

  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    I love this diet! I did it once and went from 187 to 181 and I didn't gain the weight back. Hmm maybe ill start it tomorrow again
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Seems ridiculous to me.

    Why not make it a lifestyle change for 7 days of the week.

    and no I don't mean you have to eat perfectly "clean" foods for every day for the rest of your life.
  • interesting
  • bump
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    Bump =)
  • amandarada
    amandarada Posts: 8 Member
    I did the first day today and i fell fine I'm not hungry at all, actually quite full after everything they tell you to eat a dinner. Im thinking the large amount of protien really helped keep hunger at bay, I typically dont eat that much raw protien. We will have to wait and see what tomorrow looks like but over all I feel good about it.
  • My mom found this one in a National Enquirer when i was a teenager, a good 20 years ago, and thats when I did it for the first time. I've done it numerous times since, but the one we found had red beets at every dinner, and since I dont like red beets instead of carrots, I always had a hard time getting thru the 3 days, but I always had success. I think I'll give this a try again with carrots
  • I tried the 3 day cardiac diet. It was great! I wasn't hungry at all. It allows you to eat 3 meals a day. At the end of the three days I lost a total of 6.4 pounds. That was amazing for me since I could not manage to get out of the 190's. In my opinion, yes it is a fad diet, but it gives you an incredible boost to start your weight loss journey. I am completely motivated!!!!!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Vanila ice cream .. how about other flavor?
    I'll bet you would lose lots of water weight on this one.
    How much water weight you gain back after the diet?
    I wil try it next week, before thanksgiving.
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member

    I am starting this diet today, I did it yesterday but caved because i ate dinner at 4 thinking i was going to a concert that got cancelled but the reason it calls for icecream is because you need some fat in your diet, this is only recommended for 3 days so that your body doesnt go into starvation mode, so for 4-5 days go back to eating normally but of course healthy, then do it again. I am hoping for success because I have been at a plateau forever.

    Just so you all know this is most likely WATER WEIGHT you are losing, the acid in the grapefruit as well as the other foods eaten together during the meals works like a chemical breakdown in your cells to flush out water and your bowels. This is why its such a dramatic loss of what we want to call "weight" GOOD NEWS IS: although the scale says you are losing pounds, its a HUGE motivation for almost everyone, so who cares if its water weight or not right? Haha, we all like to see the scale go down, its motivation that people struggle with, thats why the success of this is so high. Just remember, only 3 days... or it can be harmful for your body.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I have to say I am not convinced? This kind of put me off:

    "The 3 Day Diet is one of the most popular short-term fad diets around today. Many people adopt the diet to try and achieve short-term weight loss. However, unfortunately most people simply gain the weight back on again"

    Also the food doesn't sound that healthy? On my meal planner if I put in 1 cup of vanilla ice-cream it works out as 290 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Agreed. Sounds kinda silly. And would you want to temporarily lose weight?
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    Man I wish you postd this 2 days ago im going to the pool tomorrow
  • britzyrose07
    britzyrose07 Posts: 23 Member
    i know for a fact that this diet works because i have done it too... i actually am taking a break from it because the tuna/cottage cheese has been to much for me but i am so happy to see that someone else is doing it... i also read that the American Heart Association has a version of this diet... if they are wanting people to do it i am sure that it cant be that bad :) good luck and thanks for the post... maybe i will do it again in a week
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Howdy folks,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

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