Getting up Early - Looking for advice

Hi :happy:

I am just over 3 weeks into my fitness program and due to work commitments, childcare etc for 3 days a week I can only really get my exercise in either early in the morning or late at night. I don't know about you but I find things 20 times harder at night after a hard days work, and given that this is the only time I get to spend any quality time with my wife I find myself really struggling to get the workout done.

Anyway the obvious solution to my problem is to get up earlier in a morning (I'm normally up at 7am), I would like to try and train myself to get up at around 5:45 each morning to give me an hour in the gym and time to get showered before the rest of the house is up.

Has anyone trained themselves to get up earlier as a result of their training regime? If so I would love to hear how you managed it or if you have any tips that I find useful.

I'm also looking for friends on here to add a social aspect to all this hard work.


Dan (31mUk)


  • SlimSammy2012
    I am having the exact same issue! My doctor told me to start taking Melatonin about 30 minutes prior to going to sleep. I've been doing this for two weeks now and it doesn't seem to be working. He told me to double the dosage. I was taking 10mg each nigh, I am going to start taking 20mg.
  • Muldydoona
    Luckily I don't live too far from work so I've turned my commute into my exercise as well. I cycle the 7 miles to work each day which takes about 30 min each way. It's working well for now but I know I'll need to add gym to this as I get down to trying to loose the last few stone. I get up at 7:20am and I'm out the door by 8am cycle 30min shower at work (again luck my work has showers).
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I tried for about a month but I gave up. I'm really not a morning person and I don't sleep particularly well. Maybe I'll try again once we finally get some nice weather.

    Best of luck to you though :)
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    If you want to do it bad enough you will!

    The first few days are hard, but you get used to it. It sets you up for the day, and I've found I'm a much happier person getting up @ 5.30/6am every morning to workout! I have my workout clothes right by my bed & literally roll out of bed, put them on & go!!!

    Believe me once you start you won't stop :happy:
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I have! You just have to do it, and go to bed early. Your body will adjust in a few weeks. I used to get up around 7/730, now I ahve no trouble getting up at 5 to exercise. Make sure you're getting enough sleep - it is hard to get used to going to bed earlier, but in a few weeks, you'll manage. I think it's also easier if your wakeup time is consistenet - 5am 3 days a week, 7:30 the other days is killer, but 6 am every weekday would be easier.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I get up every day at 4:30 to get my workout in before getting ready for work. I just have to go to bed a little earlier. It's great because I feel so much better throughout the day. And, my brain doesn't have time to come up with any excuses for me NOT to work out!

    Good luck!!!
  • SlimSammy2012
    If you want to do it bad enough you will!

    The first few days are hard, but you get used to it. It sets you up for the day, and I've found I'm a much happier person getting up @ 5.30/6am every morning to workout! I have my workout clothes right by my bed & literally roll out of bed, put them on & go!!!

    Believe me once you start you won't stop :happy:

    @ Nutty...What time do you go to bed at night?
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I get up at 4:45, put my shoes on and start walking. It makes my day better. I am afraid if I wait till I get home from work, I won't do it. I go to bed very early.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    I'm in the same boat.. I usually wake up everyday at 5:30 and get ready and head to work.. I have a 30 min drive.. at night I have 6 kids that all need my attention.. and the house does too.. so I was working out an hour right when I got home but I'm finding out that isn't going to work to well.. miss the kids.. and this forces my husband to make supper! So today I got up at 4am and went to the gym.. lucky the gym is only 1 block away so I basically rolled out of bed and walked over there! But I"M not sure I could cont.. to do that every morning! I love my sleep but I'm thinking this is the only option I have... I did feel more energized to start my day though... good luck!

    Edit to add I like having the radio and tv to myself.. problem with tv nothing really on.. this morning I watched the "Nanny" But I'm thinking I could get used to this!
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member

    @ Nutty...What time do you go to bed at night?

    I'm usually in bed for about 10.30 - 11 the latest!
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    wear workout clothes to bed! believe it this has really worked for me ... have no excuses .. my whole aim in life is not to make excuses ... electric left on so it doesn't take "time" to load wii zumba it's just there ready to go
  • SlimSammy2012
    wear workout clothes to bed! believe it this has really worked for me ... have no excuses .. my whole aim in life is not to make excuses ... electric left on so it doesn't take "time" to load wii zumba it's just there ready to go

    Don't know any gym's that will allow me to work out Nekid! :bigsmile:
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Hi :happy:

    I am just over 3 weeks into my fitness program and due to work commitments, childcare etc for 3 days a week I can only really get my exercise in either early in the morning or late at night. I don't know about you but I find things 20 times harder at night after a hard days work, and given that this is the only time I get to spend any quality time with my wife I find myself really struggling to get the workout done.

