Yoga newbie

Hey guys i was thinking about starting yoga. Its been sometjing that ivefound intresting for a long time but it always,aand kind of still does,seem, quite.difficult. Alot of the poses seem to twist ur body into unatural and painful postions . Im curious about it thougj and i do want to try it but is it really a good workout? And something that is good for a beginner like me? Ive seen some so.called begonner dvds at stores but from some of the covers and.screencaps on the cadesi highly doubt any actual yoga beginner can twist themselves into such postions.


  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I have done yoga since 2008 ... took it as my "PE" requirement in college...

    I like it for stretching... I do about 3 workouts a week... and basically just consider it a stretching workout... it has GREATLY increased my flexibility and has helped with my cardio and when we go rock climbing I am able to do better than before...

    find a good class... with an instructor... with DVD at home it is very hard to tell if you are holding the pose correctly... and an instructor who is worth their stuff can lay a hand on you and help you move into the pose correctly... they can also help you learn how to modify poses to fit your body... when I first started I had to use props (blocks) because I couldn't reach my toes... I still use straps to help with positioning and a good instructor can help you
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    There are modifications for every single pose to help with tight limbs and muscles. They're not going to twist you into a pretzel on your first day, don't worry!

    I would recommend taking an intro class at a local studio. They're very often free, or heavily discounted as a means to get new clients in the door. A certified instructor will be able to help you with proper form and modifications if needed so you do not injure yourself.

    Yoga is a wonderful practice to take up. It's calming, and challenging at the same time. It's not a huge calorie burner though, so wear your HRM (if you have one) to *kitten* whether or not it's worth working it into your routine or not.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    definitely practice your first couple sessions of yoga in front of a mirror or take a class, so you can learn proper form. remember to honor your body and if it hurts you've gone too far. always make sure to properly warm up your body before so you dont pull anything and stay hydrated before and after. most instructors recommend staying away from heavy meals up to 3 hours before hand (trust me its uncomfortable to do yoga on a full stomach). at first the poses will seem difficult and unnatural, but remember that change takes time and keep focusing on your breathing. most of the moves are meant to flow with your breath so make sure your form and breathing is right early on and you will notice changes if you keep at it.

    if you ever want to see how far your body is capable of bending take a bikram yoga class LOL. its in a heated room and your muscles warm up much faster and you're able to be crazy flexible.

    good luck and i'm excited for you! i've been doing yoga here and there since high school and i love doing it i just wish i dedicated more time to it.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    There are modifications for every single pose to help with tight limbs and muscles. They're not going to twist you into a pretzel on your first day, don't worry!

    also. THIS. modify anything that feels definitely wrong until you're able to attempt it safely.
  • cjfitnessme
    cjfitnessme Posts: 97 Member
    I just started a beginners yogi class, and its great, have to take it easy at first but your body is remarkable and can adjust as you train it. Body flow is a little more intense type yogi, but I love this as well. Just take it easy and your body will take care of the rest:)
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    It's taken awhile but I am starting to really get the hang of it. It still challenges me to be sure, but I can see the benefits of having it as part of my workout week. If I can do it, you can do it.
  • 1SlimShaylee
    1SlimShaylee Posts: 204
    Yoga is my favorite thing to do at the gym. I don't go to meditation your yoga, I go to more power yoga. I wear ahrm and usually burn around 300 calories in an hour. It isn't a cardio type exersize, but gives your body some seriously amazing results. I credit my shoulder muscles and defined obliwues to yoga!! I love it! I do think you would be best served going to a studio ora gym in the beginning rather than an at home dvd. Good luck x
  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I was always intrested in yoga more for the relaxation and.centering of yourself or whatever that ive heard alot of people say it does. Basiclly alot of people say its a good destressrr and that aspect off it more tan anything is what ibtrested me about it while everything else was a bonus. Ill see about looking into some classes then.
  • luvmyleo
    luvmyleo Posts: 94 Member
    Namaste friend! I've been practicing yoga for about 10 years now (give or take a few). So here is the deal with yoga- you meet your body where it is. Which means that you nurture your body with your practice by giving it what it needs. When you go to a class you will see some uber strong, skinny intimidating yogis and some pleasantly plump yogis and everything in between. The awesome thing with yoga is that it is not competitive because your practice is about you and where you are. So if you are in a place where you need to be challenged then you can increase the difficulty of routine. If you are in a place where you need some balance and tranquility you can include some meditation in your routine.

    Personally, I love 2 types of yoga- hatha and vinyasa. Hatha yoga is wonderful for stress relief and is a slower paced. Vinyasa can be a bit faster and includes synchronizing your breath with the movements.

    But when I feel like I need a challenge I will do ashtanga type of yoga. THis is more of a power form yoga and is great for strengthening the body.

    I would recommend a class in the beginning and then you can do a combination of self practice and classes- which is what I do.

    Yoga is one of those things that really connects mind, body, and soul. is a great resource to describe the poses.