Heart Rate Monitor

Hello Everyone! Currently I try to workout everyday; I usually do about 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical/treadmill) and then I try to fit in the 30DS. I also attend a 1-hr Zumba class once a week. I have quite a few MFP friends that use a HRM to get an accurate number for calories burned. I have just been using the number of calories burned from the equipment that I use - it gives a readout. Can anyone reccomend a decent, but not bulky HRM to use? I don't want anything to complicated and I do not need it to sync up with MFP. I will adjust my calories from exercising as needed. I also do not want to spend a boat load of money - I was hoping to stay under $80. I simply just want it to tell me how many calories I am burning. I never know my true burned calories and would like to start using a HRM. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • vegas711
    vegas711 Posts: 92 Member
    I use a Polar F7 been very happy with it. they have one that is $80 and one that is $109 which I would recommend that one. A touch more over your budget but does more things and can sync in with some gym equipment. Good Luck!
  • Thanks for the input!
  • I have the polar ft7 and love it, my dad recenctly got one as well. I bought mine through ebay for about $70.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I've been using a fitbit for the last few weeks.... It monitors distance/steps, not intensity, but I think it gives a safer amount of calories burned throughout the day.... To each their own, though. I used a Polar FT4 for a while and liked it -- I'd rather monitor my activity all day though, than just during my hour or two workout! :-)
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    Polar FT4.....love it.
  • Ok everyone thanks! I will check out the Polar ones. I am just really wanting to monitor calories burned during my exercises....thanks for the input guys!