Does anyone else HATE exercising?



  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    Once I get past the first 15 minutes, I enjoy it.
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    Try TurboFire workout DVDs , they are a BLAST and a HUGE calorie burner!

    ^^ This. However, I find the trouble with getting motivated to get downstairs and turn it on :wink: but once I do - I just LOVE it!!!!
  • i hate, i mean HATE it..
  • I don't enjoy the thought of exercising. I have tried so many different things and finally discovered cycling/spinning classes at my gym. They are a group class but you can do your own amount of tension and go as fast or slow as needed. i love it. I tell everyone I have a love/hate relationship with. I hate going thru the process of exercise but love it when I have finished it. i feel like I accomplished something.
  • Hi there,

    YES I hate going to the gym. But no I don´t hate working out.
    There are many ways to make your life easier when it comes tho shedding a few pounds.
    It's not easy thou you need to find something you love it took me 12 years and I found jiujitsu and trained 3 hrs a day got strong, made amazing friends, had FUN FUN FUN.
    So get out there, try new things, walk with friends, ride a bike, clean your house, go out and instead of drinking dance, DVD maybe right for you since your are short in cash at the moment. Be inventive. No one really hates to work out. Too many people hate the gym.

  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i love working out!
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    It's not that I really "hate" exercising. I just get so bored. I'd love to join a gym but we can't afford that just yet. Also, I have no car until further notice!

    Huh. I'd say the gym is probably one of the more boring exercises (excluding classes etc). I still enjoy it though. I absolutely love running... if I didn't, I wouldnt do it. Why not look into some sports? Maybe if you found a sport you enjoyed you wouldnt hate exercising so much...
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I never seem to workout as hard at the gym as I do outdoors or in my own living room. I don't know why that is, but it just seems to be the way I am. I love doing turbo jam, the orginal. Bought Turbo Fire for christmas, but I usually always pop in Turbo jam cause it has become a staple workout for me. The trick to falling in love with excercise is finding the ones that you like to do. I went through so many vids in my quest to find the ones that I like. I also love outdoor cardio the best. Walking, biking, swimming, and yardwork are my favs. When it takes you two hours to mow the lawn with an old push mower I count that as a workout LOL.Youtube has a great many workout vids too. The Butt Bible is on there and a few dance and kickboxing vids. I troll around there a lot to find new workouts and not get bored with what I am doing. There are days where I am just not feeling it, but once I get started I feel great.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I have never liked "exercising" but I don't look at what I do as exercising. I look at as an activity, a fun activity. I love to walk, one reason is just because I love looking at things around me in nature. I also like to snap photos. I have a bicycle but it isn't much fun for me unless I am actually going somewhere like an errand. I don't just like riding it out to a point and riding it back. I now kayak but only because I rent a tiny room in a big house that is on the river. So my rent is very low and I have the blessing of the river and a borrowed kayak from my sister.

    I love the effect of exercising and I know what I do is actually exercise but it is fun for me. I also love swimming but I don't mind a regular pool for that. If you have a YMCA in your area they actually allow you to join for much less if your income is lower. You could check that out. They usually have really good gyms with free-weights and machines.

    Hope this helps you. Oh one more "fun" thing I realized I could do lastnight and that is dance, I love to dance to my music from the 70's and 80's especially. But whatever you like, you can make a playlist at all free. Then set up your tunes to play(it will go through the whole playlist if you set it that way)and dance, even in a smaller space you can burn a lot of calories. Any activities you do like housecleaning, making beds, bending, kneeling, running after kids:laugh: is burning calories! Many of those activities are listed on MFP cardiovascular. I'll help you with figuring out how many you burn doing what if you need it:) denise:drinker: :drinker:

    Lots of people love gyms and socializing though so there are some choices for every persons preference;)
    It's not that I really "hate" exercising. I just get so bored. I'd love to join a gym but we can't afford that just yet. Also, I have no car until further notice!
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    I hate eating right.
  • ssvierck
    ssvierck Posts: 4
    I hate everything about exercising. I am not lazy. I do walk, and love to swim. But I dont have the drive to join a club and when I did, I just wasted the money and paid for something I didnt use. I dont have a pool so swimming is out unless I drive an hour to a beach or pay the dues to join a club. Its not only boring fot me; I dont feel any better by doing it. I ache afterwards. I have MS and it makes it even more difficult to want to do it.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    HRM don't measure correctly during weight training. They are meant for use during aerobic exercise.


    I'ver never heard this before. It measures your heart rate..... why would it not work correctly during weight training? Theoretically it should measure your heart rate whether it is low or high....
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    YES, IHATE IT. The only thing I enjoy is walking, so I walk a lot. If i'm not in the mood or it's raining or snowing, Dara Dog soon makes me get up and go,
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    AMEN! Glad Im not the only one... I still have not learned to love exercising. But what I do know is I never regret doing it once Im done. Problem is, getting my butt into gear. I go to the gym before work twice a week on a good week and thats because unfortunately I can only seem to get an open cardio machine at 4am! Lately... Ive been making walking/jogging dates with a girlfriend. I am then held accountable to be there when I said I would, and I never want to flake because I know she will never let me live it down. So committing to meeting her is whats keeping me going right now. AND, I recently discovered a neighborhood with 225 stairs which is a lot more entertaining than the gym :) Happy sweating!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I hate being fat more.
    So I find a way to move my butt: gym, DVD, getting outside.
    LOVE IT!!!
  • I'm trying so hard to start exercising...Can't seem to get off the couch...I've been doing good with my eating tho...
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    HRM don't measure correctly during weight training. They are meant for use during aerobic exercise.


    I'ver never heard this before. It measures your heart rate..... why would it not work correctly during weight training? Theoretically it should measure your heart rate whether it is low or high....

    No the HRM uses an algorithm to calculate calories burnt from aerobic exercise. It assumes you are undertaking aerobic exercises and that your heart rate hasn't increased due to other factors. Relaxing in a sauna for an hour will keep your heart rate elevated yet you won't burn extra calories. Other heart rate accelerators:
    Excitement, shock, fear, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine etc
  • zummy123
    zummy123 Posts: 3
    The trick to exercise is finding something you like to do that makes you active and stick with that.

    The Gym isnt for everyone, do what you love and it is not a chore.

  • Marks281172
    Marks281172 Posts: 127 Member
    I love eating, and exercise means i can eat more and not gain lard so for that reason alone i love it :)
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    The key to working out is to find which activity/ies you actually enjoy doing. For me, I HATE the gym, it is just sooo boring and sterile for me for some reason. Doing cardio at the park I find much more enjoyable as I get a chance for nice scenery and fresh air. But now, finally, I have found my ultimate exercise which is bikram yoga, I love it so much, I look forward to it almost every day!

    Why don't you try out different things (swimming, raquet ball, spinning, zumba, a work out class of some sort, etc) and eventually I am sure you will find something that you actually enjoy and makes working out not so much work anymore. :-)