Confused about food/calorie intake; Help appreciated. =)

I'm from the southern U.S. What you can take from that information is that I had no clue how to eat properly at all. I'm not sure I do even now. =/ MFP is different from the program I used before so I am confused about how much I should be eating. When I work out it adds those calories in and from what I have read online you can't let your calories get too low or you will accidentally sabotage yourself. My diary is open (Although I just joined a few days ago so it only has a few days in it) and I will happily give any info that's needed to help me figure this out. Reading about this stuff on the net gets muddled to say the least. (Please link me to any articles you think would enlighten me as well=)

So, should I make sure to eat at least 1200 even when working out? My limit is 1480 from MFP and I try to burn 300 calories or more a day and when I do that it adds another 300 on to it. I suppose I don't really understand the deficit as my last program didn't have that feature. I can't eat dairy, pork, or beef because of health issues so I mostly eat lean chicken, vegetables, brown rice, brown pasta, and fruit (berries, bananas, and plums right now). I don't eat bread because it's a weakness for me and my diet is actually low in meat. I have a sweet tooth and I purchase (on sale because I'm cheap like that) low calorie snack packs to augment what I eat (that are as dairy free as I can get lol). So, I guess I would like you to help me figure out if I'm A.) eating enough and B.) eat as correctly as I can.

Thanks so much for anyone who takes the time to read this. I want to lose weight AND be healthy. I don't want to accidentally screw myself up (Also, I had to cancel my health insurance because I can't afford it; so I, unfortunately, cannot easily consult a physician about this matter).


  • chloenmiller
    chloenmiller Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! Okay so since your "limit" is 1480, MFP is basically recommending that for your lifestyle, height, weight, etc. that you need to eat that many calories to lose however many lbs that you want to lose. You aren't supposed to eat less than that, as your body can go into "starvation mode" is consistently eating less than that.
    Okay, so say you already ate all your calories for the day (1480) and you decided to go on a nice jog that burns your 300 calories that you ideally want to burn each day... (1480-300) That puts you back 300 calories which means you need to eat back those 300 calories. (1180+300=1480) MFP is not super exact or anything, but just try and stay around what it recommends to eat, and you should be fine!

    And as for your diet, make sure you are getting enough fat, (healthy fats, though!). Also if you get sick of what you eat, venture out to a whole foods store or something and just browse and see if there's anything you might like! Quinoa is pretty good, (it's a grain),and easy to cook.. Also, oats and oatmeal! Oatmeal, oat bran, all that stuff.. Try that! Very filling! Make sure you get it without added sugar, you can always put some fruit in or drizzle some honey on it! Also, greek yogurt is great for protein! Make sure to get a low/nonfat type (Fage is amazing!) and add some fruit or something! :happy:
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    Hi! :) Chloe already did a pretty good job explaining the calories and eating back your exercise calories. Just be sure you have your information in correctly, what your lifestyle is without working out, and how much you want to lose per week. MFP will not calculate anything over 2 pounds per week, because that would not be healthy.

    As to a couple of food suggestions. I see you eat yogurt. Have you tried Greek yogurt? I like to buy the plain nonfat, and add my own fruit (berries) and some honey. This will bump your calories AND your protein.

    As for cereal, look at something like Kashi - expensive, I know. Cinnamon Harvest is a yummy one, and great with no milk. Post shredded wheat is less expensive, but doesn't have the cinnamon taste. Again, will help with calories, and I feel fuller when I eat those vs. the Special K....but that is, of course, personal preference.

    Try to get some more chicken and veggies in there.

    Read! Read! Read! There is a lot of great information in these forums....some not so great too - lol.

    Best wishes to you!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    Please read this as you start working on the new you. I wish someone had told me this when I started MFP in March. It is great info and will help you to figure out what to eat and why you need to eat more than you think. Do all the calculations he describes and you will have a true "road map" for losing the weight you want to lose. Good luck! Hope this helps!
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member

    Everything you need to know to succeed. Only other thing you need only you can provide.... Patience.

    Good luck!!
  • DantiaX
    DantiaX Posts: 23 Member
    Thank's guys for the help!=) I really appreciate it. I have learned so much about food over that last few months than I ever thought I would and it's seems like everyday I found out something I new.