Does this make any sense?

First of all, I am not in any type of panic about swine flu; nor do I need a lecture on the origin of it. I say this because I just asked someone else this question and that is what I got.

Last week I started feeling flu symptoms. I had a biopsy in my throat on Monday and it had become infected. I thought my icky feelings were coming from that. After I spoke with the ENT that performed the biopsy, he agreed that I probably had the flu as well. They didn't keep a stock of flu tests in the office, so I went to my family doctor. I needed something in writing to excuse me from class anyway.

My family doctor said they don't test for the flu. He just said my symptoms suggest it, so thats what I have. He told me to get rest, stay away from the public, and tough it out. So, I have. Its been 6 days and I have gotten progressivly worse. I started having trouble breathing. BTW, I have asthma. I went back to him today and he suggested I have the "bad" strain of the flu. (H1N1) But said no need to test for it, go back home and take a couple more days off.

Again, I am not paranoid about the swine flu; however, considering they close schools for it, wouldn't it make sense to actually know if thats what I have? Especially since I am asthmatic and H1N1 settles in the lungs? Especially since I have a child in my home? I know its not as big of a deal as the media makes it out, but why wouldn't they have tests in the office? I don't understand how they are tracking the disease, if they arent actually testing to see if people have it.


  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    When I went to my doctor's office, he said that they'd stopped testing for it there because 90% of the swabs were being sent back positive. Meaning it was a huge waste of time and money. They just work under the assumption now that all flu is swine flu.

    If you do have it, you've been infected for a while. Your house is full of germs and your child has already been contaminated. There's really nothing you CAN do about it. Just keep an eye on your symptoms. If you can't breathe, if they take a turn for the worst, call your doctor. If your child gets sick, keep a close eye on them. Bear in mind that the swine flu is technically no more dangerous than the regular flu- it just attacks the body a little differently. (BTW, I have asthma, too, and just go over pnumonia and everything. I know it SUCKS to get sick!!!!)

    A lot of the reason they close schools because of swine flu is to prevent the spread and, more than anything, ease parents' minds. People are so panicked right now that a lot of people are acting more to placate the scared than to have any real effect. If you DO have swine flu, just make sure you stay home and don't give it to too many other people!


    Feel better, though. Lots of chicken soup and sleep!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I see what you mean. I guess since I'm just a skeptic, I feel like I need absolute confirmation. I can say that whatever I have is not like any cold or flu I've ever had before. I had that mega bad strain back in 2003. I'm kind of having flashbacks because it was this same time of year and it lasted for almost 3 weeks. Talk about a crappy holiday! My daughter got it too. She was 3 and the whole tri county area was out of tamiflu for kids.

    Asthma sucks. I have to break halfway up the stairs to catch my breath.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I see what you mean. I guess since I'm just a skeptic, I feel like I need absolute confirmation. I can say that whatever I have is not like any cold or flu I've ever had before. I had that mega bad strain back in 2003. I'm kind of having flashbacks because it was this same time of year and it lasted for almost 3 weeks. Talk about a crappy holiday! My daughter got it too. She was 3 and the whole tri county area was out of tamiflu for kids.

    Asthma sucks. I have to break halfway up the stairs to catch my breath.

    Amen to that!!! Asthma is the reason why cardio and I do not get along. Grrr.

    I really hope you're not sick through the holidays!
  • singcoz528
    did they even give u that tamaflu stuff? My 4 year old neice got it and they gave her AND her brother tamaflu (he didn't have it he just has bad respitory problems so they wanted to prevent it)
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I understand feeling a little fearful....both my kids have had it and I am the infection control nurse at work so maybe I can help...
    1. are you eating and drinking?
    2. how high is your fever and how long does it last,
    3. Is the tylonal or Ibpu. keeping it controlled
    4. Are your resp. symptoms diff than anyother time you had the flu?
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    My sister, mom, and 5 yr old neice all got the flu a couple months ago. Whether or not it was the H1N1, nobody confirmed it test wise. The doctor told them that at this point they were treating any flu as H1N1 bc a couple of months ago that was mainly the one that most people had. However, they were all treated with medication.

    Being that you have asthma, yes, I would think they should treat you with medication. But, I am not a doctor and don't know the reasoning behind the choices they make-- maybe call and schedule an appt w/ a different doctor.
  • treisch
    If you are having difficulty breathing and feel worse than you have before you should go to an emergent care or another doctor to get a second opinion. Hopefully he started you on tamiflu in case you do have the flu. I am a nurse and have taken care of patients with the H1N1 and due to your co-morbidity (asthma) you are at a high risk of this getting worse before it gets better.... always trust your instincts. If you feel like it is just getting worse get a 2nd opinion.... if you are having increased difficulty breathing go to the ER or emergent care. You do NOT want until you cannot breathe to go to the hospital. If you feel like you are getting better and have been started on tamiflu you can wait it out and see how things progress.... but never feel like you are overreacting if you are having difficulty breathing!
    PS- it is typical for doctors not to swab for the H1N1 because it is a very expensive swab to send out to lab and can take 10-14 days to get results if sent out to the CDC. There are rapid H1N1 tests now available but they have a 25% false positive rate. It is common to start somebody with symptoms of the flu on tamiflu and not to swab them because even if the test were to be positive you would not do anything different to treat it other than to keep the patient on tamiflu.... if you doctor did not start you on anything try for a 2nd opinion!
  • leavinglasvegas
    No, I wasn't given Tamiflu. My symptoms started on Monday and I misjudged them as being from the biopsy. I didn't go to the doctor until Thursday. We just assumed that I was already 48 hours into it. I also wasn't very concerned at the time. I rarely get sick as it is, let alone longer than 48 hours.

    As long as I stay still and don't over do it and use my inhaler, my respritory symptoms seem to have stayed the same today. Talking for too long, walking around, climbing the stairs make it worse. So, I'm ust really taking it easy. I also got some Yogi tea, the Breathe Deep blend.

    My breathing symptoms are definately different than any other time I've ever been sick. I actually haven't had ANY asthma symptoms in almost 2 years. My inhaler was expired, I hadn't used it in so long. And I really haven't had a fever, which I thought was odd, but apparently you don't neccessarily get a fever with the flu. Like I said, this is the weirdest flu I've ever had. I guess since I don't get sick, I'm not used to really "taking it easy." And I'm extra stressed since it is the last week of the semester and I've already been out a week.

    If for some reason I don't feel comfortable waiting it out, I have some friends on stand by to take my daughter and get me to the ER. If I feel worse, I won't even bother with my doctor.

    Thanks everyone. I'm going to go back to the couch now. I'm ready for bed already but I have to force myself to eat so I can take some tylenol and my antibiotic (for the biopsy infection, I wasnt given antibiotics for the flu)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm like you, I would want to be tested- not just to confirm H1N1, but to rule out other possibilities. Doctors don't think like we do though- they take a "wait it out" position on everything. Don't hesitate to go to emergency if things get worse or you get too scared about your symptoms. I thought they were supposed to take this more seriously when people had respiratory issues like Asthma. I haven't had good experiences with doctors, and quite frankly, I think the majority of them don't have a clue about much of anything.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou: