Today is a struggle



  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 168 Member
    Try and remember that whatever you're feeling now that is making you want to binge won't be any different after you've eaten. In fact, it'll still be there, plus all the feelings you'll have from binging. Instead, try go for a walk or do a full on work out, that usually puts me off.
    Good luck!
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    whatever you want to binge on, just THROW IT AWAY.

    give your change away so you can't use the vending machine.

    do it, swear under your breath, maybe even snap at someone today - just don't binge. get over the bad habit, you can do it!
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    So...emotional support is not your thing. Women must love you....

    Don't come onto a support thread and make suggestions like that. That is not empowerment, that is giving up.

    Would you tell a cutter to just go ahead and cut themselves then start over? Or a drug addict to just shoot up and get over it? Geez's called sympathy.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    whatever you want to binge on, just THROW IT AWAY.

    give your change away so you can't use the vending machine.

    do it, swear under your breath, maybe even snap at someone today - just don't binge. get over the bad habit, you can do it!

    Great suggestions!
    LEEAMCC Posts: 9 Member
    Hi mariel12982,

    Look at all these strangers that took the time to write to you.....MFP is an amazing tool. I was planning on BINGING myself but not anymore, I would like to thank everyone. If I can do it can!!

    Happy TGIF everyone :)

  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    Usually I remember how crappy I feel after a binge, and that usually stops me. No food is worth what I feel like afterwards. But I agree with allowing a cheat day/meal. I allow myself a cheat meal every now and again and I don't feel guilty or badly towards myself at all about it.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Usually I remember how crappy I feel after a binge, and that usually stops me. No food is worth what I feel like afterwards. But I agree with allowing a cheat day/meal. I allow myself a cheat meal every now and again and I don't feel guilty or badly towards myself at all about it.

    My cheat day was yesterday and I definitely over-did it...usually I'm more moderate about it and I try to still go to the gym, so I feel pretty crappy.

    But having a planned day off from the routine is usually a healthy thing.
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    Usually I remember how crappy I feel after a binge, and that usually stops me. No food is worth what I feel like afterwards. But I agree with allowing a cheat day/meal. I allow myself a cheat meal every now and again and I don't feel guilty or badly towards myself at all about it.

    My cheat day was yesterday and I definitely over-did it...usually I'm more moderate about it and I try to still go to the gym, so I feel pretty crappy.

    But having a planned day off from the routine is usually a healthy thing.

    Don't feel crappy! (easier said than done I know!) In times like this, I just try to give a little extra at the gym the next day...sometimes the next two days haha.
  • isobel2010
    isobel2010 Posts: 26
    Meditate. Unplug phone/tv/computer for 10 minutes and close your eyes. Inhale love, exhale stress, anxiety. Inhale peace, exhale frustration. Just breath with focus for 10 minutes. Remember you are so beautiful. You are stronger than your impulses. Organize a drawer or your closet. Put on music and dance. Drink LOTS of water and tea. I actually put a decaf fruit tea bag in my water every day - gives flavor and easier to drink 64 oz. Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    there are two kinds of binges in my mind.

    the first kind is the "i'm at a bbq and i can't stop drooling over the ribs and i'll work it off later" kind of binge.

    the second kind is the emotional "i'm so stressed i can't handle it so i'm going to eat, because i'm an emotional eater and that's what i do".

    i'm ok with the first one (i did it last wednesday, you can check my food diary - well, except the work it off part....)

    the second kind, the emotional, i want to feel anything else (like almost sick to my stomach i'm so full) except what i'm really feeling, kind of binge, is what you have to learn to walk away from. i've done this for years. that's how i got to where I am. It is nothing but harmful.

    I am in total agreement about doing what you need to do to work through the funk. if you don't deal with the funk, it's still gonna be there. i really believe this program, this lifestyle change, isn't just about changing what you eat and how you work out. it's dealing with the mental and emotional problems that link us to our bad habits.

    take a deep breath, find a punching bag, go bowling and imagine your problem is the headpin, hit your pillow, throw something, talk yourself down.

    you are worth the hard work, you are worth all the struggle, you are fabulous!!!!!!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    [/quote]This is why I include a free day.
    That's my planned "binge".
    I can resist today, knowing I am only days away from my next food orgy.
    Quoted from poster
    This is exactly what I do. Sundays are free or spike days, and like above poster said, it will get you through! Good luck to you! don't deprive, try even a small portion to cure your crave.
  • Alina1961
    Alina1961 Posts: 3 Member
    Get a lipston instant soup, the cream of chick helps me!! dont binge.. its not worth the srtess !! ill help you !!
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    :cry: I really want to binge. Its a scary thing. I need support!


    You at work or at home?

    At home, I would usually throw myself into a project...or take the dog for a walk...put on some music and take a long bubble bath...treat yourself in a way that doesn't involve food.
  • Thanks to everyone for all of your support.... even the harsh support :) I did not end up binging...instead walked awaay from it. I appreicate each and everyone of you. Add me as a friend we can support each other! My support is with you all on your journey to a better lifestyle!

    Mariel :)