Young Adult Group?!

I've decided that it would be great to have a young adult group up here. I feel like we could relate to each other more. We could share everything from food, exercise tips, youtube workout vids, journey stories, and offer each other support. I guess between the ages of 16+ 25? I just want something that would make me more comfortable.... We could just introduce ourselves, give a brief description about our plans and all we have to do to make this group is just add one another... and we can come back and post here if we have any general questions... so I'll start.

My name is Renell, I'm 19 I weigh about 250 I'm not sure what size I want to get down to, I just want to see a healthy change in my body and be comfortable with myself. I'm starting to eat healthier food and just recently I started with only eating the given serving sizes on the packages so it's easier to track my calorie intake. Things I've been using to lose weight. Wii Fit, Biggest Loser (Wii), the Elliptical and of course MFP My goal is workout at least 4 times a week and burn at least 500 calories a day.

if anyone is interested, please just respond and add me :smile:


  • My name is Holly. I'm about to be 22. My CW is 160. My first goal is 140 then I will set a new one for 130. I struggle to eat healthy and I need motivation to exercise! But im determined this time to do something with myself :D
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    Hey feel free to add me im 18:)
  • RCSketch
    RCSketch Posts: 9
    I'm Becca. I'm 21 yrs old. I'm currently at 225lbs. I know I need a short term goal, but my long-term goal is around 140-150. This is actually my first day at MFP and I'm excited to start getting back to a healthy weight. Just nervous because I've had very eating disordered behavior in the past and juggling that with dieting is an intimidating task. I'm optimistic that with some support I can do it!
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100
    Hi I'm 20..and my starting weight was 238 & now I'm at 209....feel free to add me anyone :) it's nice having friends in the same age group
  • Lianggui95
    Lianggui95 Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me! I'm young and new to the site!
  • im 23 and have been doing this a week and have found im loving it, i used to hate excersise but now i go to the gym most days, feel free to add me
  • sareyezz23
    sareyezz23 Posts: 53
    im 24 and starting weight was 257lbs and now im currently 250lbs, this is my second attempt at this app because i lost motivation the first time, But ive decided i need people around me to keep me extra motivated so feel free to add me too :)
  • jtayler90
    jtayler90 Posts: 6
    Im 21, 168lbs and current goal is 154lbs. We'll see after that lol!

    Motivation is key and i could definately use more people for motivation :)
  • Hi,

    I'm 18 years old living with Arthrogryposis (AMC), type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep apnea and clubfeet. I recently joined MFP, as my friend recommended this site to me, and I love it! I ave been trying to lose weight for years now. I am about 250 pounds and have losted about 6 pounds since July 2010. I can't walk and I'm confined to a wheelchair all day, so it's hard for me to lose weight. I would like to lose weight gradually. If you have any ideas how i could lose weight in my wheelchair, please send me a message. You can also add me as a friend. I just can't lose weight by myself. I need motivation people around me.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member

