Big guy losing weight.

Been using the site for about a week now, figured I would try the forums out. Good to meet you all.

I'm an active guy that has trouble not eating everything in sight. I figure if I can just keep that in check an active lifestyle will do the rest, but that's easier said than done so I signed up to track my intake. I hover around 370 pounds, at my best I was 310 pounds running 5ks and boxing. I'm currently at 362 pounds, running 1 mile in 10 minutes. I'd like to do better :) I don't box anymore but I do SCA heavy-fighting which keeps me moving. I need to pass the Basic Law Enforcement POPAT course to further my career. It's an obstacle course of sorts that needs to be completed in 7:20. I did it in 9 and some change on my best practice run, and 12 minutes the day of the test..I think I over-trained a bit and should have focused more on weight loss. Took a short break and now here I am trying to correct the issues that had me fail the test last time. My first goal is to see 320 pounds again(my weight in high-school) My ultimate goal is 250. That's still big but I think I'll be just fine there :)


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Been using the site for about a week now, figured I would try the forums out. Good to meet you all.

    I'm an active guy that has trouble not eating everything in sight. I figure if I can just keep that in check an active lifestyle will do the rest, but that's easier said than done so I signed up to track my intake. I hover around 370 pounds, at my best I was 310 pounds running 5ks and boxing. I'm currently at 362 pounds, running 1 mile in 10 minutes. I'd like to do better :) I don't box anymore but I do SCA heavy-fighting which keeps me moving. I need to pass the Basic Law Enforcement POPAT course to further my career. It's an obstacle course of sorts that needs to be completed in 7:20. I did it in 9 and some change on my best practice run, and 12 minutes the day of the test..I think I over-trained a bit and should have focused more on weight loss. Took a short break and now here I am trying to correct the issues that had me fail the test last time. My first goal is to see 320 pounds again(my weight in high-school) My ultimate goal is 250. That's still big but I think I'll be just fine there :)
    You'll be faster and fitter at a lighter weight. So strive for a 1000 calorie deficit each week till you hit your goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    I think you'll find a lot of support & some good information. There are a variety of "Groups" - just go to the "Groups" tab & search for whatever you might need, there will probably be a discussion group.

    If you haven't visited a Registered Dietician, they're a great resource to get you on track for healthy eating. The national website is also helpful:

    Best wishes!
  • NCJB
    NCJB Posts: 10
    I'm shooting for around 2300-2500. However I think any amount of control whatsoever will help me out.
  • SleepingDragons
    SleepingDragons Posts: 3 Member
    You know I kind of thought that might be why you where doing this. It's good though. I'm glad you taking steps and being proactive about your goals.

    It's funny, I told Tim last night that my problem has been not getting enough calories. I dont eat enough so my body says "No, I wont let go of that weight" was that way when i was big... it's that way now that I'm just trying to get that last 10 lbs.... and it's not that I dont eat but the kinds of things I eat....

    You and I should swap notes. Maybe if you start eating some of the stuff I eat then it will be easier for you get get your calories down. I am always full... in fact trying to meet my calories for my workout is making me feel like i'm overeating... I felt like I was pratically shoving that apple down my throat yesterday afternoon cause my body was like... I'm not hungery, stop it... lol

    Check out my food journal and you can see that I'm eating lots of food but the caloric content is just low....