So if you need to burn more calories than you consume, why are there people telling me that net caories are horrible... it doesnt make any sence. if they dont know for sure than i think they need to shut the **** up because its confusing the hell out of me to the point where im about to give up all together.... im 5"4' and weight 135. this is good but i want to be 110. thats my goal. but i dont know what to do anymore because uneducated people want to tell me what they THINK thdy know instead of what they actually know... Help?


  • You burn calories just living. If you try to work out to burn a ton too and don't refuel you are going to run into troubles.

    How many calories are you trying to consume on a daily basis and how much are you burning? Your diary is not open.
  • nboot1
    nboot1 Posts: 41 Member
    depends on how you set up your profile- if for your activity level you put very lite activity you want to eat back excersize cals. Really you want to NET at least 1200. I am 5'3 and 143 my goal is 135 (for now)- I am set up for 1200 a day and I almost always net 1200- if I don't work out I only eat 1200.
  • _Missy_
    _Missy_ Posts: 9
    its very irritating.. i just dont know how to lose weight in general.
  • _Missy_
    _Missy_ Posts: 9
    You burn calories just living. If you try to work out to burn a ton too and don't refuel you are going to run into troubles.

    How many calories are you trying to consume on a daily basis and how much are you burning? Your diary is not open.

    i exersice whenever i want, but i ussually burn more than i eat to get a negative net calorie. today i ate 650 ish and i burned 250, but its only 6:30 here. i will end up with a negative 100 net calorie atleast..
  • i exersice whenever i want, but i ussually burn more than i eat to get a negative net calorie. today i ate 650 ish and i burned 250, but its only 6:30 here. i will end up with a negative 100 net calorie atleast..

    Yea, that is probably going to come back and bite you in the a**. You might want to up the calories a bit. And by a bit, I mean it might be a lot. You might want to talk to a nutritionist to see if they can help you find a good medium. I eat 1600 a day give or take 150. I also work out for about an hour a day, just to give you an idea.
  • People are going to tell you to look up your BMR and never eat below that. You might want to work up to it though.

    How long have you been at this?
  • _Missy_
    _Missy_ Posts: 9
    i exersice whenever i want, but i ussually burn more than i eat to get a negative net calorie. today i ate 650 ish and i burned 250, but its only 6:30 here. i will end up with a negative 100 net calorie atleast..

    Yea, that is probably going to come back and bite you in the a**. You might want to up the calories a bit. And by a bit, I mean it might be a lot. You might want to talk to a nutritionist to see if they can help you find a good medium. I eat 1600 a day give or take 150. I also work out for about an hour a day, just to give you an idea.

    i cant.. ill end up feeling like **** afterwords.. dont understand. how to people lose weight if they eat way more than they exercise...? isnt the whole part of losing weight to burn more than you put in your body?
  • nboot1
    nboot1 Posts: 41 Member
    I read a lot about muscle loss when you don't net enough-I guess I am also concerned with my organs failing or something bad like that (for not enough fule). Do what works for you, and eat when you are hungry.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    i exersice whenever i want, but i ussually burn more than i eat to get a negative net calorie. today i ate 650 ish and i burned 250, but its only 6:30 here. i will end up with a negative 100 net calorie atleast..

    Yea, that is probably going to come back and bite you in the a**. You might want to up the calories a bit. And by a bit, I mean it might be a lot. You might want to talk to a nutritionist to see if they can help you find a good medium. I eat 1600 a day give or take 150. I also work out for about an hour a day, just to give you an idea.

    i cant.. ill end up feeling like **** afterwords.. dont understand. how to people lose weight if they eat way more than they exercise...? isnt the whole part of losing weight to burn more than you put in your body?

    You are confusing the meaning of net. Net on this site DOES NOT account for daily energy expenditure outside of exercise. Look up your TDEE (not counting deliberate exercise) also need to subtract that from your daily Calorie consumption to determine your deficit/surplus.

    Net and deficit/surplus on MFP are two very different things.

    Yes, you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. Thermodynamics.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    You want to net what MFP has your calorie limit set to. Having a negative net is a very bad thing. How do you expect your body to function with nothing because you just exercised it all off? You are going to really mess up your metabolism. Plus it's not sustainable over time. That's what causes yo-yo dieting, severe low cal diet then you start eating again and you gain all of it back again. Yes, you want to have a calorie deficit to lose weight but you also need a minimum amount to eat to give all your organs/cells the nutrients that it needs.
  • chloenmiller
    chloenmiller Posts: 40 Member
    There was just a thread that got bumped up about a guy eating not enough and then it came back and bit him in the butt when he upped his caloric intake. If you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down. Whenever you start eating more again, (because you won't be able to live like this forever, you'll get very sick), your body will store fat for energy just in case you starve it of the nutrients you need. Your net should be approximately 1200 calories (according to MFP), if you eat less some days, that's fine.. If you eat more some days, don't sweat it! If you exercise and have your net at 1200 the weight will come off FAST! We have the same stats.. And in one month of eating 1200 cal/day NET TOTAL and exercising, I dropped two pant sizes. That's only one month! Just be healthy:smile:
  • i exersice whenever i want, but i ussually burn more than i eat to get a negative net calorie. today i ate 650 ish and i burned 250, but its only 6:30 here. i will end up with a negative 100 net calorie atleast..

