41 told Aussie looking for friends

Hi I'm in Australia and I'm 41 going to commit to this thing especially after logging over 1000 Val's over my limit today! Wondering if I should try not to eat breakfast and lunch because it seems when I start eating in the mornings I can't stop any suggestions to stop the hunger?


  • CopyCat97
    CopyCat97 Posts: 75 Member
    Skipping meals is not a good way of losing weight. Your body needs fuel and not eating forces your body to store instead of burn.

    Try a Meal Replacement protein shake for breakfast. I have two servings of it every morning for breakfast. In the beginning I get hungry about 2 hours later, so i have some baby carrots for a snack until lunch time. Now, the shakes hold me off until lunch most of the time.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    I agree, skipping meals will most certainly backfire on ya, for the reasons CopyCat97 said, or by making you so hungry that you slingshot right off your plan. Take a look at what you're eating and the portions. I've read that lean proteins (tuna, eggs, turkey, etc...) will help you feel full longer, in addition to helping you in other ways, and should be included in every meal. If you open your diary (to the Public, or even just to your Friends), then people will be able to give you advice based on what you've been eating, and help you identify some areas where you can make some good changes.

    And exercise more -- the more you exercise, the more likely you'll hit your MFP calorie target.

    Be sure that you've set reasonable goals in the MFP settings. We all would love to lose weight fast, but in 99% of cases, losing weight really fast merely results in regaining it...and who the heck wants to do that?

    Now these are just my own thoughts here (and I'm just some random MFP guy....so take this or leave it), but you're just getting started, so I'd suggest you go for no more than "Lose 1 pound a week" in your MFP goal settings. This might give you a calorie target that feels a little more do-able, and combined with a modest exercise plan, will help you adjust to a new eating lifestyle while starting to shed some pounds. Errr, kilograms.

    Because THAT is what you're really doing here -- moving to a new eating & exercise lifestyle. THAT change is what is going to shed the weight and help you become (and stay) the thinner, fitter person you want to be.

    Over the next months, you may find exercise that you really enjoy doing, or you might get a little competitive with yourself about just how many miles you're going to walk this week compared to last, and you're going to be getting more aware of the calories that are in foods and the impact that has on your calorie target. As you find it easier to stay within your calorie target, then perhaps adjust it downward a little. But heck, maybe you'll already be at your goal weight by then! :)

    Dang, didn't mean to write a book....

    Best wishes!
  • joannaleasa
    joannaleasa Posts: 25 Member
    I have purchased a shake meal replacement.. havnt started that today but I will do it tomorrow and do the carrot thing too...thanks so much for advice .. i can't quite bring myself to exercise yet and I did not realise there was a 'goal setting' yes Im very new to this but will look at the settings such as opening up my food intake so that i can receive those golden suggestions!