Gym or No Gym?



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I don't think you need a gym unless you want to do group classes (great for motivation), have no space at home or want to lift crazily heavy. If you're just looking to lose weight, as long as you have suitably heavy weights at home, do some kind of cardio-vascular exercise and eat right, you will lose weight and look good. 90% of my training is at home and I am well on-target to achieve my goal. My kit includes a kettlebell, about 150kg of plate weights, a bench and a gym bicycle; I have a number of CV routines that I've put together depending on what I fancy doing.
  • lhughes404
    lhughes404 Posts: 42 Member
    I love my gym, especially the classes. Try finding a gym that has a trial membership or a few free day passes and see if you use it. If you have friends that are a member sometimes they get a few free day passes. I know my gym has an open house twice a year and everything is free.
  • calitravelingal
    I go to the gym. I was worried about the money at first, but since i've made friends there, I go 5 days a week, sometimes 6. It helps when someone says "see you here tomorrow". I looked at a few gyms before siging up. I ended up going to the YMCA. The prices is fair and there is no contract. Other gyms I looked at you had to sign a min 6 mo membership. I figured with the Y, if it turned out I wasn't going or getting my money's worth then I could quit with out having to pay. I like to go outside and do stuff to but I live in the south and right now it's just too darn hot. The gym has airconditioning!
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    I've lost weight doing both. Right now a gym membership isn't in the budget so I workout at home. I alternate workout dvds for my weight lifting (using dumbbells) and have recently gotten into running. I also have an elliptical machine. If you chose to workout at home I highly recommend looking into the 30 minutes to fitness dvds. They are great and I am getting great results with them.
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I've lost 101 lbs without setting 1 foot in a gym.
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    Going to the gym is just too much effort for me so i go walking or i do exercise dvds at home.

    i lost 145 pounds in 2008 doing just those two things....

    i got ill and could not work out and was not counting calories which is why i am here...i regained some of it....

    i won't be joining a gym in the near or distant future...
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    A good gym has many tools that you wouldn't have access to other wise for the fitness aspect of your journey. You can lose weight without it. But you can't get on a weight training program without weight equipment. You can't try new cardio equipment without the cardio equipment available to try. Do you have bosu balls, kettle bells, medicine balls, trx, dumbbells, resistance bands and water weights at home? All of those things really enhance core exercise moves and are a lot of fun. Gym's have them. Kickboxing, H2O bootcamp, spinning, bodypump, and other classes-offered at the gym with different instructors and real people. Way more fun that the video in you living room. And internet support is nice, real life support even better. I say, invest in the gym. It's a great investment!

  • scarlettesong
    scarlettesong Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been trying to decide if I join a gym or keep doing this without.
    My partner thinks it's just a waste of money and I probably wont use it *SIGH* but he also thinks that I should be able to do it without the gym and their equipment.
    I think I will use it - even if it is 4 days a week (after work and on my day off), but I also don't know if I can justify spending the money! I'm tempted to join Jetts 24 hour gym - because it is right across from my work (and sometimes I don't finish until 11pm) also some of my work mates also go there so I'd have some support. I just don't know!!!

    What worked best for you? Have you tried doing this weight loss with out the gym - what were your results? (yes, I know everyone will get different but I am still curious)

    Thank you for your advice (in advance)

    I'm in a similar situation. My workplace is right across from the gym (but I don't have to pay for it because I'm military and they provide us gyms to stay in shape for free!) But the only thing that keeps me out is my laziness.

    I say go for it! Change into your gym clothes before you leave work. You're less tempted to skip.
    Try to go with your coworkers.
    And if you work so late, try to go to the gym before work. I'd love to do this one but I have to be there at 5am... then when I don't leave until 5pm, I'm so exhausted I just want to sleep and I usually skip the gym. If you can go before work and get a healthy breakfast in, you'd be amazed how prepared you feel for the day ahead.

    Edit: I thought of some more reasons I'm in favor of a gym. Running is extremely high impact and is difficult for me to do. I love that there a number of other cardio options including the row machine (my favorite) and the elliptical for low-impact running. You may find that you enjoy these more than "pounding pavement". And you may enjoy using weight machines more than dumbbells at home. You've really just go to try it out. If you like running and dumbbells and would rather do that at home, then go for it!
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    I'd say it comes down to whether or not you're going to be actually going to the gym ;) The cost can usually be justified by how much time you spend there, and how important that type of training is. I go 2-4 times a week, either for classes or to train on my own (usually crossramp followed by weights, as I cannot run on treadmills). I also have a few friends I go with, which can make it easier some days. The fact that I live in a town where is rains a lot (Norwegians can pretty much guess which town it is), the ability to work hard indoors is a blessing sometimes. No fun to go running when it's raining buckets.

    For me, having a gym membership is a must-have. I even had one as a student, and I used the regular gym and not the student union gym (which is much cheaper) as I went with the same as my friends.

