21 and need to loose 110lbs

I haven't always been big... When i was 17 i weighed 105 lbs. at 5'6.

Got married and out of high school and went from a size 2 to a size 7 in two months.150 lbs Partially because of my birth control
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/candiresse/Facebook/Me Dustin/163261_499377224361_5595670_n.jpg

Got pregnant when I was 19 and found out I was 200 Lbs. got to 250
but hey, i was pregnant.

Now at 21 I am and a whopping 239 Lbs.
It can be really depressing to think a couple of years ago I was one of the smallest girls in school. It is embarrassing to run into friends from high school at the store and they look at you and some even say"What happened? You got so big"
To spare my feelings my husband tells me i'm not that big.even though I know it isn't true.
I have a long journey ahead of me. But I'm not only doing it for me but for my daughter. I want to be able to play with her and not get short winded. I also want her to be as proud of me as I am of her.
Really need friends on this.


  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Hey girl, feel free to add me.

    I'm almost 27, and I weigh 318lbs (well I did on Monday, let's hope i've lost since then! haha). I want to lose about 120lbs. I'd be great weighing about 200lbs, as I've never been smaller than a 14.

    But, you are not alone in this fight. There are TONS of people here who will support you and lift you up. Feel free to add me, and go check out others posts in introductions, and if it's something you may like, comment and let them know to add you :) you can build a great support system.

    i've only been on here about a week, and have two really great email accountablility buddies already.
  • Welcome. I am around your age and also need to lose 100+. It is going to be hard but I know it is possible. Have a great journey !
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome aboard!
    I am sure there are many people here that share similar stories. We are all working towards our goals and I found there are awesome people here that will support and motivate you. I would be happy to be a support to you. I know how you feel being no more than a size 4 most of my life and at the age of 23 being over 250 lbs. ( I refused to get on the scale after that number, but continued to gain). Seeing people who knew the skinny you is hard, mostly because they don't always have the common sense to just keep the comments to themselves.
    Know that you can do what ever you choose and while it will not be easy, it is possible. Just stay focused on your motivations and end goals.
  • christopherpm
    christopherpm Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome to the both of you. This is DEFINITELY the site for you... This site is about helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle, which in turn will help you lose weight and get fitter.

    Don't think of this as a diet because it really isn't, and as long as you are honest with what you record, AND you record regularly, then you should be able to achieve your goals fairly easily.

    I only really started doing this properly a little under 5 months ago, and I've gone from being Obese to being just 2 lbs off of Healthy, and it hasn't been a difficult journey. Sure, there are weeks when you lose nothing, but it's normally down to silly things like not drinking the 8 glasses of water a day.

    Stick with it, make friends, post your successes and ask questions if you need to. We're all here to help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.
  • clmk91
    clmk91 Posts: 4
    thanks :)
    means a lot to know im not alone
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    I HATE the word diet...I've been saying a lifestyle change. Because Diet to me seems temporary..and this isn't temp for me!
  • hey feel free to add me im hoping to lose around 100lb but am doing it in increments so that i dont have too big of a goal
  • AndieP85
    AndieP85 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you'd like! I am 27 and my last weigh in was 136. I'm only on day 3of MFP, but I am dedicated to sticking with this and would love to find motivation in others like me.
  • I HATE the word diet...I've been saying a lifestyle change. Because Diet to me seems temporary..and this isn't temp for me!
    It is so a lifestyle change not a diet
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome aboard! Would love to help support you on your journey!! This is the BEST thing you can do for yourself!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 27 and started at 328lbs in January (I still hate seeing that number). Down 50lb but I've got 180+ in total to go. It is hard work but as has already been said, log everything. Every stick of gum, every herb, spice and even medicine. Above all else, don't give up. It can be hard at times but it's worth it. I have some amazing friends on here and would have given up by now if it wasn't for them. I have never been skinny. My lowest recorded 'adult' weight was 196 when I was 14. Even getting to there will be a huge achievement.

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • LeeM86
    LeeM86 Posts: 124 Member
    Hey there! I just sent you a friend request. Always nice to have more pals to share this journey with.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I'm a little older than y'all, but feel free to add me and read my journey of yoyo weight loss. I've battled it since puberty. My highest weight was 334 lbs. Lowest weight was 118 lbs. Hit a high weight again of 191 lbs and am now 151 lbs. Every pound down is a battle that I fight to win. I refuse to give up. I look forward to knowing y'all!

    Best of luck of your weight loss journey! I have your back!
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member

    I am 21 and started off with 115lbs to lose...

    Now I'm down to 95lbs to lose! WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!!!

    Also, I will be hosting a challenge August 1st - January 1st on my tumblr pg:


  • Im 21 too and i have to lose a lot too
  • To spare my feelings my husband tells me i'm not that big.even though I know it isn't true.

    I know exactly how that goes! My wife says that or "I love you just the way you are," which are both sincere thoughts, but it doesn't really make you feel better about yourself. She was blessed with a super-human metabolism. Me? Not so much.

    The best advice I can give, is start off slow and build up gradually. It won't happen over night! DO NOT starve yourself and DO NOT get discouraged. The FIRST time I decided to lose weight, I weighed in at 330! I knew I had to do something, I hated how I looked and it was obvious by my lack of confidence. In addition to having a super slow metabolism, I also have asthma.. YAY ME!

    I started off simply by walking for 15 minutes twice a day. That was it. I didn't change my eating habits right away. After about two weeks, I upped my game to 20 minutes. Then, 30 minutes two weeks later. Etc... Not only did this simple act start to shed pounds, I was discovering energy and stamina I didn't know I was capable of which felt great! I mentioned do not get discouraged, and this is where I bring that back into the picture... After 4 months of routinely walking 5 to 6 days a week, I was walking about an hour each day. I had lost over 40 pounds, with lets be honest, little effort! Then I hit a plateau. I went a month without losing (or gaining) a pound. I became obsessed with the number on the scale and that shouldn't be the only thing you look at. I was neglecting the fact that overall I felt great! More energy, stamina, I had kicked bad habits... I didn't think about that, just the number on the scale.. I ended up slowly slipping back into those habits I had worked so hard to kick and the weight came back as quick as I had lost it! By the time I realized it, I was over 310 again! Had I stuck with it one more week even, who knows, I might have cleared that plateau.

    Sorry for writing a book (lol) but this is my second attempt at losing weight, and I have learned from my mistake and offer this information to everybody to keep others from falling as I did. Feel free to add me, I have plenty of other little tips and tricks I can offer that have worked, but I should probably work. =)
  • I feel your pain. I got pregnant around 19, and haven't lost any baby weight I gained so much during my pregnancy. I am 250 at the age of 21 I am so nervous to even say. I have always been on the heavy side even when I was in a runner people never believed what I weight.

    Now I need support. I have very little time to myself with a kid, school and work I try hard to just eat right.
  • Hi! I'm 21 also and like you got married out of high school and got pregnant at 19 :) I was around 125 when I got with my husband in school. After school and marriage I stayed around 150-155. My highest during pregnancy was 173. After baby I lost it all quickly but gained back up to 162 :( I'm looking to be around 130-140 again. I really need some support!!!