totally blew it..

Well this weekend hasnt went so well for me.... From Friday until now it just got worse (food wise) ... I couldn't even finish my diary yesterday and did not excercise either day ... Today I just kept pushing my luck and going back for more.. I feel terrible now that I've basically sabotaged myself yet again. I lost 17 lbs and now fearing that I will gain, I must of ate close to 3000 cal each day. Just looking for support! Thanks in advance guys


  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Just keep taking it one decision at a can do it!
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    You can't let a small set back steer you away from your goal. I had a similar thing this weekend. We took some folks out for a birthday dinner, I knew I was going to eat a lot so I really set to burning up some calories earlier in the day. As it was my dinner was about 1450 cal. But because I saw it was going to happen I still ended my day under my daily goal. But, if you don't put it down, you can't learn from the experience. Go back and fill in as much as you can remember and it will be there to remind you to stick to the program.
  • kpierce7188
    kpierce7188 Posts: 41 Member
    I know what you mean this week hasnt been the best for me I've done worse then ever.

    All that I can do is wake up tomorrow and do better, when we started this journey we fought cravings and became grumpy now we have to do it again only it will be easier because we know what to expect =)

    You can do it =) One step at a time if you want add me we can go threw this together. Strength in numbers =)
  • ltlturtle10475
    It's ok! You just have to get back on the bike toomorrow and not look back. We all have those days where we just want to eat whatever we want to. the problem is that we regret it afterwards and it brings us down. What we have to do is remember how we felt when we were eating the things we did. I have a gluten intolerance. I can't have things with gluten. In the beginning it was really hard to not eat the things I LOVE! I would try and be in so much pain after. So, I realized I had to stop. I couldn't keep being sick. You can do it, and You can EAT things you just have to do it in moderation. Keep up the great work! 17 pounds is nothing to frown at! :flowerforyou: You didn't blow just needed a well deserved break!
  • Lovelil68
    Lovelil68 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying. Remember it's not like a test, where you only get one shot. You can have as many do-overs as you want, but it's up to you to decide when you've had enough. You will get it, don't worry, just keep your goal in sight!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Right, you didn't eat well this weekend.
    The way I see it is that you have two choices from here:
    1. You sit around and tell yourself: "see, this proves I'm useless, I'll never lose weight, it's too hard".
    2. You go for a walk to clear you head and get your body moving. Then you come home and plan some healthy meals for the next few days. Don't go mad and deprive yourself of everything you enjoy to punish yourself, that isn't going to help. Tell yourself: "wow, that was a bad few days. What can I change so that next weekend is a whole lot better?"
  • AWylder
    AWylder Posts: 1
    Just get serious tomorrow. Remember how you feel when u "blew it" and make better choices from now on. Everyone has a day like that. Sounds like you have had more scheduled days than not, if you have lost that much weight! Think of your accomplishment and remember your goal to keep moving and eating healthy.
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    Stop beating yourself up and hit the ol' reset button. Losing weight is about managing your actions today; you can't do a thing about yesterday and tomorrow isn't here yet. Good luck.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Well this weekend hasnt went so well for me.... From Friday until now it just got worse (food wise) ... I couldn't even finish my diary yesterday and did not excercise either day ... Today I just kept pushing my luck and going back for more.. I feel terrible now that I've basically sabotaged myself yet again. I lost 17 lbs and now fearing that I will gain, I must of ate close to 3000 cal each day. Just looking for support! Thanks in advance guys

    Get up, dust yourself off, and get back on the horse. This is a journey. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to keep going! Get over the guilt and mean feelings toward yourself. Those don't help anything!
  • saraaaf
    saraaaf Posts: 4 Member
    i feel exactly the same way almost every weekend!

    i went out with my friends friday night got drunk drank at least 500 calories of drinks (vodka, beer etc.), danced, then split a large pizza with my friend when we got home. can't help but drink and then eat when i'm out and i refuse to sacrifice going out and having a good time.

    i felt really defeated today but i've decided that mistakes happen and I just have to keep on pushing on
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    lots of water tomorrow...get plenty of good fresh foods, too

    look forward....don't forget, but don't get yourself into a bad place for it
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    Yall are so right, tomorrow is a new day and a new week and I'm determined to get right back on track. Excercise and all!
  • rst12267
    rst12267 Posts: 85 Member
    Don' t be too hard on yourself. Everyone had those episodes whether its drinking a few glasses of alcohol, an extra piece of cake or a double serving of a delicious meal. Remember it's a journey. Every day brings a new opportunity to make better choices. I know I didn't gain the weight overnight so I don't expect to lose it overnight either. As they day at a time. Good luck!
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    Yall are so right, tomorrow is a new day and a new week and I'm determined to get right back on track. Excercise and all!
    And that, is how we roll here....
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    No, you didn't blow it. Do you honestly think that you're gonna keep within your daily calories every single day for the rest of your life? Its not realistic. You had a little hiccup this weekend, so what? Acknowledge it, and let it go. You'll only blow it if yo keep ragging on yourself over it. As long as you say to yourself "oh well, no biggie, back on track tomorrow" you'll be fine.
  • changinmylifeforever
    changinmylifeforever Posts: 13 Member
    This is so true. I know because I am on round 2 day 2. The 3 days in between were aweful. I had to make that chose to get back on track or fail for a 4th day in a row. Today was a true test...I passed up cake and ice cream for my sons Bday. I know that If I can do it so can all of you!
  • SeeDavidLose
    SeeDavidLose Posts: 11 Member
    Don't look in the past, look in the future and move on!
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    well guys, couldnt resist the scale and yep im up 1.6 lbs
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    well guys, couldnt resist the scale and yep im up 1.6 lbs
    Well, I am one of those folks who weighs themselves every morning; I don't let it upset me if today I weighed more than I did yesterday. I figure by tomorrow or the next day, I will be down again. The trend over time is all that is important.

    BTW, for those folks who don't weigh themselves daily, how do you know if the one time you weigh yourself (say once a week) isn't the day you are bloated from ... well various reasons depending on who you are? That is why I do it every day and don't worry if today I am up, I will go back down tomorrow.

    (edited to fix an auto-spell correction that I didn't want)
  • Mariabellantoni
    Mariabellantoni Posts: 26 Member
    you have just described me to the T, I lost 17lbs as well and went completely crazy yesterday eating even when I knew I was full. If you want send me a friend request and we can work on it together.