One Month No Scale CHALLENGE

Do you weigh yourself every day, multiple times a day and want to stop? Well this challenge is for you. The next time we are allowed to weight ourselves is on August 19. So go hide your scales or do whatever you have to do (I went and took the batteries out of the scale and put them in the couch) (weird I know), Continue to check in especially when you’re struggling.


  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    Reasons why you shouldn’t weigh yourself every day

    1. The number you see on the scale doesn’t tell you the whole story. How much of that number is muscle, bones, organs, water, body fat, the food that you’ve eaten during the day?

    2. Your weight fluctuates daily after you drink water, after you eat (even healthy foods like broccoli, banana, whole wheat bread can cause you to feel bloated for a while), after using certain medications, after you work out, during your menstrual cycle (ladies), etc.

    3. During your workouts, you usually sweat a lot and you need to replenish these fluids drinking water during your session; this is another reason why you see a different number after your daily workout routine.

    4. If you’ve been lifting weights for a while then you are probably gaining muscle, which occupies less space than its equivalent weight in fat. Lean muscle looks better on your body, even if you don’t see a major change on the scale.

    5. Some people let this piece of equipment determine their mood for the rest of the day and it can cause stress which is never good for your body. Don’t let this number define you… You are much more than just a number.

    6. Post Workout Swelling: During your strength training session, your muscles fibers are tearing up (with proper nutrition, hydration and rest your body rebuilds them for a stronger you). After an intense workout, your blood rushes to the affected muscles to provide them with proper nutrients to recover and clear lactic acid. This is that “pump” effect you feel when you just finished weight lifting because your muscles are inflamed and this is temporary.

    7. The scale doesn’t measure the changes in your health. Focus on other benefits you are getting with your new active lifestyle like…

    •You feel more energy.
    •Your resting heart rate lowers.
    •Bone Density Improves.
    •Blood pressure and cholesterol levels improve.
    •You sleep better.
    •Clothes are fitting better.
    •Losing inches.
    •You can lift more weight (stronger).
    •Your range of motion increases (flexibility).
    •You can run more without stopping to walk.
    •Excellent yearly checkups with your doctor.

  • kat_renee
    kat_renee Posts: 131 Member
    This is me!! I'm in.

    SW 178.2
  • JMJ1983
    JMJ1983 Posts: 170 Member
    I would like to join too...I find myself becoming too OCD about it lately and it will be really motivational to see a big jump in a month's time on top of the other benefits and like you said, not letting a number define you!!!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Reasons why you shouldn’t weigh yourself every day

    1. The number you see on the scale doesn’t tell you the whole story. How much of that number is muscle, bones, organs, water, body fat, the food that you’ve eaten during the day?

    2. Your weight fluctuates daily after you drink water, after you eat (even healthy foods like broccoli, banana, whole wheat bread can cause you to feel bloated for a while), after using certain medications, after you work out, during your menstrual cycle (ladies), etc.

    3. During your workouts, you usually sweat a lot and you need to replenish these fluids drinking water during your session; this is another reason why you see a different number after your daily workout routine.

    4. If you’ve been lifting weights for a while then you are probably gaining muscle, which occupies less space than its equivalent weight in fat. Lean muscle looks better on your body, even if you don’t see a major change on the scale.

    5. Some people let this piece of equipment determine their mood for the rest of the day and it can cause stress which is never good for your body. Don’t let this number define you… You are much more than just a number.

    6. Post Workout Swelling: During your strength training session, your muscles fibers are tearing up (with proper nutrition, hydration and rest your body rebuilds them for a stronger you). After an intense workout, your blood rushes to the affected muscles to provide them with proper nutrients to recover and clear lactic acid. This is that “pump” effect you feel when you just finished weight lifting because your muscles are inflamed and this is temporary.

    7. The scale doesn’t measure the changes in your health. Focus on other benefits you are getting with your new active lifestyle like…

    •You feel more energy.
    •Your resting heart rate lowers.
    •Bone Density Improves.
    •Blood pressure and cholesterol levels improve.
    •You sleep better.
    •Clothes are fitting better.
    •Losing inches.
    •You can lift more weight (stronger).
    •Your range of motion increases (flexibility).
    •You can run more without stopping to walk.
    •Excellent yearly checkups with your doctor.

    THIS^^^^^THIS^^^^^ AND THIS^^^^^
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    I'm in :)
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    You guys can post different articles and what not to remind us why we shouldn't weigh ourselves offend
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I'm not fully in...still have to weigh in Monday, and next Sat at the start of my vacation, but after that I will happily go scaleless until my son's birthday in August!
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    Post your stats below

    On 8/19/2012 my goal is to be 112
  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    I've already been doing this for about 20 days... but I can definitely add on another 30!! =)

    I'd decided against weighing myself until I look the way I want to look and feel the way I want to feel about my body.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    I'll jump on that wagon, I'm terrible when it comes to the scale, I've started hiding it in the bathroom cupboard but if I want to go 30 days might have to take the batteries out and make someone hide them lol.

    Oh and I guess
    Cw 123.2
    Bf% 25.9

    (I'm focusing more on trying to loose bf more then weight but would still like to get down to 115 eventually)
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    I've already been doing this for about 20 days... but I can definitely add on another 30!! =)

    I'd decided against weighing myself until I look the way I want to look and feel the way I want to feel about my body.

    20 days! how did you do it?
  • SmallBodyBigHeart
    Anyone else wants to join?
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Cw: 173.0
    Gw: 130
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Yaaaay lets do it! My clothes are fitting better and I "feel" smaller, but the scale refuses to change. Total downer, so no more scale for me :-) yaaaay see you guys in a month!
  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    Wow, I don't know if I can do it! I will try. :)
  • latvann
    latvann Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah count me in too!! :smile:
  • LauraRN88
    LauraRN88 Posts: 46
    I'm so in! I have been weighing myself 2-3 times a day and its getting stupid.
    My current weight is 187lbs and my goal to be on 19/8 is 177lbs
  • evansproudmama

    I will def. join im going mad crazy I weigh myself every morn. even though I know better!! Augus 12th is my hubbies bday I'm so down with this..

    SW: 173.4
    Goal by August 12th: 167.0

    :-) Feel free to add me for support
  • beth0672
    beth0672 Posts: 37
    Ok....I'm in! It's ridiculous how many times I step on the scale in a day!! I need to stop! A month and no scale, I will probably go through withdrawals lol I can do this!

    SW 171
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    I would have major withdrawls!! Gonna have to pray about this challenge! lol!!