Do you still see "fat you"



  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    About 2 years before my son was born (he's 5 now) I lost about 85 lbs and was in great shape. Yes, I felt that way. It was hard to look in the mirror and realize that yes I was that skinny.

    What was even harder......see the belly and weight come back on while pregnant and still working out. I only gained around 35lbs but that was still hard to see.

    Since then (he had medically issues that basically took over our lives for about 4 years) all my previous weight has come back on.

    I think this time, since I know what to expect it won't be as hard to see myself as skinny.
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, unless I am caught off guard when I glance at my legs or biceps, I still see myself as a size 16. I'm a size 6 now, but I don't believe I am. I actually think the sizing on clothes is wrong. I don't think I'll ever feel differently.

    Yep! Going in a store, I never have any idea what size I am. I have to force myself to try the medium and when it fits I assume they just run big. I see pictures all the time so those don't affect me. It's always the clothes sizing.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    i started at 350 and an now 207 and sometimes when i go shopping Ill pick up the size 16 and look at it sand say i can tell by looking at this that its too small so i get and 18 or 20 and then its too big...not sure why I do this..Im always surprise when the 14 or 16 actually fit and think to myself this brand must run big

    this. This is exactly what I meant. I had to try a 6 a three dif stores to believe it, and I still say things like "well at H&M I was an 8 or 10", or stores must be running big. I don't know why, I can't grasp the idea I , ME, who has been a 14 for around 8yrs now, IS a six. Thats not possible.

    Thank you everyone, its good to not be alone in feeling this way. I know this is as much mental as it is physical and I need my mind to catch up.

    I do this too. I ordered a company jacket and the sales lady had me try on a medium (which fit) and i stressed the whole time i waited for it to come in that the sample size was mislabeled and the jacket wasn't going to fit because in my mind that made more sense than me wearing a medium! (I started in a 3X) :laugh:
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    I find it quite odd that I sort of consider myself in the 300lb club (I am now 190), like I only have the right to talk about things from that point of view, and feel I am that big

    If I am talking about fitness I feel people are looking at me like what does this 300lb guy know. I refuse to think I'm close to the friend I work out with because he 'is so much better than me'

    However, If you show me half a dozen gym goers from spot on to half or a stone overweight. I know I am better than the slightly overweight fit person

    I really don't know what logic is going on in my head to have these opposing views
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I think I must own a fun house mirror sometimes. I'll point out pictures of people that are 30 lbs heavier than I am and feel like our bodies look the same, but then someone will tell me that I look like the person that is my weight.

    I feel like I don't even know my own body.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    P.S. WEAR YOUR NEW TANK!!! STRONG IS SEXY! And sometimes you just have to start out strong-willed ;)
  • Alice_in_Wndrlnd
    Alice_in_Wndrlnd Posts: 47 Member
    I have only lost 45lbs to far but I do not see any difference in the mirror.

    Once before I lost 110lbs when I couldn't afford to eat much at all and didn't have a car so I had to walk everywhere and even then I would look in the mirror and see the same overweight person.

    It's all about self esteem and body image. I am hoping that I will eventually get over this.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Always. >_< I _always_ see fatter me. (See, can't even say "fat me" because in my mind I still am because I'm not where I want to be yet.)

    At 5'1" I went from 164 to 115 and I still feel and see fatter me. I an not too far from my goal, but I still see a fat cat.

    It doesn't matter what people say, there's this voice in my head that still whispers and clouds my mind with preconceived images of myself. Sure, I smile and thank people for the nice comments and genuinely feel good and excited - but underneath all that is a gnawing uncertainty and repeated thoughts about how I'm not done yet. When I go shopping and I try clothes on, my boyfriend has started grabbing a size or two down from what I pick up and makes me try them all on...

    But still my mind is stubborn.

    Part of me is a worried that when I get to my goal - I'll still have the voices in my head. :/
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    Yes. When I look in the mirror, I feel like I don't look any different. I try on old clothes, and they are incredibly baggy, but it still doesn't register.

    The other day, I wanted to try on a skirt in this one store. The lady who worked there asked if I wore a small or a medium. I just stared at her. I couldn't believe anyone could ever look at me and think I might fit in a small. I told her I wore either medium or large. She looked surprised and told me that she could tell right then that the large was going to be too big for me.