im aggravated about weight loss

hello my names phyllicia i am 5ft 8 and when i started this whole thing i was at 161 i started doing 90 day supreme im on day 25 ive don the video every day and even do turbo jam and i choose another video to add to my daily regimen so three video a day 30 mins a video and the 30 day supreme is pretty extreme and walk a few miles every night lately ive been running it, i eat really healthy never anymore calories than 1200 barely that many and im active throughout the day bike riding swimmig walking. so my problem is ive lost 6 lbs and i work my butt off daily not to eat junk starches breads excersise till i cant move and i was at 155.6 i was 154 one day and now ive gained two lbs i dont get it im very frustrated i have a goal to be at about 140-145 by september and i cant keep pushing forward when the scale doesnt read what i think it should. ay thoughts? hhhhhheeeeeeeelllllppp before i go eat some cake and forget the whole thing someone talk me off the bakery ledge. thanks


  • phyllicia22
    sorry about the spelling just typing fast i do know how to spell
  • noellyenciso
    Are you loosing any inches? sometimes when you do exercises and weights you tend to weigh more. Also it could be that you are not eating enough calories throughout the day. Dont give up
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    Open up your diary so we can take a look.

    1200 calories might be low for you with your exercise regime.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I think you might not be getting enough protein in your daily diet. At under 1200 calories, it is unlikely unless you eat mostly meats.

    I would suggest upping your protein to be about 30% of your diet. With all the exercise you are doing, your body will need the extra protein supplies to repair cells and aid growth.
  • phyllicia22
    i dont know how to open the diary ill try it normally i just eat a few things of fruit then dinner with all the health benefits the meat the vegetables, fruit, i dont know anymore i dont even have weights so i dont know how much mucsle i could be gaining i checked my inches it says i lost an inch or two but im not sure of the proper way to measure each specific spot
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Eat more! With the amount of exercise you say you are doing you aren't eating enough if you are only eating 1,200 calories. You won't be gaining muscle on that.

    Keep your sodium in check and drink your water too.
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    i dont know how to open the diary ill try it normally i just eat a few things of fruit then dinner with all the health benefits the meat the vegetables, fruit, i dont know anymore i dont even have weights so i dont know how much mucsle i could be gaining i checked my inches it says i lost an inch or two but im not sure of the proper way to measure each specific spot

    Go to home, then settings and you see an option for diary setting and you have an option to make it public or not.
  • phyllicia22
    great thanks guys i appreciate the help