The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    when I was fat I frequently was told 'you need to lose weight' I can see you had a wonderful christmas' and 'what happened to you?'
    Now I have lost weight I was told a few days ago 'I do hope you are not going to lose anymore weight!, you are looking ill'

    can't win! :laugh:
  • Nyranee
    Nyranee Posts: 57
    I always get, "what's your secret" too! There is no secret people. We eat healthy AND exercise daily. It is pretty simple.
    What is disturbing is that I have an obese co-worker who tries to avoid me now. She will barely talk to me, and hides from me. We used to get along just fine. I'm not sure why I have to make an effort to be nice to her, to say hello, etc. She just won't say anything to me anymore unless I initiate. I haven't said one word to her about my weight loss, and she mentioned it only once. She asked me what my secret was, and I told her exercise and diet. She said "see I want to eat brownies." I laughed and said, "well, an occasional brownie is fine." She said, "I can't give up cheese." I said "I know. It's not easy, but I have gotten used to it." After that, she hasn't mentioned anything and won't talk to me unless I pin her down. It's weird.
    I did this for my health because I had metabolic syndrome, and not to make others feel bad!!

    Maybe she is ashamed for not being as strong as you, or maybe she thinks you are one of them (the skinny people) and doesn't feel confident that you would like her company.
  • carrieblue052
    carrieblue052 Posts: 41 Member
    Mine was my boyfriends mum saying to my bf, "you better watch it now she's lost all this weight she'll be leaving you. "

    I just smiled but thought WTF are you talking about woman.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Mine was my boyfriends mum saying to my bf, "you better watch it now she's lost all this weight she'll be leaving you. "

    I just smiled but thought WTF are you talking about woman.

    My mom said something similar, "You lose all this weight and you'll be too sexy for your boyfriend." Um...I'll still love him regardless of what I look like. Silly goose. :laugh:
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I've been starting to get the "when are you going to stop" and "you're too skinny" comments, followed by offhanded remarks about needing to eat fried foods more?...

    Umm no!

    I will stop when I am ready and I'm only 8 lbs from maintenance. Even then, I won't technically "stop", I'll be logging so I can stay accountable and stay at that healthy weight.

    And I'm quite far from too skinny...
  • MicNite4
    MicNite4 Posts: 6
    This bothers me too, when I think that many people would treat me in a better way when I weigh less. Like the comments (I am happily single) you're getting ready to get back "out there". As though I am not good enough now, and it's not okay to be single and happy.. Least it quickly lets people reveal how they truly think.
  • SarahD59
    SarahD59 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm getting the same thing that a lot of people seem to be getting, "What diet are you on?" and it's usually asked by people at work who want to lose a ton of weight too, but don't want to actually work hard at it all. Like if there were some miracle pill that made me lose 20 pounds overnight while double-fisting chocolate milkshakes, I wouldn't have found it by now. Haha
  • Vburton30
    Vburton30 Posts: 1
    I have people at my work thinking that this is a diet I'm on! The thing about it is, this app has helped me get my mojo back! Some people don't have to monitor and keep track of what they eat to stay honest to themselves! I need to see in black and white what I have each day. People don't understand that change in ones life is necessary and I for one feel fantastic and only starting week 3 on Monday! Some people just don't want to see you better yourself for their own personal agenda! I for one am strong willed, and could care less about what one thinks of my weight loss! This app is getting my son, my dog and I out for walks everyday. All I think about is walking or jogging after work!! I went from wondering "what wine to drink tonight" to wondering "which trail will I try today"!! :happy:
  • crazybigchick
    So I haven't heard too much on my weight loss other than your looking good. My husband on the other hand likes to tell me what to eat and such. like: "should you be eating that?", "that's not good for you", "why are you eating that if your trying to lose weight?"
    Every once and a while I have a treat as long as it's with in my calories i don't see why he makes such a big deal...he's not doing what I'm doing and he's not me, he doesn't get to say what i can or can not eat.

    I can relate to this! My husband will do the same thing, but I know he does it with good intentions... He's really disciplined and when he sets his mind to something it gets done , come hell or high water , he kills it... he can't comprehend why it's so hard for me to stay on task and follow through with my goal... He doesn't take into consideration that I have A.D.D. and that his goal is the opposite of mine... I want to lose weight, he tries to gain the weight.. he different goals! lol.. ohwell at least he tries to support me!

