Diet soda to fill you up?



  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    i drink diet soda and don't crave everything in my cupboard. it helps with the sweet tooth. it has also helped me with portion control - if i snack, i have too much, or if i have just a little snack, it seems to kick-start my metabolism and make me think i need a whole meal.

    is it the healthiest thing in the world? no.

    is it better than grazing my way through the day until i don't have enough calories left at dinner to actually fill me up? yeah.

    *shrug* YMMV. to everyone who refuses to drink diet soda because it's bad for you - kudos.
  • bwelches
    bwelches Posts: 14 Member
    I found a better version of Soda Pop. It's called Rw Knudsen Strawberry Spritzer. It does have calories, but it's mainly filtered water and fruit juice. It satisfies my craving for Pop. It comes in different flavors. The chemicals in soda or diet soda are very bad for you. As a general rule, stay away from any food man made or altered by man. How can it be better for you than something unaltered from nature?
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    Hi all! Do any of you drink diet soda just to keep you filled up? (Or any other carbonated drinks?) I usually do if I get hungry quite a bit before dinner or any other meals. I need to know if it is bad that I do that? Help?!

    I haven't had any soda in quite sometime and I feel amazing for it. As a diabetic I would always have to drink the diet soda and the chemicals they put in that stuff can and will make you very ill. I had a long talk with my cardiologist about it and he recommended that I give it up completely because of the effects the chemicals have on my body and I have.

    Healthy snacks work, drink more water, or even try Crystal Light or Powerade Zero, Unsweet Iced tea, lots of better options for you if you're willing.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    To me, diet sodas are a rip off. You're paying for something that has no nutritional value. Not even a calorie to provide energy. Drink a regular soda and enjoy the calories.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I don't think that sounds good..... I drink diet pop, but with my meals, not to replace some of them.....