Unrealistic Goals?



  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    This was always one of my problems! I wanted the weight gone and gone fast.

    In the 90s I joined Diet Center - it came off quickly, I eventually put it back on and a little more.

    Tried Jenny Craig, lost, looked great at my wedding, then it slowly came back on, again with a little more

    After my child was born in 2003 I went back to Jenny Craig - it worked once didn't it - lost quickly again. This time I put it back on quicker.

    Ok, what's that one on TV that Marie Osmond did?? Nutrisystem - failed again.

    Time to get serious! MediFast - a friend got me into it. Fantastic! I lost 45lbs is not time at all. You will never believe what happened!! I put it back on in even less time, with even more.

    I am 45, the heaviest I have ever been, and I FINALLY get it!! Don't diet, change your habits and get your butt off the couch! It will take a bit longer, which still sucks, but I will be working towards a lifestyle change instead of a quick fix.

    Good for you for finally figuring it out!! It's so discouraging to lose and then re-gain. The real rate for sustainable weightloss feels sooooo sloooooow but in the long run, it's totally worth it :)
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Please take this in the spirit in which it is intended, that of kindness and concern: I think you may need to adjust your expectations: If you pursue an extreme weight loss plan as you propose, the results will be temporary at best and, at worst, create further problems down the road, e.g. whacking your hormones out of kilter, gaining the weight back (and more!), etc. If you are serious about sustained weight loss, you will need to take the time to do it correctly now, or understand that you will have to take the time later to take care of weight-related illnesses. If you're sick, you can't really be there for your kids and that would be horribly ironic :-/
  • I appreciate all the responses...except the rude one.
    I realize that it has to be a lifestyle change. My problem is that I go to extremes. According to my goals, in order to lose 2 lbs a week I can eat 1300 calories a day...however I have only been eating around 700 per day.
    I have thought about eating more but I just can't. I am afraid that if I give myself a little wiggle room, I will just go back to my old habits. It is very hard. I work in a work environment where people are always eating...and might I add, eating fattening things. The reason why I got to my size is because I never said "no thanks". Regardless if I was hungry or not, if it looked good then I would partake in the food.
    I know the right answer is to learn moderation. I am just scared that I can't. I have been eating one small (prepackaged) meal 3 times a day and allowing my self a snack once a day. I have also started to exercise at least 30 minutes a day by taking a brisk walk. I really don't have time to do more than 30 minutes a day.
    My issue is that all I think about now is food...and fattening food I can't have. I would love to be one of these people that can go to a restaurant and eat one piece of an appetizer. I can't. If it tastes good, I will eat the whole appetizer. I am not one to be able to have one slice of pizza. I will eat 4-5 pieces without even thinking about it...and if your response is that I just need more willpower to say no after one slice then I have to say that is unrealistic.
    People have told me that I need to eat to live, not live to eat. I don't know how to do that. I enjoy food toooo much. I enjoy the wrong foods way too much. Fried, cheesy foods are my favorite. I know they can not be anymore that that makes me sad.
    I don't know. I have lost weight in the past but it wasn't the amount I need to lose now. After my son was born, I didn't lose the baby weight and in fact have gained about 10 pounds since then. I know it is no excuse.
    It just seems daunting. According to my height, I need to lose around 120 pounds to even be considered normal size. That means I am twice the size I should be. I need to lose a whole person in order to be considered healthy.
    I can't believe I have gotten to this place. I can't believe I could possibly die and leave my son all alone because of my unhealthy choices.
    Not going to lie though, it would make it whole lot easier if I could see immediate results:wink:

    I'm not going to say I agree with your decisions, but i will not condone you for them either. I know exactly how you feel, as I have felt & still feel that way (although I would never cut myself that low on calories). The reason you can only think about food is because you're obsessing over it. You don't have to cut everything you like out, I buy everything pre-portioned to help me control over eating the things I like. Also, if you are truly afraid of eating or of going over your limits, try looking up negative calorie foods. You can eat them when you feel hungry and they are supposed to burn more calories than you consume from them. Plus they are healthy for you, so you wont be sabotaging your diet. Also, try eating fresh homemade foods. Those dinners are not as good for you as they claim to be, they are packed with sugar and salt. Chicken, fish, shrimp, vegetables, fruits, nuts are all really good for you if made right & they are pretty low in calories with good portion sizes.
    Losing weight and being healthy is a choice that you have to make on your own. You're not just going to wake up tomorrow and magically be 120 pounds lighter. You have to be strong. Giving up only means that eventually you will have to start all over again..