Feeling blah

I've recently been through a very stressful situation and now have not had any appetite for the past few weeks. i've lost about 8 pounds in one week. i'm afraid that i will put my body into starvation mode but everytime i eat i feel sick. i don't know what to do. :cry:


  • cc_campbell81
    When I don't feel like eating I try to get my appetite back by letting myself eat whatever sounds good for one meal. So if I want McDonalds I get it. Usually that "treat" helps me start eating again.
  • nicholecj
    I understand how you are feeling, a few years ago I felt the same way...something terrible happend in my life and eatting was the last thing on my mind, I went for a month without eatting more than 500 calories a day..sometimes less. I felt sick everytime I ate something and wanted to throw up because my anxiety levels were so high... which turned into more problems... I started feeling guilty for eatting... and started eatting 300 calories MAX a day...and sometimes not eatting at all...this went on for months..

    The only thing I can recommend is eatting things that are easy on your stomach... like broth soups,light sandwiches and always always eat breakfast, take vitamins and keep hydrated. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks due to dehydration and stomach ulcers because of not eatting right....because of a very stressful situation... I'm not trying to scare you or stress you out more than you might already be...but talking from previous experiences...I recommend talking to someone who cares about you before it can get out of hand...

    Stress is a difficult thing to deal with, especially if your trying to lose weight to start with. Make sure you surround yourself with good friends and remember things can only get better... so go get a happy meal from McDonalds!
  • cerdmann
    CC ... for some folks stress kills their appetite; for others (like me) it increases the appetite. You have to think about stress like any physical ailment. When you have the flu or a cold, you don't feel like eating. But your body needs calories to help you start to feel better. If eating right now makes you feel ill, start with small amounts of food that is gentle on your system (i.e. chicken noodle soup and crackers). Eat something about every 2 hours, even if it's just a couple of crackers. Make sure you are getting some protein with each small meal. Drink a lot of fluids. This should help your body to start to feel better and keep it from going into starvation mode. If your calorie intake is low, then don't overdo the exercise during this time. Just take short, slow walks where you can have time to clear your head and try to ease the stress. Fresh air works wonders but you don't have to do miles and miles at this time. Be kind to yourself and try to do things that give you comfort. The stress will pass and you'll feel better again -- I promise! Good luck!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I think your body will bounce back pretty quickly once you start eating properly again. I would suggest a visit to your doctor to talk about the situation though...obviously something's up if you can't eat.