Veganism, raw foods, creating a healthy mind.



  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    Interesting about Micheal Arnstein. My friend travelled to Brazil and hung out with some indigenous people there for a while that told her they could see/smell food on her aura. they told her they saw a particular food (I forgot which food it was now) but she was surprised because she had been eating that food quite alot the month before she arrived in the jungle!

    and about the improved eye sight! I suffer from eye floaters, and they completely disappear when i do a juice fast. its kind of remarkable!

    although, I have wondered if the reason your eye sight improves while fasting is because your body thinks maybe you cant see your food, and is trying to help you out a

    That's pretty awesome about the indigenous people. I think years of synthetic chemicals and other toxins have blocked many of our body's natural defenses and senses, like the eye sight thing. Our bodies are so powerful at healing themselves naturally, to a degree that we may never understand. If native cultures and wild animals are not enough proof of this, then what is?

    Oh sweet, I'll watch that video when as soon as I get home from work. (web filters)
  • So, what are your 3 favorite raw foods? And which ones do you have to heat to eat?

    I only ask this because I've recently been craving asparagus...and eggplant...but I never eat it raw.

    Maybe I should try?!
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    So, what are your 3 favorite raw foods? And which ones do you have to heat to eat?

    I only ask this because I've recently been craving asparagus...and eggplant...but I never eat it raw.

    Maybe I should try?!

    Great question.

    3 favorite raw foods would have to be Bananas, Pink lady apples, and good homegrown tomatoes.

    I love broccoli steamed, but I just can't eat it raw, ha ha. I have tried so many times. Sprouts are also hard for me. Specifically mung bean sprouts, they have a very strong flavor that I don't find appealing.

    I bet raw asparagus might be ok, if not too tough. I actually like raw okra quite a bit. Raw eggplant/ squash, not so much. It is just the texture of raw eggplant for me, Definitely try it, you never know!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    When I first started living this way it was 100% for health reason, but now the longer I eat this type of diet the more in tune I feel with nature, life, animals, everything. I know this sounds kind of "hippie", but it is the truth and it is unexplainable.

    Im Glad Im not the only one that felt this way...Ive added other foods back into my diet now, but the few days I went raw, I kind of thought I was going crazy! (or going sane? more accurately...)

    It sounds totally nutty, but I was feeling peoples energy crystal clearly... to the point of clairvoyance. I could see/feel peoples energy fields. I could sense their moods and It was almost like being in a dream. My intuitive sense were heightened. I could articulate my thoughts and feelings more clearly, and things felt so much more meaningful than normal I felt the energy coming from nature, and especially the sun... and ok this is going to sound totally bonkers but I could talk to my cat. Basically in the way that I could pick up on others peoples vibes I could also pick up his energy field, and communicate with him. I thought this may be my imagination, but he totally responded...and became way more affectionate than normal, it seemed he was relieved I was finally on his level. hahah... It was amazing! but it was too much for me. I am glad to know that I can go there, but I dont think I am ready to be there full time, it is so intense!

    Very interesting stuff! Michael Arnstein "The Fruitarian" claims that he can actually smell what people eat coming through their skin. This is due to his extreme sense of smell acquired from years of eating 100% raw. Other 100% fruitarian claims are no mucus, absolutely no body odor, rapid healing and increased vision.

    Hey all! Just found this post and i love the discussion going on here! I am a hairdresser and vegan of about 2 years, lately I've been focusing on more raw foods, more fruits, less grains and when I stick to it I love it! I personally have noticed a reduction on body odor but more surprisingly I feel like everyone around me smells terrible! Every client that sits in my chair has terrible breath and stinky skin! I don't know what to do about it!? Even my husband smells rotten sometimes but lately he has expressed interest in eating what he wants to call "just fruits and vegetables diet" which is fine by me. He even requested that when the chicken is gone that I don't buy any more. :bigsmile: (He doesn't eat red meat anymore, just chicken or the occasional seafood if we go out to dinner). Anyone else experience this awakening to the stinkiness of the SAD?