Teachers and summer weight...



  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    I'm not a teacher but I work in a high school and have the summer off. I have the opposite problem, I lose like crazy over the summer because I am so active and within the first few weeks or so of school, I gain it all back.

    I'm determined this year not to let that happen! I'm going to keep exercising in the morning before school, and am hoping at least 2 days a week I can go to the gym after school. I'm also getting a new mini-fridge for my office, so I will make sure I pack my lunches and snacks and not make trips to the cafeteria.

    We did a Biggest Loser challenge last year and are planning to do it again once school starts back up. I think that wil help a lot with motivation. We all contributed $5, used the scale in the Nurse's Office, the top three Losers won money and we bought a plant for the Nurse's Office for their help. It was a lot of fun and I met some people that I'd never had the chance to talk to before.
  • mandr97
    mandr97 Posts: 40
    I agree that you have to really control what you eat during the summer. I do tend to lose during the summer and have lost quite a bit this summer. I love having the time to workout every morning. I know I will be very tired after school and will have a hard time to keep up with my hour long workouts. But I refuse to gain back the weight I have worked so hard to lose since January. I have to find a different way to deal with the stress than to sit at the computer working on our awful detailed lesson plans and eat junk stressing over evaluations.

    This :) Exactly!
  • Slinkysmilez
    Slinkysmilez Posts: 11 Member
    I agree as well. The summer I WANT to be lazy because I have no time during the year. I also basically have 20 minutes for lunch b/c of hallway checks, walking to and from my room for lunch, and going to the restroom. Half of the time I just have time for a couple things of fruit and water. I am more energized to lose weight at the start of the school year. I do great until the second half starts and I lose all energy for anything.
  • Ashers83
    Ashers83 Posts: 92 Member
    I gained 20lbs this past school year!!! I've lost about 8lbs so far this summer. I find the school year to be overly stressful and I take no time for myself. I'm hoping to change that this year but it depends how many different classes I will have to prep for this year... still don't know my schedule :(
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I have always gained weight during the summer months! Ugh! Summer off means more vacation getaways which usually involve eating in restaurants and drinking not so calorie friendly cocktails! HA! Also, I'm home alot which means snack, snack, snack! This summer, I told myself I was not going to put on any of the weight I just loss (loss 42 lbs from Sept. 2011-May 2012). So far, so good! I have been pretty much maintaining (actually down 1 lb)!

    For me, the structure of the school year, as busy and stressful as it is, makes it easier to eat healthy! I prepare my lunches/snacks for the workday at night and even pre-plan family dinners! At night, once the little one is in bed, I go for a run or go to the gym! I guess there's just less room for error!
  • checkmatekingtwo
    checkmatekingtwo Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in the other camp: I lose weight in the summer and gain it all back during the school year. In the summer, I have time to go regularly to the gym and I work out much more. Plus I have time to prepare good, healthy meals. During the school year, including the after-school activities, it's so much easier and more-efficient (time-wise) to do the drive-through meals, to the detriment of my diet. And usually I'm so wiped out by the time I get home after teaching all day, working after-hours, and doing the after-school activities, the last thing I have time for is a trip to the gym.

    I have to change this behavior, but it's not easy!
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    I teach P.E., so I am so much more active during the school year! I participate with all of my classes, all day long, so I burn a ton of calories! During the summer, I walk 2 miles a day period! Well, I'm also doing a push-up challenge. Gotta show my high-schoolers what a 45 year old woman can do!
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member
    I lose weight in the summer. I get lazy during the school year.... I slack off with the gym, I tend to eat out more, and not eat as healthy, and I also tend to stress eat. I do much better in the summertime. :)
  • jwilllose
    jwilllose Posts: 18 Member
    I usually dread the start of Fall because my pants don't fit. I tried a pair on today and they're too big- I've been pretty dedicated this summer and have lost 8 lbs since school ended. We don't go back for 6 weeks so I need to really focus on keeping it off.

