Hey everyone!
I'm thinking about adding running to my daily routine. I have never been much of a runner unless I was obligated. Anyone have any tips or suggestions for me??
Also feel free to add me as a friend! ;)


  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I just started running a few months ago, and I'm almost to the point where I can run 3 miles without any walking. I'm not there yet, but close! Not too bad considering I couldn't even run a half mile before! I first recommend getting some well-fitting running shoes. They help a lot. I also like good running programs like Couch to 5K or something similar. Good luck on the running!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Couch to 5k

    If you really LIKE running, give that a shot.

    If you don't...don't run.
  • icculus19
    icculus19 Posts: 39
    start out low and slow and build up your miles. try a stay off the treadmill becasue it is hard on your joints and especially if you are just starting you cannot controll your pace. what i mean is some times when you run you will run faster and slower durning certain parts of your run its natural with a treadmill you are forced to go at the same pace this is not good for beginners. If you are serious get your self a good pair of running shoes. if you have a running store in your town go there and have them look at your stride. they will let you know if you over or under pronate or are neutral and recommended the right shoe for your running style. this will save you from injuries in the long run.

    also be careful, running becomes addictive. i was like you, i only ran because i had to (jock in hs and college). started running about 4 years ago to slim down and 10 marathons and 5 ultras later i love it.

    good luck
  • shelbiejo
    shelbiejo Posts: 283 Member
    I started running in May for the first my life ha. I always hated it! But I think why I hated it is because I always tried to do too much to soon. This time around I started small and built up my endurance. I looked into couch to 5k but I didn't do it just because I hate feeling like I need to follow someone else's routine. I started running at a church by my house and just doing laps. I couldn't even run one lap without having to walk half or more of it. Now I can run 10 laps without stopping. I enjoy running laps because then I see how well I am improving. So my advice to you is start small. It takes a couple weeks for your body to adjust to running. It is the best feeling ever though finishing a good run....and this is coming from someone who despised running(:

    Good luck!
  • cgrigz
    cgrigz Posts: 86 Member
    Get fitted for the correct shoes for your style of running. It was the best thing I ever did when I was running. it's definitely worth the 100-150 bucks you'll spend. Good luck!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    Couch to 5k

    If you really LIKE running, give that a shot.

    If you don't...don't run.

    Ok Negative Nancy!!

    So, I was never much of a runner myself, nor did it ever sound like a "fun" idea to me... but I progressed to a certain phase in my weight loss where it was time to do something different, I had lost 100 pounds of fat, build up about 20 from muscle, and was just dandy going about my normal lifting and cardio routine... when BAM! My trainer encouraged me to really challenge myself. She suggested that anyone serious about their fitness should either compete in a body building competition or run a marathon, just for the experience and a reason to "step your game up" and still have a "finish line" in sight.

    Now I am light years away from even considering a figure competition, but I decided to take her up on training for a big race... unfortunately the one she picked didn't have a HALF MARATHON option so yep! I jumped in head first and trained for 26.2 miles! In February when we started training, I could not run one complete mile. Started with intervals (similar to couch to 5k and Jeff Galloway programs), and what do you know? June 2nd, I completed my FIRST FULL MARATHON in 6 hours flat... Yes, I did walk some, but I did it!! I've already ran 5 races ranging in distances and have at least one more full and a half marathon to run this year.

    So, the moral of my story... Don't be afraid to do something outside your comfort zone and see where it takes you! Bet you learn something new about yourself!! Running gives me the time to release the bad and focus on right now, and sometimes, it seems LIFESAVING!!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Couch to 5k

    yup, couch to 5k is a good way to start.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I just started running a few months ago, and I'm almost to the point where I can run 3 miles without any walking. I'm not there yet, but close! Not too bad considering I couldn't even run a half mile before! I first recommend getting some well-fitting running shoes. They help a lot. I also like good running programs like Couch to 5K or something similar. Good luck on the running!

