What do you do if you have a bad diet day?



  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I am currently having a bad diet month...

    Me too!
    XXXSJKXXX Posts: 2 Member
    I've just had an awful diet day. I ate loads and even ate some cheesecake!!!!!! I feel really bad and low about what I have done. How can I make my self feel better ???
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Acknowledge it and move on. It's one day. It's not the whole journey.
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    i've had many...i committed to losing weight last november and since then have gained 25 pounds...i'm on a weight loss journey but all i seem to do is gain weight...

    i just keep resetting the goal...i give up sometimes...but then i wake up and try another strategy.

    first week at MFP i gained 5 lbs but since then i have found out the amount of calories in the foods i was eating and know why i have been gaining....now i look at this as a massive project which will have set backs....yesterday was a bad diet day....today so far is a good one...
  • karijoeide
    karijoeide Posts: 103
    I chalk it up as a bad diet day and move on....every day is a new beginning! :smile:
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    Moan, a lot.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    I don't let one day throw me off. I get right back to my healthy eating the next day. Sometimes, I get hungry - and, I eat. I just make better choices these days. For me, it's all about being healthy and a new lifestyle. Good luck!!
  • helen0616
    helen0616 Posts: 97
    I actually do my best to log it, every painful bit of it, so that when I get some distance from it I can really see how awful it was. We had a brunch yesterday at the office for a birthday and I sabotaged myself. I ate a cream puff, 2 little danish things, and more. It was so good but within an hour I felt like I had a terrible hangover. So I logged in and entered it ALL. I was horrified to see that the tiny plate of food was well over 500 calories. Was it worth it? No way. Now I have something to keep myself in check.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    hanst happend for me yet!!! lol.. i just finished week one.. but i say you just move forward.. dont even dwell on it.. figure in one motnh.. you had 29 good days and one bad.. big deal.... but in general for me.. when i do know im gonna eat something/drink more then norm.. like fast food occurs or smthing.. i work out more to earn more cal's back.. and have LIGHT meals otherwise.. low cal meals.. so kinda evens out.... and this is a lifestyle. so i try not to think of it as a 'diet' or im gonna wanna stress it more...::flowerforyou:
  • MomGraz
    MomGraz Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with what has been said--learn what you can from it, but don't obsess about it, since that can lead to a downward (well, upward!) spiral. I blew my eating tonight, but I wrote it down because that accountability is critical if tomorrow is going to be a better day.

    If you don't allow yourself the occasional "goof up", you'll never get there. Good luck on a better day tomorrow!!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I shrug it off, say screw it and get back on the horse. Life gets in the way sometimes. For this to be a permanent change I have to allow myself to adapt, improvise and overcome because things don't always go as planned. Log it, acknowledge it and move on.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I just try to get back to my usual routine the next day.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    "one day of bad eating didn't make me fat just as one day of good, clean eating isn't going to make me healthy/skinny, it's a journey that never ends"
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I am currently having a bad diet month...

    Me too!

    Me three!
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Apparently I eat a Strawberry Cheesecake blizzard, log it and get back to my regular program.
  • arullo123
    arullo123 Posts: 1
    Its not a big deal at all. What matters is how frequent your bad days are. Everyone has a holiday to attend, a BBQ, a birthday, whatever. Giving in a little and enjoying is necessary to keep the lifestyle change going. Else you will be miserable and much less likely to continue your lifestyle change. Just don't do it all the time. In the long run it all averages out anyways
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    I just move on and don't try to play catchup or do anything different. I do find I'm a little more hungry the next day so eat more then as well.

    Equally if I happen to go nuts on the exercise I don't take it as an excuse to eat out (restaurants are may downfall)

    Give a little, take a little.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I am currently having a bad diet month...

    Me too!

    Me three.
    Everyone seems so incredibly positive. I beat myself up, hate myself and starve for a day.
  • trich33702
    trich33702 Posts: 21 Member
    Depending on how much I was over on my bad day sometimes I try to shave an extra hundred calories off each day for the rest of the week to balance it out.

    Great I idea, I'm going to try this!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I shrug it off, say screw it and get back on the horse. Life gets in the way sometimes. For this to be a permanent change I have to allow myself to adapt, improvise and overcome because things don't always go as planned. Log it, acknowledge it and move on.

    Totally this^^ It's just one day. I just refocus and get back on plan. I can't change the past.