    My bf does the same thing and I know he means it nice, but omg! I am stressed to the max and when he is eating what ever he wants but gets on me about my meals it drives me up the wall. Neither of us have time to cook right now. Our entire lives hang in the balance of a single exam and it is a big deal we have spent months studying and years going to school so cut me a bit of slack if I need a snack! He tries bless his heart but he can't find the balance of being supporting and being controlling.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Someone said "you look like you've lost a lot of weight..........have you been sick?" wth? No but thanks for noticing I guess
  • Hollie_R
    Hollie_R Posts: 20 Member
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    It ticks me off.
    Why would this anger anybody?
    Attraction is just nature's expression of the pro-creative instinct.
    Of course you'll get more attention the more weight you lose.
    That is to be expected.
    Welcome to the human race.:drinker:

    well bobby, let me try to explain it to you. Since both the posters you quoted were both women. Now, even though I've been happily married for 11 years and probably reasonably "trained"...haha....please feel free ladies to correct me if I'm in error here.....when women don't get attention from men because they are heavy (as in the first poster) and then they lose weight and start getting attention, the feeling is they don't have any worth unless they have a nice hot body. They don't feel respected or that they don't have worth as a human being other than just someone who looks good. They want to be valued as a "whole" person who has value way beyond just their physical appearance. This is where the anger comes from. If I'm not nice to look at, then I have no value. When all of us, men and women, have much more to offer and are much more valuable than just our physical appearance. Hope that clear its up for ya.

    While your statement might be theoretically "true" in the abstract, Its male thinking. Which is normal because you are in fact a man, unless your profile pic is a complete lie.

    Ohhh please, take a bow! Eleven years of marriage, 'trained' or 'untrained' - YES!

    I too can relate to pretty much everything mentioned thus far.
    I'm carrying a debilitating back injury, so can no longer train and work out intensively like I used to. I get that people are trying to help me in my journey with their 'suggestions' but people, I'm the only one who knows my body's limits.
    Three and a half years ago, when I lost around 15kg and was still medically overweight (I'm 156cm or 5'1"), I got told if I lost any more I'd fade away.

    At uni the other day, I was offered chocolate. I politely declined, and declared that I had lost 6kg since April through dedication and moderation. I was asked if I had tried to to this. Um, yes, I did try, and it's worked. I don't not have treats but I try not to have them too often.

    Yesterday I was told I would never be a size 8 or a size 10. I was mortified by this comment. It was made by someone who had lap band surgery. I corrected them and told them that it was not impossible, that I was always big as a child, and then I was a size 10 (because I worked damned hard) just before my 16th birthday.
    I know it's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. I am determined.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I too can relate to pretty much everything mentioned thus far.
    I'm carrying a debilitating back injury, so can no longer train and work out intensively like I used to. I get that people are trying to help me in my journey with their 'suggestions' but people, I'm the only one who knows my body's limits.
    Three and a half years ago, when I lost around 15kg and was still medically overweight (I'm 156cm or 5'1"), I got told if I lost any more I'd fade away.

    At uni the other day, I was offered chocolate. I politely declined, and declared that I had lost 6kg since April through dedication and moderation. I was asked if I had tried to to this. Um, yes, I did try, and it's worked. I don't not have treats but I try not to have them too often.

    Yesterday I was told I would never be a size 8 or a size 10. I was mortified by this comment. It was made by someone who had lap band surgery. I corrected them and told them that it was not impossible, that I was always big as a child, and then I was a size 10 (because I worked damned hard) just before my 16th birthday.
    I know it's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. I am determined.

    That's great :) You can achieve all of that if you are persistent and determined to :) Not even doctors can tell you what dress size you'll be when you're at a healthy weight, so don't listen to this person.

    most annoying comments:

    "you seem so stressed, it must be that diet you are on." .....errr no, I'm "so stressed" because I have PTSD and the exercise is actually helping and I'm also concerned about the effect all the stress hormones in my system is having on my body, so I'm trying to counteract that with healthy eating and exercise..... (I didn't actually say that though, because I don't see why I should have to explain my psychiatric history in order to justify myself to people who don't know anything about either nutrition or psychology)

    "it's okay to break your diet once in a while" - yes that's true except a) it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change and b) if I broke my "diet" every time someone offered me junk food it'd become a lifestyle change in the wrong direction...!!