    Anyway the obvious solution to my problem is to get up earlier in a morning (I'm normally up at 7am), I would like to try and train myself to get up at around 5:45 each morning to give me an hour in the gym and time to get showered before the rest of the house is up.

    Has anyone trained themselves to get up earlier as a result of their training regime? If so I would love to hear how you managed it or if you have any tips that I find useful.

    I'm also looking for friends on here to add a social aspect to all this hard work.


    Dan (31mUk)

    I did exactly this for a while. And to be honest, it feels AMAZING! I'm having a hard time getting the motivation to do that this week because I've been sleeping terribly, but it gives you so much energy during the day. It's also kind of nice to get that "you" time in before taking on your job or other duties for the day.

    I'd say go for it. I will try to get up at 5AM (like I used to) next week if you get up at 5:45AM-deal?
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I just had a baby and working out at night and getting him ready for bed at 7pm allowed me 0 time with him. I get up at 3:30 and go to the gym for 30 mins. Then I get ready and I have a good 30-45 mins with him in the morning and then all night. That is my motivation. Although when he doesnt sleep well I get no sleep and dont go. You just have to find that motivation and for me it was spending time with my son. :smile:
  • SlimSammy2012

    @ Nutty...What time do you go to bed at night?

    I'm usually in bed for about 10.30 - 11 the latest!

    Hmmm....that's what I've been trying to do but I keep waking up around 2:00 - 3:00 AM wide awake! Hope the Melatonin kicks in!
  • amayarnell
    amayarnell Posts: 60 Member
    If you want to do it bad enough you will!

    The first few days are hard, but you get used to it. It sets you up for the day, and I've found I'm a much happier person getting up @ 5.30/6am every morning to workout! I have my workout clothes right by my bed & literally roll out of bed, put them on & go!!!

    Believe me once you start you won't stop :happy:

    ^ this is true. i used to get up at 7am, but since memorial day, i have trained myself to get up at 545AM. You get used to it after awhile and its not so bad. You can always drink a small cup of coffee in the morning too, that sometimes works! AND, on top of all that, when you come home at night, you already have your workout done! it's such a great feeling!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    During the week, I need to get 2 runs in before work. I HATE getting out of bed with a passion. Once I'm up, I'm OK. The alarm goes off at 5:00. . . if I'm lucky I'm out the door at 5:20 (usually 5:30). I go to bed later in the summer than I should to maintain those early hours, so it's good I only do that 2 times a week. I can get my 3rd run in on the weekend any time (long run) so I can sleep in a bit.

    Wish I had helpful hints. For me, knowing that I have to keep my training schedule for my upcoming half marathon is the ONLY thing that gets me out of bed for those runs!!!

    Now I want to take a nap. . . zzzzzzzzzzz. . . .
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I wasn't able to be consistent with my workouts until I started getting up early. I get up at 4:30am during the week to exercise. It was hard at first, so I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier every few days until I was getting up at my desired time. The night before I put my workout clothes right next to the bed and I set out the equipment I'll need.

    I love that I have it out of the way and can tackle my day with that crossed off my to do list. I don't stress out now when something comes up in the evenings that used to make me miss a workout. I enjoy how quiet the house is and value this time to myself. And I feel so amazing afterwards.

    I don't always get to bed early enough, so some mornings I just can't wake up. But then as I'm working out in the evening and crabby because my routine is disrupted, I remind myself that I could have avoided all of this by just getting the heck out of bed when I was supposed to.

    Try if for a while and see what you think. If it doesn't work for you, you can always try something else.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Up at 5 every morning for the workout. There is a gym near work that I use - the traffic is much better that early (30 min drive) and the gym is usually not that busy. With the workout done in the morning I can leave work on time, sometimes pick up the kid from school/camp, and spend the whole evening with the fam. Bedtime is no later than 10. As with all routines, the first few days are tough.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Don't drink any caffeine after 3pm. This will help you go to sleep earlier.

    I found that by getting up earlier, I not only had time to workout, but that my commute rush was non-existant. I'd get to work earlier, so I would leave earlier (and have less of a commute home).

    Getting up earlier gave me more time with my family, not less.

    And you do adjust to it fairly quickly, in about a week or 2. Just be careful on the weekends, if you stay up late and get up late it makes it harder to maintain your routine on Monday.

    Good luck!