What do you think being fit will get you?

I'm curretntly trying to back into the swing of things. I was doing really well before I had an accident - although I did workout today!! WOOT! I have to remind myself why I want this.

What's the REAL reason you want to lose weight? How do you think your life will change once you get there? Is your weight stopping you in other areas of your life?

I'm sorry for the bombardment of questions - I just find hearing other stories interesting and inspiring. :)


  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    What a good question... really makes you think. Hmmmm, I guess after a lifetime of eating junk and sitting on my toosh and really not taking care of myself I think I will finally have an appreciation for myself and what I can accomplish. I've never "loved" myself and have always picked myself apart for various reasons. It will be a good mental and physical cleanse of everything I have done to myself in the past.
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    I started losing weight because we were going to Disneyland and I wanted to be able to wear shorts and be ok with having my picture taken. That was in March and there are SO many reasons why I continue eating better and exercising. I'm not done but I am close (2 lbs) to my goal weight and I have more confidence, feel better, can wear just about anything I want, the sex is better, I have more energy to get things done around the house, play with my kids, etc. I was not significantly over weight, but I was heading down that path by eating too much and never exercising. I like this path so much better. I know it's a tough journey full of sacrifices, but it is SO worth it for a million reasons. Good job taking the first step! You CAN do this - best wishes to u :)
  • clotho
    clotho Posts: 29 Member
    A longer and healthier life. Better ability to do the physical things I want to do. When I go back to work not to face obesity discrimination. To be able to buy cute clothing. In that order.
  • tazboy
    tazboy Posts: 81 Member
    To be honest, to get back into the game. I'm divorced, and haven't had a real relationship for sometime now. I let myself go, eating comfort foods, and not really caring in anyway. I did lose weight back in Oct due to a hernia operation, but during the recovery stage,I put most of the weight back on. Now it's time to get myself back into it.

    Now that was the initial idea behind it all, but since I've started to lose the weight, I feel great. My sleep is better, my energy is better, //and things are getting too big on me. My confidence is starting to come back, and this is only the beginning for me.

    In the end, it's all about me, and isn't this why we do this????

    Good luck

    Always looking for friends :)
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    There is so much in this world that we can't control, but we can control what we put into our bodies and how much we stay active. Both of my parents died at relatively young ages (54 and 60) from smoking-related cancers. Both lived very unhealthy lives for the most part. I want to do what I can to live much longer than they did...I want to meet my grandkids someday. And I want to be an active old person! I know that I may still get sick, or I could have an accident and be disabled, but I want to be able to say that I did my best at staying healthy and fit.

    And, oh yeah, I also want to look GOOD! :smile:
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    Confidence- So I can put on whatever I fancy and not worry about looking fat in it.
    Ease of mind- Not having to worry about wether I can button my jeans up or not.

    Improve my genetically bad poor circulation and heart condition.
  • zasae
    zasae Posts: 30
    I will make me healthier and happier , being able to look in the mirror and being all 'ugh' . Not sucking in the stomach every minute of the day would be nice too :)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I would expect it to help me live longer but even if it doesn't and I get hit by a bus tomorrow, I will have LIVED more for all of the things I am doing that don't involve a TV and a couch.
  • krue1971
    krue1971 Posts: 167 Member
    Mostly to get my wife off my butt about my weight.:laugh:
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Feeling more energized and light, rather than being sluggish and tired all the time.

    Also being able to buy nice dresses, that actually fit ;).
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    It will, in general, make living easier. Clothes shopping, fitting into lawn chairs, amusement park rides, the antique theatre in town with the super tiny seats (seriously, how in the world did women used to fit when they wore umpteen layers??). I haven't been too focused on losing just yet because I'm working on getting stronger and faster, the weight will come off when it comes off. But I noticed that when I went to Wal-Mart today and did the usual lap around the store plus the trip to and from the parking lot that my feet and legs didn't hurt. I wasn't tired. I didn't need to come home and rest. I'm beyond the point of caring about looking like a supermodel. That won't happen regardless of how much weight I lose. But my general quality of living already has improved.
  • hhichristina
    hhichristina Posts: 23 Member
    I'm losing weight so that I'll have an easier time getting pregnant, staying pregnant/healthy pregnancy and so that I'm just healthier in general. My starting weight was 249lbs and now Im down to 183 (end goal is around 150lbs (I'm 5'10"))
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    Its not about being skinny to me, It's about being healthy. <3 Fit as you say! :) Toned!
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    For real, being heavier makes me feel old and out of it, and increases health issues that are much better when I am more fit, like a kind of swelling I get every day since i got electrocuted a few years back and stuff stopped working as well. I like it when I feel able to walk faster and move better, since it does make me feel younger, and I don't feel like I am finished with being somewhat young, no matter what my age!
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm curretntly trying to back into the swing of things. I was doing really well before I had an accident - although I did workout today!! WOOT! I have to remind myself why I want this.

    What's the REAL reason you want to lose weight? How do you think your life will change once you get there? Is your weight stopping you in other areas of your life?

    I'm sorry for the bombardment of questions - I just find hearing other stories interesting and inspiring. :)

    I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I already feel loads better, with only a few lb loss, and I think not being confident about the way I look negatively effects my relationship with my boyfriend. I think my already boosted self confidence is just going to skyrocket when I get to where I want to be. I just feel so strong and accomplished when Im exercising and eating like I know I should. Its great :bigsmile:
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I want to be able to control my diabetes with just diet and exercise and get off of my meds. I also have lots of really cute clothes in smaller sizes that I would love to be able to wear. I have about 14 pairs of jeans in sizes 12 and 14 that I would love to wear. I also think that losing weight will help me be able to get a better job. I think employers think you are lazy or have lots of medical problems if you are overweight. I know that's not necessarily true or fair, but I still feel like it is the way it is.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    I was 46 lbs into a 90 lb weight loss/fitness journey when I got pregnant and gained 67 lbs. Right now I just want to get back to where I was because right when I got pregnant I felt absolutely amazing and I was starting to look a lot healthier and fitter. Plus I'd just bought a whole bunch of cute new skinny clothes.

    Most importantly, though, I want to do all I can to ensure I'm here for my son and husband as long as possible!
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    It'll get me a longer, healthier, happier life. Building good habits now will only help me in the long run, I think!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    My Grandmother died at age 54 after having weight related health problems for basically her entire adult life. Throughout my whole childhood, I remember her being huge and always being sick. She died when I was 15. My Dad, who has also had a weight problem for most of his adult life, is now having the same kinds of health problems, and it is confirmed to be genetic. As if that wasn't motivation enough, I've also had some recent health scares not necessarily related to weight but enough to make me stop and think. So, I guess what I think I will get out of being fit is a healthier me and hopefully a longer, healthier life.
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100
    I think being confident to dress nicer. I feel like most of the time I'm trying to hide my body which just makes me look even bigger..I can't wait to put on a little black dress lol