    Then you get people who act like I'm some kind of crazy diet extremist health fanatic because I say "no thank you" to donuts and other deep fried stuff rather than eating them.

    The funniest one was someone who I'd never met before, who saw me eating an apple and asked me if I was on a diet. Just because I was eating an apple. Apparently people who are not on diets don't eat apples....???

    And there's people who seem to think you're only saying no out of some kind of obligation and that you really want the food, and keep insisting.... except I actually don't want it. I've taken to telling people that I have a policy whereby I only eat unhealthy food if I'm really going to enjoy it, and I'm not in the mood for it right now, so no. That generally works :)
  • velh
    velh Posts: 1
    I have lost 28 lbs and only 1 person has remarked on it!! Yet when my husband lost weight everyone we met said what a lot of weight he had lost. Very disheartening :sad:
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    " dont you think your skinny enough yet", i think its ironic coming from someone who claims to be losing weight but hadnt lost a pound- continuing to stuff thier face- and said that to me with a scolding angry sorry whos got the problem here? not me...anymore:laugh:
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    Today I told my mom about starting to lose weight again and that I had lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks. She said to me, "I'm happy you're starting to care about yourself." I know she meant well and she is genuinely happy for me, but when she said it it kind of made it sound like I didn't care about myself to begin with? I did, lol I just wasn't ready to commit to fitness and a healthier lifestyle.
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    Coworker, "Don't lose weight your weight suits you."

    LOTS of people, "How much are you going to lose?" Me, "About 100 pounds give or take." Them, O.O "OMG that's too much!" Me, "No, it's really really not. I weighed 240 when I started."

    *****y ex-manager, "HOW are you doing it?" Me, "I watch what I eat, exercise when I can. Use MFP to track my food, exercise, weight etc." Her "Oh I'm MUCH too busy for all that," with the tone implication that I'm some spoiled Stepford Wife. *****, I got two jobs (60 hours a week), two kids one two and one 12 months (she also has special needs). I don't HAVE time I MAKE time.

    And this is not so much weightloss but still just made me go WUT. Date, (on my getting a breast reduction after my weight loss... informed him about my back problems too), "Oh let's wait for that! Might enjoy those a bit too much." That was my first and last date with him. Way to go for being classy.. oh, and concerned about the HEALTH of your potential mate. Good job dude.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I heard a bunch of different things...

    How are you doing it?
    What made you decide you needed to lose?
    You want to lose HOW MUCH more? You look great now.

    But everytime people actually compliment me, earnestly, I say "Thank you, I've worked very hard to become so" and see if they get the Princess Bride reference.
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    One thing that has been weird for me, and particularly there is one individual that does it, is someone who is bigger than I am making such a fuss about how "skinny" I am and "just look at you, you're so skinny now" and "how much more your you going to lose cause you're so skinny, you are going to fly away". I'm not skinny, medically speaking I'm still overwieght, so I don't know what to say and it makes me uncomfortable when I know it comes from someone who is "trying" to lose weight but has all sorts of excuses why it isn't working or they can't. I just try to find a way to politely say thanks and get away as fast as I can.

    Yeah this. All the time.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My favorite is the woman who said "I didn't know you had weight loss surgery!" Yeah...I didn't. How uncomfortable.

    What is the craziest thing that someone has said to you while you were losing weight?

    Wow! I would definitely give a smart-*kitten* remark to that comment!

    I haven't had any crazy comments yet, but getting crazy looks when they find out how quickly I lost so much weight by eating a balanced diet instead of a fad diet. I keep getting asked, "What kind of diet are you on?"
  • mercikaleb
    mercikaleb Posts: 14
    The "dont get too skinny" comments used to happen to me when I was alot thinner and worried about gaining.
    ( usually between 130-140 pounds)
    Because people who are WAY bigger than that, think that's thin.
    Now I am 155 and WISH I were 130-140.
    But I also know what it's like to be near 200.

    Its all relative.

    Bottom line is, you have to lose weight for YOURSELF andf no one else.

    NO ONE can control your body but you!!!


    Whether it's maintainence, Weight loss BIG or small.