    I work out during my lunch hour at school, too. I only get 25 minutes but if I didn't get those 25 mins, I wouldn't get a work out in (2 small kids and my husband works nights).

    So you're not alone!
  • crossuturn
    crossuturn Posts: 15 Member
    I loose weight during the summer because I have more time to focus on my food and exercise. I hope this school year I will be able to keep working out since the gym is on the way home from my new teaching job.
  • LindaZ5
    LindaZ5 Posts: 19 Member
    This is the first year I have been serious about my weight loss and I am taking advantage of the time to exercise and time to prep foods that I m enjoying that are healthy. During the school year I am too tired to work out. I was limited to the weekends and once a week yoga class taught by another teacher. (which was great) I am already thinking about how to plan ahead to bring the same foods I am eating now to school so I can continue. I am even considering getting up earlier than 5:15 to work out.

    So glad you posted this so we can talk about it. I am currently teaching Pre-K special ed and regular ed in public school. I was a K-2 special ed prior to moving down to Pre-K! I love it!!!
  • pmadigan
    pmadigan Posts: 5
    Oh my miss teacher! Gaining weight this summer was my motivation to start MFP too. Way too much sitting and the parties and the food. I was going to 2-3 gatherings a week and the calories in an alcoholic drink, wow, is all I can say So I'm determined to shed these pounds and those other 15 that I was hiding under my big summer skirts :drinker:
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I do triathlon's during the summer. And since I only work part time teaching summer school, I do a lot of workouts/training - swimming, biking, running, strength training - more than I am able to fit in during the school year. However, during the school year, my eating is better, and on a consistent schedule. Between all the summer cookouts, parties, beach days, camping trips etc, it can be a challenge to keep the eating healthy. Plus with all the exercise, my body screams FEED ME!
    Last summer I gained a couple of pounds. So far this summer I've lost 2lbs.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Haha! I was just saying how i like the structure of the classroom to lose weight! I teach behavior modification with severely agressive/autistic kids so my school days are spent running around and doing restraints, toileting, chasing, preventing attacks... I get to wear gym pants to work :)

    Ohhhh, I taught a classroom for kids w/autism for almost 10 yrs. Know exactly what you are talking about! I miss it sometimes. Currently I'm working with kids in inclusion settings. Very different. Much less direct w/kids and more working with the adults. As challenging as they are, I think the kids are easier to work with than the adults!
  • mhuch110
    mhuch110 Posts: 130 Member
    I was so happy to see this post! I am probably one of the few teachers out there that hates having the summer off! I get lazy and bored! This is the first summer I have tried to lose weight, and it's working so far! However, I am looking forward to getting back to the classroom and my normal daily routine. Right now I teach middle school science but I have an interview next week to become our Assistant Principal...yikes!

    Feel free to add me, fellow educators! :)
  • JanelleEathorne
    JanelleEathorne Posts: 9 Member
    I lose weight during the summer! I am SO stressed during the school year and never make time for myself. I am new to MFP and am hoping that once school starts I will be able to continue using it!
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    I think working out after school is my stress reliever! This will be the first year that I am not coaching, and that will give me so much more time to work out and also cut out the late night, fast food meals. Even during the school year, when I only worked out 2 times a week, I still lost weight. Diet is the key to me, so summer is not a good time haha!
  • DzzyButterfly
    DzzyButterfly Posts: 61 Member
    In years past, I gained or stayed the same. This summer, I've lost! :) I made losing weight and keeping healthy my "job" while being off for the summer! :)

    Fee free to add me!
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I am in the first 6 months of trying to loose weight and get healthy. I feel like I tended to eat better while I was in school and I like the routines while I was in school. I do have my more time to workout, but don't always take advantage of it!!! I was very stressed and tired during the school year but.......routines, routines, routines.....work for me!

    I feel like my entire body and mind is on summer vacation.

    Looking forward to a great school year with lot's of routines, healthy eating and continued weight loss!

    Feel free to add me fir support during the school year!
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    I'm in school, and I have the same issue...I don't really know what to tell you, except that I for one am counting down the days until school starts up again