    If you can see yourself using it, and it works well with your schedule, I say go for it. It's always good to have options with what kind of training you want to do, and a lot of gyms have a ton of different classes, from yoga to spin class to weights, so there is something for everything, and you probably won't get bored easily :)
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Gym has worked best for me. I have to plan my day/week around going to the gym so it is dedicated 'me' time, I found it too easy to make excuses not to work out if I didn't. I love being a gym member because I can do so many more things - weights, cardio, classes, swimming so no matter what mood or energy level I have I can always find something to do. I think I burn off more calories at the gym than I would if I didn't go. The added bonus is that I get to go to the steam room or hot tub to relax and chit chat after my workout so not only do I get to have some me time but I get to have some girlie time too!

    You don't need a gym to lose weight and I think if you don't use it at least 3 times a week it is pretty much a waste of money but it can be enjoyable and motivating for some people! Do they have a two week free trial or anything like that at a gym near you? It would be a good way to try it out and see if you really do like it or would use it without making a committment!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    I've lost 107 pounds without going to the gym. I use DVDs and I have a set of small handweights. Jillian's DVDs are all less than $10, 1 every month or two is way cheaper than a gym membership. But, I also don't like working out in front of people.
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    Is it possible to lose weight without a gym membership? Totally. Push ups are free, you can do yoga anywhere with 6 feet of space, ect.

    That said, I love my gym. It's the place I go to workout without any distractions, and to have time that is 'just for me and just for fitness' it's great using an elliptical in an air conditioned room during the summer and to be indoors when it's raining. My gym emails me once a month to let me know how I did, there are several ladies that work the desk that say encouraging things when I go there. However, the hours are not great so it's easier to not get any exercise in for the day because I missed the gym hours. It's not that expensive, we spend about as much on a month gym membership that we do on one nice dinner out.

    Check if the gym you are considering has a month by month plan (sometimes it's slightly more expensive) and try them out for a while and see if it is something you'll use. Mostly you just have to go with what works for you.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    I tried going to the gym but I hated it. I felt totally self conscious and always made excuses not to go (even when it was within walking distance!).

    I prefer to workout at home. I have just about every workout program from Beachbody (my favorites being Turbo Fire, Les Mills Pump, and ChaLEAN Extreme) and I have the bowflex adjustable weights and a bar with weighted plates that I use with Pump. Working out at home I have no excuses not to "go" and I can do my workout whenever I have the time, not on someone else's schedule. The DVDs help me push harder than I would on my own and I have an online support group on Facebook with a bunch of women who do the same workouts.

    So, it's really up to you and your personality! If you can invest in some weights or bands and some DVDs I'd say stay home. But if you're the social type who wants to workout with others, hit up a gym!
  • icreate
    icreate Posts: 60
    Before you go to gym, try if you can commit to jog or run regularly. This will cost you only a pair of rubber shoes. Then you will know if your ready to gym :)
  • mangopeachgum
    I don't use a gym per say, but I have a treadmill and weight machine in my basement. Both are instrumental to losing weight for me.
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Have YOU joined a gym before? If so, what did you do? Did you go?

    Personally, I join a gym and go for a while then get bored. BUT, if I work out at home I stick with it. I use videos and workout at home by myself.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    Gym pros:

    variety of equipment and classes
    very nice in extreme weather conditions so there's no excuse for not working out
    you may be more likely to go if you are paying
    you will eventually make friends there

    Gym cons:

    you have to drive, walk, bike there and plan for it
    you are under their time/holiday constraints
    monthy dues
    other people

    pros far outweigh the cons. :D I'd sell my house before I gave up my gym membership. ;)
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I have a weight bench, barbell and a bunch of weights and dumbbells (the ones you put the weights on) cost-$20. The only thing I paid for was the dumbbell bars at Wal-mart for $20. I asked my family to keep an eye out for exercise stuff and with in less then a week I ended up with the other stuff for free thanks to my dad finding them. So my suggestion is to watch yard sales, the newspaper, craigslist, etc. and build up a little home gym for yourself. I have paid very little for all the things I have because I have either found them or bought them on clearance. I've had a gym membership and didn't like it.
  • jjuice11
    jjuice11 Posts: 6 Member
    I belong to a gym and especially love the group classes my gym offers. For me the group classes make the workout fun, it goes by fast and I workout harder than I would on my own wandering around the gym!
  • pressmanm
    pressmanm Posts: 1
    I joined Planet Fitness and in a year, I went to the gym made five times! I thought I would use it in the winter months but even in the winter I preferred being outside to walk to run when the conditions would allow. In the summer, it didn't want to set foot in the place. All that being said, the PF gym near my home was not that inviting. It was very clean and friendly, but the design dark and not very inviting. I say, if you are going to start an exercise program get it doing at home first. Do whatever you have to do to get your body moving. Then when you are starting to feel physically energized, the decision to spend the money will be more clear.