Hi.. So.. I have a question...

Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
I have been reading a lot of forums the last few days, great success stories and what have you...
But i have a question..

I see a lot of people talk about how the first bit of weight fell off so easily for them. sometimes even 20lbs in the first month.
Now.. I have been using MFP all this week and sticking to my calories, And besides friday night and saturday night, ive been working out with my wii, the game just dance 2, for 30-60 min a day. I am on my feet as a dietary aid at a nursing home for 12 hours a day, when im working, giving up take out food and one treat on fridays only. I am measuring my portions with measuring cups and a digital scale. After my first week, ive only dropped 2lbs.. which seems kind of slow starting? =/ what am i doing wrong?


  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    You are not doing anything wrong. Some people just lose faster than others. Are you drinking lots of water? That helps me. Also if you lose slower its better for your body.
  • It looks like you are doing just what you need to be doing.
    Losing at a slow pace is better than it all dropping off quickly. (Granted, we all want it to go away fasterfasterfaster!!)
    Just keep on keepin' on and you will be fine. :smile:
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. I'd be happy with 1 lb a week.
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    I have been trying to remind myself to drink more... before the doctors put me on 2 kinds of insulin, i was drinking 6-8L a day, and now i am lucky to get 2-3 glasses of water in a day
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    2lb in a week is fine, just keep it up and you will soon be surprised at how all those 2lbs add up to a stone...........

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    After my first week, ive only dropped 2lbs.. which seems kind of slow starting? =/ what am i doing wrong?

    nothing. 1-2 lbs a week is normal.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I was 168 at 5'5" when I started. I didn't lose ANY weight for over a month. 2 pounds in a week should be encouraging!! I usually take with a grain of salt the 20lbs in a month statements. They may be true, but they aren't the norm.

    Realize you are striving to change something that takes time. Determination will pay off!!!
  • MrDalvin
    MrDalvin Posts: 3 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong - sounds like you're on the right track - 1 - 2 pounds is a healthy amount of weight to loose per week. Keep it up - that's a really good effort.
  • dzvinka82
    dzvinka82 Posts: 33
    It took me about 6 weeks to start loosing weight...Just be patient...it will be worth it!
  • bmonska
    bmonska Posts: 3
    Increasing your water consumption will certainly help you see results. Water is your best friend when losing weight. The better hydrated you are, the better your body works for you. Not to mention a big glass of ice water before you eat or when you're feeling hungry is awesome for staving off cravings and helping you feel full. I always try to remind myself when I want to grab a snack "Are you really hungry, physically, or are you just bored?" Usually we eat/snack because we are bored. In those situations, walk up and down the bottom step of your stair case for a few minutes. Now you've burned some calories while attempting to figure out if you're actually hungry or just bored. If you're really hungry, go for the snack. If not, either way you just spent your time a little more wisely!
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    I was 168 at 5'5" when I started. I didn't lose ANY weight for over a month. 2 pounds in a week should be encouraging!! I usually take with a grain of salt the 20lbs in a month statements. They may be true, but they aren't the norm.

    Realize you are striving to change something that takes time. Determination will pay off!!!

    Ah i suppose.. i just saw so many of them i thought it was something they were doing, working out like a machine, eating lettuce like steak lol.. Whatever causes weight to fall off like that.
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    Increasing your water consumption will certainly help you see results. Water is your best friend when losing weight. The better hydrated you are, the better your body works for you. Not to mention a big glass of ice water before you eat or when you're feeling hungry is awesome for staving off cravings and helping you feel full. I always try to remind myself when I want to grab a snack "Are you really hungry, physically, or are you just bored?" Usually we eat/snack because we are bored. In those situations, walk up and down the bottom step of your stair case for a few minutes. Now you've burned some calories while attempting to figure out if you're actually hungry or just bored. If you're really hungry, go for the snack. If not, either way you just spent your time a little more wisely!

    Perhaps i should set my phone to beep at me every few hours to go drink a glass of water. Might help me remember a little better.
  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I feel that I am exercising (cardio no weights) and eating very healthy and staying at my calorie goal, but I haven't lost a pound! In fact... I gained one pound. I work 12 hour night shifts so I know that may play a role as it messes with meal times and sleep pattern. I am not expecting a miracle, as I know you must lose weight slowly to maintain a healthy weight loss, but it is very frustrating to feel like you are doing everything right, but not seeing results. :cry: If any of you can check out mine and krisstah's diaries and give any suggestions for us that maybe we need to change that would be greatly appreciated!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I was 168 at 5'5" when I started. I didn't lose ANY weight for over a month. 2 pounds in a week should be encouraging!! I usually take with a grain of salt the 20lbs in a month statements. They may be true, but they aren't the norm.

    Realize you are striving to change something that takes time. Determination will pay off!!!

    Ah i suppose.. i just saw so many of them i thought it was something they were doing, working out like a machine, eating lettuce like steak lol.. Whatever causes weight to fall off like that.

    Quick weightloss like that is water weight. I assume, however, that you're after fat-loss and not water loss, right? Stay the course.
  • karae16
    karae16 Posts: 13 Member
    Last summer when I lost my first 20 lbs (over a four month period) i lost barely anything in the first month and a half. So two pounds in your initial week is great! This time around i'm aiming to loose my last 15, and have averaged around one pound a week (for the last three weeks). So don't worry- it sounds like you're doing everything great, it will just take a bit of time (as much as we all wish it could happen over night).
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    remember this is a lifetime change and your body will respond. We are all different. I've only lost 9 lbs since the end of May; but I know that those pounds are not coming back. Watch your sodium levels .... and drink water. Best wishes and don't give up hope.
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member

    Quick weightloss like that is water weight. I assume, however, that you're after fat-loss and not water loss, right? Stay the course.

    fat-loss, yea :) lol
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    Krisstah, go into your settings and select SODIUM also. I just checked your food diary and you only have 4 items selected. Hope you don't mind me taking a peak. :smooched:
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    2lbs is right on schedule for a week. Trust me, slower is alsways better than faster.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    2lbs a week would be 104lbs a year. People who are really heavy love more or people who were eating a lot of sodium laden foods... water weight x