Post Wedding Weight Gain, Words of Inspiration needed :)

Hey all! Like many brides, I was very motivated to drop weight for my wedding. With the help of MFP, I was able to lose 22 pounds before the big day. Since my April nuptials, 9 of those 22 pounds have crept back up on me. I am trying to get back on the wagon, but it's hard without a direct goal and date (like a wedding) in mind.

What has helped you all get motivated? Any words of wisdom, quotes, personal stories or advice is welcome. :)

SW: 171
Wedding Weight: 149
CW: 158
GW: 135


  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Full length mirrors. One in the bedroom, one in the bathroom across from the shower. Look in them every day.....

    JK, have you thought of just concentrating on getting healthy?? Eating healthy and working out always leads to a healthy body!

    I too went through the wedding weight loss followed by the marriage weight gain. Eating right and exercising and setting non scale goals, such as lifting more, running further, making it through a spin class without dying ( my current goal) always works.
  • fiestyitalian
    I'm right there with ya. We too, got married in April and I lost the weight before the wedding and just realized today that it's crept back up on me. I have a personal goal to lose it again before our Reception/Party (we were married out of state) which is in August. I'm back on MFP and going to log everything again. My husband is a great supporter-which helps alot!! I'm not big into working out but I do love to walk so that will also be a goal of mine to walk every day.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm in the same boat, lost about 20lbs before my wedding last August and put it all back on plus extra! I think it's because I could relax and I stopped weighing myself which was a BIG mistake. So this time I'm not quitting and will make this a lifestyle change!!

    I think my main motivation right now is to be able to fit into my wedding dress still and maybe for it even to be too big one day!!
  • nelsoji
    nelsoji Posts: 79 Member
    Not sure how long before you start thinking of having kids (if that is in the plan for you) - but clearly the more fit you are at the start of that process, the easier/less complicated it will be. That may be a ways off, so what works for me is to try and think of something fun coming in near term (maybe a vacation, or someone else's wedding, or whatever it may be) - and set a goal loss to meet by that time. So instead of focusing on losing 23 more lbs, focus on losing 6 by some event happening at the end of August, or something like that.

    Obviously you can still exceed that goal, but that is what has worked for me - I try and find something 4-8 weeks away, set a goal, and work to meet that.......
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    It happened to me, too. I didn't really lose before our wedding (was happy and had a perfectly-fitting dress), but I gained after. It took me several months to realize it, though. My motivation to start was really just me... I wanted to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I guess you could say my current motivation is our 1st anniversary Euro trip in November. I do not want to stare at those pictures thinking "I was a fool not to do something about that belly!" Smaller goals include a wedding this summer (want to be one dress size smaller, and I'm pretty much there). I gave up on being bikini ready before the end of the season, but I've come to terms with that. Another goal was to be a size smaller before buying new seasonal clothes-- I did that and bought new shorts.

    haha, It's the little things. Maybe this time work on losing more slowly so the changes can last.
  • peach0913
    peach0913 Posts: 14 Member
    Just wondering how it's going? I too lost weight for our wedding last October and since have gained all of it back and then some. Need to find something to get me motivated.