I really could do with some support please?



  • I'm in a similar boat, so feel free to add me.
    I lost 40 lbs my first attempt at weight loss, but fell into old habits and the weight came back faster than I lost it!

    My secret was lemon juice! I went through lemon juice like the lemon tree was going extinct.
    Drinking lemon juice has some fantastic benefits, it's a natural hunger surpressor and detoxifier. Recent studies even suggest that consuming lemons or lemon juice on a regular basis can aid in cancer prevention! Drink nothing but lemon juice and water for a week, this will naturally cleanse your liver.. A great read: http://www.naturalnews.com/035854_lemons_detox_recipe.html

    I always have lemon juice on hand and add it to every glass of water I consume - Makes water tasty & makes losing weight easier!
    Combine with a daily 30-40 minute walk and using this site to track calories, you will hit that goal long before we bring in the new year!
  • burtonhl
    burtonhl Posts: 57
    Feel free to add me as a friend - it makes it a lot easier if you have people that are working toward similar goals as you are. And it's fun to read success stories - very motivating. Good luck!
  • byersdlt
    byersdlt Posts: 9
    Hi Vicky,
    I'd love to help support you in reaching your goals. Congratulations on the 2lb loss so far! Every little bit counts! We can do it together! When we trip, we'll get back up! When we struggle, we'll have a good cry and get back at it! If we get discouraged, we'll encourage each other to remember why it mattered to us to lose the heft in the first place!
  • Hi Vicky,
    I started here a year ago and this is actually the first time i've posted! I would love to support you in reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • kazoooo8
    kazoooo8 Posts: 71
    I was up to 217 about 5 months ago....im now around 170. Howd I do it? Moderation, moderation, moderation......and some excersize. When Id get home from work, id literally eat til i went to bed.....Im suprised I was only 217 at my heaviest. I got sick of being slow, out of breath, and out of shape for a 33 year old...so I decided I was gonna do something about it. Best thing to do to lose weight is TRY not to eat so much(at a time) and when you do eat, try to eat healthy. No pizza, no fast food, no sodas, etc(trust me, its hard but sooooo worth it when you see what it can do to your body)......next and probably most importantly, try to find stuff to do to increase your health. For example: watching tv? during commercials, do jumping jacks or run in place. I did that for 2 months and lost 20 lbs. Run at least a mile every other day. Find heatlhy foods that take away the cravings of bad foods that somewhat taste like the good ones. My example(and I have a bunch): Those Quaker Stila bars taste just like pop tarts. If I get a sweet tooth, most times i'll eat some fruit. Another thing, and its a pretty big deal....DONT STARVE YOURSELF! Eat but dont go crazy. Snack a few times a day on low cal and low fat foods. It all sounds hard but once you get in that mode and you see results in the mirror, it becomes addicting to improve your health and body. Having a hard time with the taste of certain foods? I did as well, but you end up getting a taste for things and youll forget what some of that other crap tasted like. I drink fat free milk now as opposed to whole milk and I wouldve probably puked that stuff up before I got on this health kick. Anyway, there are a million ways to lose weight, but most consist of excersize and eating right, but if you stick with a diet plan and stay motivated, youll do fine and be where you wanna be weight-wise in no time.

    Alot of good advice... thanks for taking the time to type it all!!
  • Feel free to friend request me for help and encouragement on your journey. Same goes to everyone else, feel free to add!! :) Good luck to everyone!!
  • goncountry
    goncountry Posts: 75 Member
    Come to our group: It's called, "365 logins to leave the group." We promise to log in for a solid year.
  • ksnegirl
    ksnegirl Posts: 85 Member
    I am in the same boat as you!! I just started today and would love to add a few friends for support as well!
  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    You can absolutely do this!! We are all here for the same reasons and why not help each other out along the way. Feeling alone is what got me to where I was at and trying to hide myself from others. Everyone feel free to add me...we can all add new ideas or new ways of thinking to each other's progress!!
  • Hi! I just joined today! I would love to offer support however possible. I know what you mean about giving up without encouragement from others. It can be soo hard. I am 21 years old and am looking to lose about exactly the same amount of weight as you! Let me know if you would like to chat some more :)
  • rhonadouglas
    rhonadouglas Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I am from Portsmouth, don't know if I can help, but I would also like to talk as I am now into 3 weeks and, I thought I was doing really well but I have not lost an ounce, don't know why, but will give it one more week .
  • Essjei
    Essjei Posts: 5
    Lol thats about how much i need to loose too! I registered on here ages ago but keep losing motivation and stopping after like a week each time :(
  • I dont know about you but I am tired of turning down invitations to things because I have nothing to wear and dont want anyone to see that I am overweight.
    Stick to it!!!!!
    My sister in law just recently passed away of a massive heart attack in her sleep. She was only 42 years old and yes...overweight.
    I cant help but think that it had something to do with it.
    Ever since then I have tried to have a healthier attitude and think of the weight loss as a necessity!
  • rhonadouglas
    rhonadouglas Posts: 12 Member
    :laugh: I might sound silly here, but could someone please tell me how to add friends or request friends , thanks, not usually this dump
  • rhonadouglas
    rhonadouglas Posts: 12 Member
    I would love more friends as I am not doing very well but trying hard.
  • marcified
    marcified Posts: 1
    I would love some new "friends" and support too! You can totally add me....I go through spurts of getting on here....but now have lost the weight and would like to get healthy. ( I lost weight because I moved to La Paz, Bolivia and between third world country and altitude, everyone loses 15-20 lbs here..) so I'm not healthy, just lighter. But yes....would love to make some friends on here! :smile:
  • Hi Vicky! Don't give up. We all have those days when we feel like we will never be the weight we want and we revert to those things that we enjoy. I just finished eating a piece of pepperoni pizza and I knew I shouldn't have. But I am not going to let it get me down. It happens. And I know there is a Zumba class waiting for me at 6PM. With that said, if you haven't tried a Zumba class, I highly recommend it. I HATE exercise. I would rather scrub toilets than exercise. Not kidding. But Zumba is fun and it feels like a party, not like exercise. And I am a shy person. Who knew I would love it? I was so afraid to try it for fear that I thought I would look dumb or that it was too "young" for me. After getting the courage to try, I realized that we are all WAY too busy to "look" or "judge" others in the class. You spend your time watching the instructor with all your might doing the best you can to keep up! lol! I am 225lbs and there are many who are my size or larger and many who are my age or older. Do not be intimidated. Another plus about taking a class is that you get to know those that go regularly and they will help hold you accountable when you don't show up, which was PERFECT for me! I need encouragement and support to help me remain ACCOUNTABLE. Good luck Vicky and remember, we all have those days. We are all here for you!
  • Hi I am Romona and I just joined today. Its been a lifelong battle of weight loss for me. Nothing has succeeded, and I don't want surgery to lose weight. As far as I'm concerned its cheating. So here I am after my doctor gave me your website and I must try again I don't like what I see......I would like to make friends and speak to people that have succeeded or are succeeding in what I have to do.:smile:
  • rhonadouglas
    rhonadouglas Posts: 12 Member
    Ok, I'm not coming back on till I have lost some weight, feel depressed when I see what everyone has lost, will sleek soon hopefully,Been swimming and other exercise,:smooched: :::smile:
  • My mum was born in Wales. I live in the states. Please add me, we can help each other.