calories, alcohol and diet. what do you do?



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Night of fun/drinking - Bets are off.

    I try and get a killer work out in early in the day, and try not to eat alot assuming i will drunkenly binge on pizza/taco bell/wings somthing.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I drink a ton when I go out most times. I'm trying to cut it down for non weight related reasons, but I also don't eat as much during the weekends and very little when I'm hungover. During the week I know I have to be more serious with my dieting and working out if I'm to compensate for drinking.

    I don't cane the alcohol but I do drink at weekends. It's good for people to be reminded that you don't have to give up everything you love just to get results like yours. Thanks
  • im actually stopping drinking but i have a bottle of whiskey left so im limiting myself to three a night over the weekend
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi. Hope I dont get grief for this, as I am just sayin how it is for ME
    I eat about 900cals a day, thats enough for me. I eat more when I have excersised. I drink wine every evening, accounting for about 400 cals. I log it. After being here 11 weeks, I have lost 15lbs. So, not sure if alcohol has an effect on weight loss or not, as long as its counted. Maybe I would have lost more by now if I didnt drink the wine but, hey Im happy :)
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I've cut out ALL alcohol. None. It has less to do with my "diet" though and more to do with just having no desire to drink. I would rather spend the extra calories on an amazing dessert!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    what do you do when it comes to alcohol and going out?
    When you know youre going to be drinking a lot, do you cut down on calories from food or do you just make sure you drink a little?

    I try to work out if it fits my schedule, otherwise I just let it work itself out over the next few days. But I drink at home most days anyway so it's really eating out that is more of a problem for me then drinking out.
  • For me it's fairly simple:

    - drink low-cal drinks, like gin and slimline tonic or vodka and soda

    - only take a set budget for drinks so I can't go mental

    - dance it off!!!! :D

    If you know you're going out just make sure you plan ahead - like, I knew I was going to a cocktail abr last night so I allowed myself one cocktail as a treat (mmm pina colada XD) and then drank vodka/tonic the rest of the night. Didn't ruin my progress because I was up and dancing so I burned it off easily.

    I also tend to sleep through breakfast the next day which helps even it out, lol!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have a drink about 2 times a week. I have read many articles about vodka or rum being the lowest calorie drinks. Watch your mixers tho, thats where the calories add up.
    Vodka or rum has about 65 calories per shot. Drink it with diet coke. My favorite is vodka with Dt. Mt Dew.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    i just make sure i have enough calories left at the end of the day for the drinks, maybe a little extra just in case i have one more than i planned. has not hindered my weightloss, in fact im losing more now than i was when i had cut alcohol out of my diet all together...go figure.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've cut out ALL alcohol. None. It has less to do with my "diet" though and more to do with just having no desire to drink. I would rather spend the extra calories on an amazing dessert!!

    I am SO the opposite of this. I often think "I could eat this <insert treat here> or I could have a glass of wine". Wine always wins. :drinker:
  • When I go out, I drink like a boss! A night of drinks isn't going to kill long as you're on schedule to your goals, I say drink up! Life's meant for living.

  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I figure up the calorie content of the drink I'm in the mood for and save calories for it. I also try to drink a ton extra water.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I only go out and drink if I have calories to do so. I usually only drink 2-3 beers so I try to allot myself around 600 calories. Where I get in trouble is if I decide to drink a little more...I end up blowing my calories in excess alcohol, but worse, my iron will rusts and I end up binge eating, which I NEVER do sober. The last time I had one too many I ate a Hershey bar, six peppermint patty minatures, six marshmallows, a handful of candy almonds, two spoons of peanut butter, a bag of microwave butter popcorn, a bowl of strawberry ice cream, and a spoon of cheddar/bacon cheese spread. It's funny that I was drunk but I remembered EXACTLY the hideous crap I ate when I got home. I haven't had one beer since.
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    I get a REALLY good workout in, watch my calorie intake during the day and try to stick to the lowest cal drinks when possible. If its a margarita night (I LOVE margaritas), then i sip them slowly and limit myself. One trick is to drink a glass of water in between drinks. :drinker:
  • smakela1
    smakela1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - My vise is wine...'Love' it but I needed to stop my wine consumption as there are a lot of calories and sugar within but I love wone! What I have been doing is drinking Mic Ultra, I wasnt very happy about switching but since I have I have lost a few pounds and the beer fills me up so i don't drink as much.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I'm witht he "Stick with Vodka and diet soda" crowd. It's your lowest calorie option. Also if you cut back on what you eat for the day (like try to get 500 calories less than you normally would have) you'll have compensated for a small wee binge. Just be careful not to snack while you drink and maybe pace yourself by throwing a glass of water or plain diet soda into the mix here and there (no one need know there's no alcohol in it) - less food+ stronger booze will help you feel your buzz faster anyway and having a little water here and there will help you keep hydrated which will help you not feel hungry and help with the hang over the next day. Good luck and enjoy your night out!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    When I go out, I drink like a boss! A night of drinks isn't going to kill long as you're on schedule to your goals, I say drink up! Life's meant for living.


    "I drink like a boss!" <<<<<<<<<< I am so going to use that line. ;)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    here is a decent article on alcohol and how it can effect your diet. it is not all bad. seriously, a glass of red wine a night can be very good for you.

    when i first started watching what i eat and drink, i had a party to go to, so i created a calorie deficit with exercise, and also didn't eat as much during the day so i could enjoy extra drinks at the party. big mistake. drinking on an empty stomach was no good.

    now, if you want to have a glass or two of red wine a few nights a week, thats fine. enjoy!! but if you are talking about essentially binge drinking on weekends, well, thats not good in my opinion. try having a glass/bottle of water in between drinks to help keep yourself hydrated and not drinking as much normal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm witht he "Stick with Vodka and diet soda" crowd.

    If your only goal is weight loss, this is a good idea. But distilled liquors are much harder on your organs than wine or beer.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    I think alcohol only has an effect on my wieght loss in winter when i seek some nibbles and winter comfort food with the alcohol. In summer i am drinking a lot...infact way too much, and i lose weight. Maybe its the hours of dancing or the hours of walking round a music festival in wellies or the fact that im so hungover i cant face food only watermelon.

    I say drink what you want, within reason, and enjoy it. Either work out a lot before of try and be good the day after. I know that the following few days after a crazy night out with a 2am macdonads pit stop normally motivates me to run a few 10ks in a week! :)