    I agree with the new shoes advice! I just bought some new Nike shoes that are designed for runners and they have helped me so much! While it is nothing to be insanely proud of... I did 5 minutes running the other day and was quite comfortable in doing so when I usually find that I am struggling after 2! haha
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    try different couch 25k programmes I tried 3 before the one I've just completed didn't like the first 2 one guy irritated me he put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, one I didn't like the music so try some till one fits with you
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I also completed couch to 5k... went from it being super difficult to running a 5.15km loop tonight is under 30 minutes. Good luck! Add me if you want :)
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Shoes, shoes, shoes. Go to a running store (not a department store) and have them set you up. They will analyze your gate and put you in the right shoe for how you run. If you can afford the footbeds, get them.

    Start slow and with low miles. C25K or a Hal Higdon running routine will set you up nicely. I started running last December and ran the Rock 'n Roll half marathon in June using a Hal Higdon plan. The key was adding the miles gradually and not pounding myself into the ground.

    Good luck and happy trails!
  • Instead of focusing on how much your legs burn, try to focus on keeping your arms moving correctly. Your arms will help you keep a good stride, and make sure youre doing it right it will actually make you faster :P! (I used to think I knew the correct way until my track coach explained to me I was doing it all wrong, dont be afraid to look it up!) It seems silly but its a really important factor, especially when you get tired re-remind yourself and check to see if you're doing it, its helped me maintain my time each mile I run. OH and make sure to take steady deep breaths as you're running, the quicker they get the more you will want to stop! : ) Have fun and good luck!
  • Oring03
    Oring03 Posts: 1
    What is Couch to 5K that everyone is talking about? I just started running today and I would like anything that would help.
    I only ran about 2 blocks but I am not in shape at all. I was so out of breath just doing that.
  • amanda1325
    amanda1325 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! I downloaded the c25k app and am going to try the 2 week trial before I gi with the pro app. I also will look into some shoes. What are some of the stores who sell and fit the running shoes called?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    What is Couch to 5K that everyone is talking about? I just started running today and I would like anything that would help.
    I only ran about 2 blocks but I am not in shape at all. I was so out of breath just doing that.
    i posted a link in my earlier post.

    it's a way of gradually building yourself up to reduce the risk of injury and stop you feeling like you're about to die. i'm using it now, because i had to stop running for health reasons for a while.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    You don't need to spend a fortune on shoes, something comfortable that is designed for running will do. Mine cost £30 and have been more than enough. Start with couch to 5k, enter in a 5k race to keep your motivation up, and enjoy! I couldn't run half a mile when I started and now I run 6milers and counting, training for a half marathon!
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    Dowload the Zombies, Run! app on your phone. It's funny, well made, and when you run while it's quiet you genuinely look behind you when you hear zombies!

    Best £5.49 I ever spent, though they sometimes do offers, so keep checking @ZombiesRunGame.

    You're welcome.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Dowload the Zombies, Run! app on your phone. It's funny, well made, and when you run while it's quiet you genuinely look behind you when you hear zombies!

    Best £5.49 I ever spent, though they sometimes do offers, so keep checking @ZombiesRunGame.

    You're welcome.

    I'm doing mission 2 today. I found that after doing C25K for a bit, this actually has me running longer and faster (duh there are zombs chasing me). Also on mission 1 I actually ended up trying to talk to Sam. Yeah i'm a dork.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    Dowload the Zombies, Run! app on your phone. It's funny, well made, and when you run while it's quiet you genuinely look behind you when you hear zombies!

    Best £5.49 I ever spent, though they sometimes do offers, so keep checking @ZombiesRunGame.

    You're welcome.

    I'm doing mission 2 today. I found that after doing C25K for a bit, this actually has me running longer and faster (duh there are zombs chasing me). Also on mission 1 I actually ended up trying to talk to Sam. Yeah i'm a dork.

    LOL!!! I've come close to answering back myself (I do it in my head just not out loud), it's a brilliant wee game isn't it? Sam's voice is very soothing I find, I'm resisting the urge to Google to find out who does the voice because I don't want to shatter my image *haha* He's a cute dirty blonde geek to me... sigh.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Roadrunner sports is a great store, but they have a limited number of stores. Google search for running stores in your area. Make sure they do a gait analysis. That will determine what type of shoe you should buy. Too many people just buy a generic shoe without taking into account their gait. That will cause injuries or discomfort if you pick the wrong one.