Does anybody know how to get rid of saddlebags?

Their horrible, and I'd like to know the best way to get rid of them


  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    Lots of dead lifts, squats and lunges and all variations of these.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Lots of dead lifts, squats and lunges and all variations of these.

    You can't spot reduce, but the above exercises will help build muscle in your legs so that when you lose the fat which make up your saddle-bags through eating a calorie deficit, you'll have shapely legs underneath.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    To lose your saddlebags you will have to lose fat, so more cardio.
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I take it the legs in your avatar are not yours then? No sign of any saddlebags there!

    I agree with the posters above, they will go as you lose weight, but sadly you can't lose in one specific place. My bug-bear is my fat belly - everywhere else is not too bad, but I still have a fat, flabby belly. I am doing lots of ab work just now as I want to see a nice toned stomach when the last of this fat FINALLY goes *rolls eyes*

    Stick at it - cardio and calorie deficit to lose the fat and strength training to gain better muscle tone.