new pic of me down 43 lbs.



  • Maribel
    Maribel Posts: 20
    Wow! You are my hero too!!! I just started-into my second week. I was bummed out today because after losing 3 lbs on my first week, I gained one this week (I might have snuck in some extra calories), and then I see your post, you have truly inspired me--all of you. . You look fabulous! Please, please enjoy it--that goes for everyone. Think, how many times have we lost weight and then been so obsessed with the fact that we had more to go that we did not really revel in our present accomplishments. I am going to take my own advice. I got started on this website because I lost 10 lbs in one year (walking a lot) and figured, lets do it. Let's keep going. I am 5'3 and weigh 143 lbs. This is the lowest that I have weighed in years, so I will cut myself some slack about that 1 lb. When I turned 30, I gave myself ten years to get down to 135lbs. I am 35 years old and I am going to make this the year to get down to 125lbs! Thanks to this site and all of you. By the way, my secret to working out everyday? We got rid of cable (actually, we have no tv--only dvds for the kids) four months ago. I joined the YMCA two weeks ago and I religiously go to the gym (daily) for one hour, sometimes, 1 1/2 because I get on the machines with cable tv. It is the best motivation ever. I get my TV fix and burn an average of 350 calories a night. Warmly and In-solidarity, Maribel
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I have been lucky. I really haven't hit a platuae as of yet. I just stuck to the recommended caloric intake this site recommended . I added more fiber ,more water, fruits and veggies like everyone on this site recommends. Ate more fish, chicken, ground turkey, cut out red meat and switched alot of my favorites to the lite or reduced fat version. As far as exercise I am a head custodian at an elementary school so I started working harder there by washing walls,etc. and doing some of things we usually don't do until summer cleaning and told myself you are burning calories, do more, you are burning calories. Our school has never looked so good. Also alot of physical yard work as it has been warm here in Georgia for a couple of months and my dog has been getting alot of workouts going for walks with me. I guess my mind and body were ready for this change because it has been easy and I can honestly say I have never had a cheat day or even felt like I needed one. I also only have to feed myself and not a family as my husband takes care of his own meals because we work different shifts and I have no kids at home. When you only have to look after yourself I think it is alot easier to make changes in what you eat as I don't have to worry whether anyone else will like what I cooked.

    Not only did you benefit--greatly--but your school did, too! Awesome!
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    :drinker: congratulations!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    That's awesome. Congratulations!
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Woot woot!!!