One Month No Scale CHALLENGE



  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    I would have major withdrawls!! Gonna have to pray about this challenge! lol!!

    Haha your post cracked me up! xD
  • Wow, I don't know if I can do it! I will try. :)

    You are not the only one who thinks that lol, just find something else that would keep you motivated.
  • I would have major withdrawls!! Gonna have to pray about this challenge! lol!!

    I've been pray for strength to stay off the scale lol.
  • Just for a little extra, how about every 10 days we take pictures just to compare are progress. This can keep us motivated and pictures are way more accurate then the number on the scale
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I LOVE THIS!! The only time I weigh myself is when I weight my cat, who is teetering on the edge of chubby lol. Stick to it guys!
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    S***... I don't want to, which tells me... I need to...

    I'm in...

    SW 250 as of this morning.
  • Tanig32
    Tanig32 Posts: 110 Member
    I weigh myself everyday so this will be the chance for me to break free from the scale i am in
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I'm in... I'm going to hide my scale and try my best not to take it out until August.. Wish me luck. Lol..

    SW: 202

    GW: 195 (But I'll be happy if I lose anything. Scale doesn't wanna budge for me lately :/ )
  • samanthatricia
    samanthatricia Posts: 24 Member
    If the scale is there I use it! I'll stick it away and weigh myself in a month - right before I leave for Spain for a year! I'm sure I'll see progress :)
  • Sheshe38
    Sheshe38 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you!!

    SW: 224
    GW: 210
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Reasons why you shouldn’t weigh yourself every day

    1. The number you see on the scale doesn’t tell you the whole story. How much of that number is muscle, bones, organs, water, body fat, the food that you’ve eaten during the day?

    2. Your weight fluctuates daily after you drink water, after you eat (even healthy foods like broccoli, banana, whole wheat bread can cause you to feel bloated for a while), after using certain medications, after you work out, during your menstrual cycle (ladies), etc.

    3. During your workouts, you usually sweat a lot and you need to replenish these fluids drinking water during your session; this is another reason why you see a different number after your daily workout routine.

    4. If you’ve been lifting weights for a while then you are probably gaining muscle, which occupies less space than its equivalent weight in fat. Lean muscle looks better on your body, even if you don’t see a major change on the scale.

    5. Some people let this piece of equipment determine their mood for the rest of the day and it can cause stress which is never good for your body. Don’t let this number define you… You are much more than just a number.

    6. Post Workout Swelling: During your strength training session, your muscles fibers are tearing up (with proper nutrition, hydration and rest your body rebuilds them for a stronger you). After an intense workout, your blood rushes to the affected muscles to provide them with proper nutrients to recover and clear lactic acid. This is that “pump” effect you feel when you just finished weight lifting because your muscles are inflamed and this is temporary.

    7. The scale doesn’t measure the changes in your health. Focus on other benefits you are getting with your new active lifestyle like…

    •You feel more energy.
    •Your resting heart rate lowers.
    •Bone Density Improves.
    •Blood pressure and cholesterol levels improve.
    •You sleep better.
    •Clothes are fitting better.
    •Losing inches.
    •You can lift more weight (stronger).
    •Your range of motion increases (flexibility).
    •You can run more without stopping to walk.
    •Excellent yearly checkups with your doctor.


    This is a good reminder for me.............not weighing for a month is going to be a huge challenge.........but i'm in~! (except, I'm leaving for vacation about that time so I may end the challenge a day early............we'll's not all worked out yet............)
  • armishia
    armishia Posts: 34 Member
    I am going to take you up on this because I increased my calories from 1200 to 1500, so let's see how this goes!!!
  • Baldhead2
    Baldhead2 Posts: 5
    I'm up for this challenge to, it's going to be hard but I can do it
  • Today is the first day of the challenge remember, no scale. You are bigger then the scale, the scale has no feelings, emotions, or a mind so don't let it control you. Dont let it talk to you. The first 3-5 days will be the hardest but you are capable of doing it, it's all in your mind.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Count me in, I'm checking the scale sometimes twice a day. This will help me break the habit.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    I was weighing myself about 15 times a day!! It was getting crazy!

    I put the scale in the trunk of my boyfriends car this morning.

    So I told him not to give it to me till August 19th.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I'm in for sure!!! I've reached a plateau and the scales are driving me crazy! Then with added exercise and again no weight loss it's really knocking me down and I have been told not to weigh for a month so I am in for sure if that's ok.
  • beklew159
    beklew159 Posts: 23 Member
    Yaaaay lets do it! My clothes are fitting better and I "feel" smaller, but the scale refuses to change. Total downer, so no more scale for me :-) yaaaay see you guys in a month!

    This is me too!!! I am in!!

    SW - 239
  • jensenkm2
    jensenkm2 Posts: 55
    Ive done this three times and two out of three times I had good results after the month of not peeking at the scale. If I weigh in on the 19th it will be the day after my week long vacation.... but I think I can try it. I have been a little crazy about the scale lately and it never says what I want therefore I eat more- so stupid of a result but there it is. Good luck to you all!

    SW: 262
    GW: 255
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I would have major withdrawls!! Gonna have to pray about this challenge! lol!!
