Does everyone have cheat days?



  • bhrodich
    bhrodich Posts: 3 Member
    I have cheat days :) I started MFP about 2 months ago. I am down 12-15 lbs ( i dont own a scale and might actually finally get one) .
    One of the things that I try and remember when I am having cheat days is to try and cheat with foods that I already consume during normal days. For example. You and I both probably choose low calorie foods so that we can save our calories for either those yummy desserts, or cocktails, or maybe late night snacking. So we already have a wide range of knowledge on what foods taste good, fill us up, and are low in calories. When i "Cheat" I will instead of eating only 1/2 cup cottage cheese ( i LOVE cottage cheese ) Ill east a whole cup and put a little cinnamon and sugar on top and then pile it on to a piece of toast. Or buy fat free Ice cream ( kemps ) from the store and go to TOWN on it. Maybe over doing it by 500 to 800 calories for the day. I thiink that you need to indulge in this once a week so you dont accidentally cheat a little every day and then never loose weight. If you are feeling like you have gained weight back after a binge, go for a walk or a quick 1 mile jog. You will feel SO mcuh better. And then the next day, eat a small breakfast....a late (large) lunch, and a small dinner. Hope this helps!
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    Cheat meals are important. It helps reset your metabolism, and it also helps you sleep better. There have been studies done. IT also helps you stay on track. Remember have a cheat meal not a cheat day. It's recommended to do it once a week. But, I limit it to once a month. Sometimes twice a month depending on what is going on.
  • lemma1968
    lemma1968 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel incredibly guilty if I have a cheat day.
    And I generally gain that week when I do cheat. So I make a concerted effort not to now.
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I don't have intentional cheat days. But that allows me to have accidental cheat days without it being too catastrophic. I feel bad regardless, though. Any day that I eat more than I burn... it's just like, why did I even get out of bed? But I guess that says a lot about the ridiculously high amount of importance I place on weight maintenance.
  • MaggieMystD
    MaggieMystD Posts: 16 Member
    my answer would be dependant on your defination of cheat. I stay within my calorie goals, with or without exercise. I am on vacation and have had a glass of wine almost daily, which I would consider a cheat, and have a few diet sodas, which I also consider a cheat, and have lost 3lbs while here on vacation...
  • kristinacottle
    Everything in moderation. No cheat days. Just stay in the calorie allowance range you're given, and splurge every once in awhile. Who wants cheat days for the rest of their life? It's a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I don't plan to have a cheat day. Just sometimes I go out with family (like today) and I end up spending my calories fast. I never intended to "cheat" it just happened. I'm still gonna work my butt off the rest of the day and tomorrow. :)
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    Cheat days do not work for me, because once I screw up, it's hard to come back. I do however eat out once a week on Sundays. I allow myself to double what I would normally eat for lunch. My whole life has been a cheat day...time to make up for it:)
  • Nfairley
    Nfairley Posts: 84
    I don't do cheat days, "treats" or anything similar. I watched my mom struggle with her weight - she'd do really good losing it, then mess it all up by "treating" herself to ice cream or something else terrible for her. Every time she did, she'd totally screw herself over. To be clear, it wasn't the single treat or day causing this: it was the fact that she dipped back into old habits and couldn't get away from them. She eventually had a gastric bypass.

    I know my personality, I know that even though it would take A LOT of effort to screw my good week with one day that I am capable of I don't even go there. Plus, I always felt very strongly about my mom giving up on her weight loss. I don't want to become that. If I want something "bad" for me, I either plan my cals around it or work it off! Keeps me honest lol.
  • Pilotgirl86
    Don't skip dinner, it will actually make it harder to lose weight. When your body skips meals it starts to go into starvation mode (although this won't happen after just one skip), but it can lead to overall metabolism slowing.

    There is no reason not to eat back exercise calories, especially if you have a base of 1200 cals. Eating back the exercise calories will help your body to normalize and regulate your metabolism and to ensure that you have enough energy to properly burn calories when exercising. Although it may sound counter-intuitive, by not having enough calories, you will lose weight more slowly since your body wants to hold on to everything it has.

    As for cheat days, I know a lot of people that do them. For me its more of a chance to indulge in something a love, but I usually don't extremely over-indulge. I have cake for dessert instead of fruit, or I have wine with dinner etc. For me a cheat is not about completely over-indulging, but letting myself have a little something extra so that I can enjoy myself sometimes too!

    I can't say that I never eat to excess (for example we made thin crust Italian style pizza last night and I had 4 slices and some wine), but I made sure that today I ate clean all day. Don't skip meals, just make sure they are healthier!

    Hope that helps!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I did not have cheat days, or meals or what ever, while I was losing weight, now I am beyond my original goal, and starting to head towards maintenance, I do have days when I eat things that I would not normally consider, like cake or a pizza for instance, but I usually log it, and am not going to start having regular 'cheat' days, I just eat what I usually eat, and then when it comes up, like Birthdays, or special occasions etc, I worry less about what I eat
  • Nfairley
    Nfairley Posts: 84
    My whole life has been a cheat day...time to make up for it:)

    I wish I had seen this before I wrote that novel below your post, this sums up my sentiment quite nicely!
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    My cheat days are never intentional but are always die to alcohol. :(

    The guilt is terrible and they probabaly happen ince every 2-3 weeks. Bad Meeshybw :( lol
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    99% of people "mess up" occasionally. Don't do it often, and if possible try to limit it to a single cheat meal rather than a full day. If your overall habits are healthy don't beat yourself up, instead think about what healthy meals you can have tomorrow or what workout you'll do.

    I ran up a mountain today (well, a ski hill) and I darn sure don't regret the hot fudge sundae I had on the drive home. It happens once every few months, to me that seems fine.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I only have a cheat day if I am going out with friends or family and don't really have much of a choice, but it's more of a cheat meal and not necessarily a cheat day. Cheat days make my body feel crappy so I try to avoid them at all costs!
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    never cheat days. cheat meal every month. about 400 extra calories on cheat meal days
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    try chat meals
  • knighthood77
    So far, no. I think the only time I go over my calories is a mistake or I'm at some sort of social function.
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    No my cheat days do not make me feel like crap afterwards.. My cheat day is usually the two days I run for an hour or more.. I usually do chinese food, panera bread or some other favorite. I haven't gained weight from cheat days..
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    I have a cheat meal or treat once in awhile, if it's within my moderation.