100 calories. A cup of strawberries is around 50 calories. It's doable.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Exercise! Go for an hour-long walk in the morning or evening at a faster pace (like 4mph +) and earn some more calories. I am losing weight easily at 1550 net, and I hate rest days because I can't eat 2000-2200 like I do on run days. If I want more food, I work out.