Is anyone familiar with Neris & India's Idiot Proof Diet?

I started it a week ago after my sister recommended it; it involves cutting all carbs for Phase 1 (whose duration is unclear - they state "2 weeks, or until you are within a stone of your goal" which is quite a spectrum!), reintroducing fruit and pulses for Phase 2, and wholegrain non-wheaty carbs for Phase 3.

It seems to be doing the trick in terms of my appearance (not really losing lbs on the scales, but I'm shrinking and changing shape - which, when you think about it, is what everyone wants, right?), but I can feel that the depression I suffered at the start of the year when I gave up booze, is starting to creep back. I did phase out the carbs gradually and didn't just stop dead (like I did with the alcohol - wouldn't recommend this to anyone!), so had hoped for no adverse effects.

I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced this diet, and in particular anyone who has suffered the depression. As with the depression I had in January, it was triggered by a relatively minor problem at work which is now resolved and in the past but which I can't get off my mind ...


  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It sounds like broadly the approach I had ... Cut the carbs right back, minimise sugar, get rid of grains, legumes, etc and then gradually introduce them back in, although I can't see me eating a lot of grains or legumes in the future anyway.

    I have found my mood has improved since starting this so maybe you aren't getting enough fat in the diet? Or maybe you are eating too little generally?

    I also supplement with Omega 3 three times a day and although I have no evidence, I think this helps the mindset.

    Good luck!
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Thanks for the advice! I do take Udo's Choice oil capsules every day (3 at breakfast, 3 at dinner) although maybe this isn't enough? I also started taking 5HTP supplements which helped my overall mood and sleep; I'm still taking them, so it was a bit of a surprise to find the depression creeping back.

    I also exercise regularly (running 3 times a week, cycling twice a week - always outdoors, never in the gym) which I had hoped would help but, again, it doesn't seem to be enough ...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I do take Udo's Choice oil capsules every day (3 at breakfast, 3 at dinner) although maybe this isn't enough? I also started taking 5HTP supplements which helped my overall mood and sleep; I'm still taking them, so it was a bit of a surprise to find the depression creeping back.

    I also exercise regularly (running 3 times a week, cycling twice a week - always outdoors, never in the gym) which I had hoped would help but, again, it doesn't seem to be enough ...

    I was taking 5-HTP and found that it did not help my sleep (in fact it made going to sleep worse) and I was noticably more irritable ... I guess you know your own body but it might be worth giving them a break?

    I switched to a Magnesium supplement an hour before bed and this has helped with the insomnia no other side-effects.

    Exercising outdoors is an excellent idea, I don't know what your intensity is but maybe it is TOO much exercise? Excessive exercise will raise cortisol and this won't help either weight management or mood.

    Not sure about the oil dosage you are taking, I would err on the side of too much Omega 3 as we get enough Omega 6 in our diets as it is and the correct balance of 3 vs 6 is important:
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    Not commenting on value of this just reminds me of a quote

    Make something idiot proof and only a damn fool will use it

    (or something like that)
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Hehe, maybe you're right! In any case, it seems I have to make a choice between good inch loss and feeling low, or not-so-good inch/weight loss and feeling fine ...