Hi everyone. About 2 months ago I was very motivated and going to the gym every second day. I went on a weekend vacation about a month ago and cant seem to get back on track since. I find myself not motivated to go to the gym and I seem to be always eating bad food and indulging on sweets. I feel so guilty while I am eating it but I just cant seem to find healthy food that I like. I get cranky everyday towards my boyfriend because I want to eat bad food (fast food). I hate feeling like this ughhh! I need motivation!!!!


  • ninabeia929
    Feel free to add me! I finally have my mind set and staying focused this time around...
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    Oh hunny you are singing my tune. It's so easy to spiral into the comfort of all the "bad" habits that just are so damn easy!!! Don't fret. All you need is one day in the right direction. Motivate for one measly part of one day and you will get the bug back.
  • neverquit16
    I am trying to over come this now. I forced my workout today and usually I could go for an hour on the Gazelle easy. It was like pulling teeth for 30 minutes... :ohwell:
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Here here sister!! After we got back from vacation in May it was so hard to get back it, and in the beginning of may I just finished Insanity.. That was up early 6 days a week working out for almost an hour then I can't get back at it.. And I would get cranky with my husband cause I wasn't working out and eating bad, but couldn't get back at it.. I love good food, junk food, fast food, chips, soda, etc.. So I started slowly.. Worked back on cutting things out and for my workouts I got back to doing something I enjoyed instead of just working out just to workout.. I enjoyed fast walking on the treadmill on an incline while watching or listening to something, but I wasn't running and I wasn't busting my butt doing a DVD.. Feel free to add me.. Slowly but Surely
  • khatzke
    khatzke Posts: 5 Member
    Just make yourself do it. I've been there, done that so many times and I can honestly say I never regret getting to the gym even when I'd rather be sitting on my butt doing anything else but working out. Hang in there and remember how good you were feeling when you were working out.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    If you're having a trouble finding yummy healthy food then it means you haven't tried enough healthy food. Go for an adventure and find that health food store. Best of luck to you :)
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    Try 1 meal at a time, and don't beat yourself up if you do have something "not good for you" just try to keep it within your macros. (Like today I had a Reeses cups...because I wanted them).

    I gave up cheese for my substance abuse treatment class (I'm becoming a counselor, I'm not in treatment...have to clarify because people get confused). We had to give up something we really enjoyed and used/ate/drank/did everyday, and it SUCKS. The first 2 weeks all I did was think about cheese, I was a cranky *kitten* because I wanted cheese, and after those 2 weeks... i kind of stopped noticing and stopped craving it for the most part. I have it back in my diet, but there are a lot of things I used to eat cheese on that i don't anymore.

    Point is, it will get easier, don't call a day a complete and total loss if you have fast food once during that day, allow yourself to have it and just work harder at the gym, other meals, etc so you can have it. The biggest problem people make with diets is the deprive themselves, which makes them more likely to binge, and more likely to binge on what they've been depriving themselves of.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Its the same for me! I was going strong. Maybe too strong. I exercised 5 times a week and ate clean food only. I did this for about two months and then i had received a full time position my work and now do not have the energy that i used to have. I'm slowly getting back into it, at least the food part. I always want my food to be different every day and flavorful. So buying a big thing of spinach actually really helped because i incorporated it in a few meals ( for one, a spinach salad with avocado, cucumber, slice of cheese that was cubed in, salt pepper and oil/balsamic, omelet with 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg with spinach and mushroom. No cheese and about an ounce of milk, etc!). Find foods that you really like and make them healthy! And save a cheat meal once a week (or one cheat day! I usually use these on my weekends). You need at least a cheat meal on a weekly basis to keep you sane! Haha.

    And when i was going strong, i decided that in order to get myself to the gym, after work i come home, change and go to the gym right away. And how i kept going everyday?? I made a strict rule that i must eat my dinner only AFTER i have been to the gym. I wanted to get it over with so i could eat, so i would rush there. Plus by the time you get home your starving and its almost as if it tastes even betterrrr (not to mention youll feel so much better and accomplished). p.s im not saying starve before you go to the gym, i would eat at around 3pm a little snack, and then id leave for the gym at around 5.
  • brookehutcheson28
    brookehutcheson28 Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same issue a while back....went on to visit my college buddies and spiraled out of control for over two months. It was this endless cycle of resolving to "do better tomorrow" and then beating myself up when I screwed up again. I realized that all my new, cute two sizes smaller clothes were not fitting as well, and that was it for me. All I could think was "YOU CANNOT GET THAT BIG AGAIN!!"

    I just re-focused on my goals and realized that I would never meet them if I continued to compromise. I read the other day that people who research and read up on fitness frequently tend to be much more successful than those who dont. Doing this has REALLY helped me get back into gear! Reading about other people's success will really inspire you to do better!

    good luck can get back on it!!!
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    The past month has been full of festivals and parties. I didn't exercise anywhere near like I should have. I ate so much crap it's embarrassing. But, today I told myself, it was time to crack down and I did. There's no more fests or parties coming up so I know I'll be OK. I took one thing to focus on and that one thing is my protein goal. As long as I get my exercise in and hit my protein goal, the rest should fall into place. You can do it! Just take it one step at a time and tell yourself there is no other choice but to get back on track.
  • Fasbold
    Fasbold Posts: 29
    We all ebb and flow in our level of motivation & desire. The key is consistency and taking those small steps everyday, eventually you reach your goal. It is not a race of speed but persistence. Fitness is best when you are the tortoise making continued progress, you will win. We all need days to slack off and enjoy a treat. Indulge in the junk, if you really crave it, but in moderation. You have to judge how well you are focused on each day and for me, I find it easier when I plan my morning and get things ready before I go to bed and it sets the tone for the whole next day. Hang in there! We all have our struggles.
  • pedestrianista
    yes, i totally know what that's like! just coming off a similar situation myself...had a family visitor for a weekend, went out to eat a lot, and long story short, got off track for well over a month. i hated that i had just started to make progress when i lost my i am five pounds up and working my butt off just to get back to where i started. it's been a few days and feels really great...just remember how good it feels to eat right and exercise -- much better than the instant gratification of a binge on bad food! you can do it -- make good decisions for one solid day and you'll get back on track in no time. good luck!
  • churchrh
    churchrh Posts: 1 Member
    You had motivation to exercise and eat healthy foods, then there will be a point in time when you will get back to an exercise habit. When you get back into the new groove, just remember what happend the last time and let it be extra motivation to not let yourself get off of the track.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Awh your'e so not alone. This is why I exercise in my room! I can never get to a gym. xD I have lots of super fit friends that never leave their room either! Also, as for healthy foods, everything tastes bland at first but if you ween yourself off junk the healthy stuff starts tasting good and you don't feel deprived. I haven't had anything as bad as mcdonalds or burger king for a while, and although I still eat subway and panda express and things like that, fast food is a once a week thing (although it's not that I spend a lot of time cooking, I just grab healthy things and mix them together) and now I don't like fast food anymore. It's worth a shot, easier than it sounds to change your tastebuds. :)