Ok... Now I'm Scared



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Yes, really, 2.6lbs last night, 1.6 the day before making it what 4.2 lbs in 2 days... Kinda scary!

    your profile says you are strict paleo

    I really dont think the caveman had special K cereal every day like you do.

    . This and your proclaimed weight loss may be a reality let's get back to earth issue.
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Yeah, I'm a bit off the paleo deal, I decided that I needed more carbs if I was going to be doing 2 a days in the gym... Believe it or not it's what I have lost, why would I lie?? I have now lost 62lbs in 3 months... That's 4lbs a week on average... I just need to slow the train down because I don't want to get super skinny.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Lets see...

    You: I eat almost nothing
    You: I exercise constantly almost non-stop
    You: I am losing weight too fast
    You: HOW DO I STOP IT?


    Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I don't think you're going to wake up tomorrow super skinny or super fat, no matter how much you run or eat. Ignore the daily fluctuations and watch a long term trend. Eat 2200, see where you're at in a week or two (not tomorrow morning).
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Exercise less, eat more, it's not rocket surgery. You're worried about losing 4 lbs in 2 days yet you're still working out like 3 times a day. Do you see the problem?
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    Lets see...

    You: I eat almost nothing
    You: I exercise constantly almost non-stop
    You: I am losing weight too fast
    You: HOW DO I STOP IT?


    Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY?

    Me: I know I have eaten too little
    Me: I know I exercise a lot
    Me: I definitely know I lost weight too quickly
    Me: (my real question) - how do I safely slow this train down without coming off the rails.

    Before being a snarky a**hole please try recognizing that I am asking for help. I am genuinely concerned, I accept that I screwed up, and having someone I don't even know trying to be some wise cracking guru doesn't really help. Having to be on a program like MFP should tip you off to the fact that we all have some ki d of problem concerning diet and/or exercise, mine is extremes, so work with me bald guy...
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Well, he does have a point. Are you asking for advice on how to exercise less or to eat more? That should be pretty self-explanatory. When you exercise three times a day YESTERDAY and worry about losing weight today, then it doesn't look like you're trying very hard.

    Maintaining is all about forming a lifestyle that you can maintain in the long run. Do you plan on exercising 3 times a day for the next 20-30 years? No? Then stop, and put yourself on a program that you feel you can keep up for a while, but not burn yourself out. For me, it's working out 3-4 times a week, and I can eat pretty much whatever I want (within reason). You truly will have to experiment a little bit. I can't really comment on the whole paleo thing, eating whole foods is great for you, you just might want to eat some more carbs. Maybe take a cheat day once a week.

    If you are really worried that you've done some serious damage by losing weight too quickly then see a doctor. Nobody on here can diagnose you.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I have now lost 62lbs in 3 months... That's 4lbs a week on average...

    What??? My opinion? Go see a doctor. IMO that seems really, really fast for someone who started out at the weight you started at....
  • JBHawaii
    JBHawaii Posts: 94
    I know he has a point, no doubt.

    Anyway, I'm not medically concerned, I just don't want to yoyo. The reason I workout so much is that I did a mini triathlon recently and loved it... Now I'm training for another in 2 months. And just to be clear, I don't hit the gym 3x a day. I usually dobrick workouts swim to bike or bike to run and then a lift in the evening.

    Anyway, thanks, I guess I'll just stick with my original plan of adding 100-200 calories to my plan every 3-4 days until I find that I'm no longer losing... If anyone has another, safer, way of converting to a maintainable diet then I would love to hear it. To those who have given me advice on how to make this happen, thanks.