

  • nilesbollinger
    nilesbollinger Posts: 86 Member
    I love mine! And FitBit support has been fantastic for me. I lost mine after about 6 months and when I let them know, they sent me a new one at no cost.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Not sure how that converts in US $ but I paid $99 for mine & I love it. Use it 24/7 except when I'm in the shower or pool.

    Me too! I love it~!!
  • mnbmom
    mnbmom Posts: 3 Member
    I love mine and all of my friends who have one love theirs. I bought mine in April and it has me moving so much more everyday. I know of two people who have gotten new free ones from the company, one because she washed hers and the other because of battery issues. They both said it was great customer service.
  • illbetravelin
    illbetravelin Posts: 27 Member
    man! you guys just convinced me to get one! i was wondering if i should spend the money as well but hell yeah!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I think it's a great tool for those starting to diet/exercise, especially if you consider yourself as a sedentary type person. It can be very motivating. The website is very useful as well. I also love how it integrates with MFP.

    Now that I am much more active and doing various forms of exercise, I use a HRM in conjunction with the Fitbit. Fitbit can only measure steps so if you do strength training, aerobics, bicycling, etc. then you will need something else to help estimate your calorie burn.

    But for the first 4 or 5 months here, I relied on my Fitbit solely. It was only when my husband and I got bikes did I start looking for a HRM.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I'm in love with my Polar FT60, but I am really thinking about getting a Fitbit. Is the reliability there, as well?
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    Another Fitbit lover!

    I've had mine for about 6 months. I work out every day, never had a problem with that. But the Fitbit has gotten me to move more throughout the day. Not just sit around on the couch or computer. It has definitely made a difference in the weight I've lost and pushed me more. I wear mine on the waist of my pants. ALWAYS. I feel naked if I don't have it!!

    And I've also heard of the EXCELLENT customer service if you have problems, from a number of people.

    I'm surprised at the post from the person who's died after 2 months and they wouldn't help out. Hmmmm.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I paid 99$ CAD for a Body Media Fit, which i believe is a little more expensive than the fit bit, I would keep looking.
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    I absolutely love mine, and I think it is a value at $99.
    It's helped me SO much, and I'm a freak for statistical information, so it's right up my alley.
    I love that is synchs with MFP.
    It's definitely helped me with my 40lb loss so far...I highly recommend it.
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Love mine! Try ebay maybe?
  • abdmps
    abdmps Posts: 48 Member
    I got mine in March of this year and I LOVE it. I clip it to the front of my bra and it records everything, steps, miles, stairs, etc. One person posted it's like a game, I agree. I get disappointed if I see I am not near my 10,000 steps and it encourages me to get out and walk some more. I have not had a problem at all with it and the battery life is great!
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE my fitbit.... worth every penny of it!
  • Kayleighpaul1985
    Kayleighpaul1985 Posts: 98 Member
    I have had mine since Feb and I love it!!!!

  • Aj722
    Aj722 Posts: 12
    I got one as a Christmas gift. Haven't gone a day without it since. It syncs with My fitness pal and other health services. You get out of it what you put in to it. I absolutely love it! My mom and I have made it in to a game, she'll call me and ask "How many?" it's a rare day when she has more steps than me, but when she does, I never hear the end of it :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    the short verson...YESYESYESYES!!! TOTALY WORTH IT, however the aria is not
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I also like the fact that you can compete with your friends on fitbit for most steps and other categories I find myself walking a xtra mile here or there just to not be at the bottom of the rankings among my friends.
  • jessjpjb
    jessjpjb Posts: 38
    I love mine, had it since March, and always wear it under my shirt. With using it every day and clipping it to my bra, the wear and tare of it, on the top center came loose on the fitbit, i took pictures and explained it to fitbit support, they were wonderul and sent me a new one at no cost. It keeps me motivated and always pushing myself. Best investment I've made in a long time!
  • adampk17
    adampk17 Posts: 15
    My fitbit is quite literally the reason that I continue to exercise. Highly motivating, I love it.
  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
    I was worried about the price too, but I LOVE mine! So worth the money!!!
  • dimikagi
    dimikagi Posts: 2
    I've been using one since February, and am down over 2 stones. It's basically a glorified pedometer, but tied to MFP, it makes you really aware of your activity versus food consumption. Like others, it's gotten me to "go the long way" and take stairs where possible. I think the key is the MFP mobile app, so you can track your eating throughout the day, too.

    Normally, they're $99 on Amazon, but if you drop one in your shopping cart, and check the cart daily, you'll see the price drop as low as $80 every so often, and only for a day. With the conversion rate and shipping, you may be able to get it for about GBP70. And, perhaps, the UK Amazon sees price drops like that as well.

    I've had 2 support incidents (once, it stopped working and another was a faulty base), and their support has been fantastic. Very easy to deal with, and very responsive.