    Yea, that is probably going to come back and bite you in the a**. You might want to up the calories a bit. And by a bit, I mean it might be a lot. You might want to talk to a nutritionist to see if they can help you find a good medium. I eat 1600 a day give or take 150. I also work out for about an hour a day, just to give you an idea.

    i cant.. ill end up feeling like **** afterwords.. dont understand. how to people lose weight if they eat way more than they exercise...? isnt the whole part of losing weight to burn more than you put in your body?

    You might want to talk to a licensed profesisonal then. Maybe you can open your diary so we can see what you are saying?

    Every day you live, you might burn, say, 1700 calories (for a number). If you want to lose weight, then you eat below that. For a pound a week, it is 500 below, so 1200. If you work out an extra 1200 calories that day, then you are essentially not feeding your body. Yes it might start going into the fat stores you have and you might lose weight.

    What will probably happen is that your body will start hoarding water and food and make you go up instead of down.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    There was just a thread that got bumped up about a guy eating not enough and then it came back and bit him in the butt when he upped his caloric intake. If you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down. Whenever you start eating more again, (because you won't be able to live like this forever, you'll get very sick), your body will store fat for energy just in case you starve it of the nutrients you need. Your net should be approximately 1200 calories (according to MFP), if you eat less some days, that's fine.. If you eat more some days, don't sweat it! If you exercise and have your net at 1200 the weight will come off FAST! We have the same stats.. And in one month of eating 1200 cal/day NET TOTAL and exercising, I dropped two pant sizes. That's only one month! Just be healthy:smile:

    Do you have a link to this? Or know what forum it's on?
  • _Missy_
    _Missy_ Posts: 9
    People are going to tell you to look up your BMR and never eat below that. You might want to work up to it though.

    How long have you been at this?
    ive only been at this for about 12 days and ive been working my a** off. so if i start eating 1200 a day, and burning 1000 a day, i will have a net of 200.. is that one good?
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member

    i cant.. ill end up feeling like **** afterwords.. dont understand. how to people lose weight if they eat way more than they exercise...? isnt the whole part of losing weight to burn more than you put in your body?

    You burn calories by more than just exercise. EVERYTHING your body does requires and burns energy. Breathing, digesting, thinking, cell regeneration, blood flow. I'm sure you want your body to keep doing those things, right?
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    People are going to tell you to look up your BMR and never eat below that. You might want to work up to it though.

    How long have you been at this?
    ive only been at this for about 12 days and ive been working my a** off. so if i start eating 1200 a day, and burning 1000 a day, i will have a net of 200.. is that one good?

    define burning. Read my previous post. If by burning you mean TDEE + Excercise = 1000 cals...then you have a 200 Calorie surplus. Not good. I doubt this is the case though, your exercise + TDEE is CERTAINLY higher than 1000. If by burning you just mean deliberate (logged) exercise = 1000....then you have a very severe deficit...not good.

    Forget MFP....this site messes people up with the NET BS.

    This is REALLY simple. Calories eaten should be lower than your TDEE + exercise energy burned (TDEE includes normal daily energy expenditure, it should be up around 2000 give or a take a few hundred)
  • _Missy_
    _Missy_ Posts: 9
    i have no idea what the hell a tdee is. i meant if i exercise off 1000 calories and eat 1200, i will have a net of 200.. thats it..:explode:
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    Do yourself a favor and go see a dietitian. You aren't going to get the right answer in these forums. It's not expensive.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    People are going to tell you to look up your BMR and never eat below that. You might want to work up to it though.

    How long have you been at this?
    ive only been at this for about 12 days and ive been working my a** off. so if i start eating 1200 a day, and burning 1000 a day, i will have a net of 200.. is that one good?

    No. Let's do some math. Your body needs a certain number of calories every day to do everything it needs to do. Let's say that number is 1200 calories. This is what your body needs just to function. Now, let's say you exercise and burn off 500 calories. Your body still needs that 1200 calories to do everything else, plus it needs the 500 calories to cover the excersize. So your body needs 1700 calories. If you only eat 400 calories, you are shorting your body 1300 calories that it needs. Just to function.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    i have no idea what the hell a tdee is. i meant if i exercise off 1000 calories and eat 1200, i will have a net of 200.. thats it..:explode:

    OK Hon, Im gonna give it to you simple... NO THIS IS NOT GOOD!!! If you are going to burn 1000 cals by exercising you need to eat AT LEAST 2200 cals a day so that your Net is AT LEAST 1200!!! PERIOD!!!

    If you were in a coma, doing NOTHING but the basics your body does all on its own, you need close to 1200 cals a day just for your body to do its thing... Does that make sense?? If you take all those cals away by exercising what is your body going to live on??