    22, from New Zealand

    Was 146kg, have lost 20.4kg so far =]
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Oh yay! I've been looking for some people my age to talk to! I'm 18 in two weeks, I'm from Oregon. My goals right now are to lose body fat and gain some muscle. I love sports, especially tennis, basketball, and volleyball. I'm going to start kick-boxing and lifting in the fall. I love food and I love exercise so it's a win-win kind of thing! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • WOW amazing responses lol it seems like we're all in the same boat with motivation. I know I need it. I'm adding everyone right now.
  • hwhit614
    hwhit614 Posts: 5
    Hi! :) I'm Hannah, 18 years old and my current weight is 160 lbs and I would absolutely LOVE if i could get down to 135 lbs and I could really use some support on this. I always say I'm gonna loose weight and I start but get frustrated and quit. Some friends in this would be wonderful!!
  • Hope you reach your goal trenell! Good luck to everyone! we should motivate each other to make our goals :)
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    Hey :) I'm Melissa.
    I'm 22 and have recently gotten serious about getting healthy.
    I'm 5'10 and my starting weight was 225lbs. I'm currently 167lbs and aiming for 135-145lbs.
    I try to get to the gym 4-6 times a week and aim to burn 600-800 calories each time.
    I'm usually online for a few minutes every day to offer motivation and support to my friends :)
    Add me!
  • Hi, my name is Allison, I'm 18 years old and I've been doing this alone and kind of as a secret this whole time, but now I kind of crave a community. Last autumn, I started to notice that my jeans were getting tighter and my vests had stretch folds going across. I used to play tennis and when I quit in order to do a play, I kept eating my athlete's diet (and worse.) So, on New Year's Day when I decided to give up soda (for life this time) I downloaded the app and started tracking what I ate. It really made me realize how much I was over-eating before. I started at around 155 (though truthfully I was probably heavier, I didn't do a starting weigh in.) the first ten pounds came off in less than a month and my pants we getting looser. It's after the first ten pounds that the progress slowed, I was around 145 for a month, even though I stuck to my diet, but by April I was down to 135, my original goal. It was what I weighed during the tennis season. I probably could've stopped there, people noticed the change and all my clothes fit a lot better, but I decided to go for 125 and as of my last weigh-in two weeks ago I'm at 127. Of course, I kind of fell off the bandwagon this week because I was having some fears about being too obsessive, but I let myself use that as an excuse to over indulge, so this week I plan to think about nutrition and to exercise more instead of under-eating.

    Anyway, I really can't believe it's been almost 7 months, but I do feel better, and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up and avoid the dreaded "freshman fifteen" when I go to college this August...
  • katelyth
    katelyth Posts: 16
    My name is Kate, and I am on the higher end of age group at 24. I played 3 sports in high school and was in amazing shape at 130. I met my now-husband in college, and gained a "relationship sweater". We went out to eat all the time, watched movies and binged on treats, pulled all nighters to study. The pounds crept on, but I didn't really notice.

    Interestingly enough, on my wedding day I was the heaviest I'd ever been at 180.

    In September 2011, I just altered my diet to eating more healthy and cutting out all soda. I bought a notebook at Target and tracked my eating through journaling. I lost 10 pounds on food changes alone in 6 months. I tried to incorporate exercise but I had every excuse in the book and no true motivation to keep going. I managed to lose a couple of pounds with my inconsistent exercise.

    I watched fitness and transformation videos on YouTube to get motivated and kept hearing about MFP. Just recently I have rededicated myself to fitness and health and would like to do this for real :)

    In the last 2 weeks, I have lost 2 pounds using MFP and 30 Day Shred. I have strong motivation right now and would like to keep going. I think I need help to stay on track. I've tried doing this alone, but the only time I have been successful has been on a team, and I would love to be on one again.

    I'm 5'8", SW (with MFP) 170, CW 163, GW 130.

    My husband and I are going to Jamaica in March and I would really love to wear a bikini without being self conscious (no cover-up or shorts).

    Please add me!
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 549 Member
    Just want to remind everyone that the minimum age for this site is 18 and there are people who look for people under 18 to get them kicked off. This topic heading would draw their attention. I don't care what you do, but just wanted to warn those that are posting that they are too young...
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    I'm Kayla. I'm 5'9 and weighed in at 259.5 today, up a pound from yesterday. I'm on day 10 of my new vegetarian lifestyle and today I bought my first juicer to make my own HEALTHY juice from fresh produce. Gotta say. I feel like a fruit assasin, it was quite fun making juice lol. Aside from being obese, I have some health concerns and am hoping to see an improvement in those with a better diet.

    Oh, and I'm 24.
  • Steventhehro
    Steventhehro Posts: 59 Member
    Hey guys, names Steven. I'm 5'8 and about 172. I started at 190 (was in soccer season at the time), my highest ever being 205 I think. initial goal was 170, but we're gonna switch it to 165 I think. It'll be the first time in my life I've had a beach body and I can't wait.