Anyone else have this crushing realisation?



  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    Once you pass halfway in your "journey" mentally it gets easier.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    Wow, it's like you read my mind... I hate pictures of myself, esp. full body shots. But the way I deal with it is to look at the (very few) pics of me that there are at my highest weight and compare- then you can see how far you've come, even though you might still have a way to go.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    I have the same feeling! I know I'm down 45, but when I look in the mirror, I feel ike I have the exact same body alot of the time, it's very hard, but then I look at old pictures, from a helps with those feelings, I also keep a pair of my largest size jeans hanging in my closet. You are not alone..big hugs!
  • lostwisdom
    lostwisdom Posts: 73 Member
    I think it's definitely more in the head than anything! Even when I was 145lbs (am now 231!) I hated pictures of myself and thought I looked extremely fat.. I had shockingly low self-esteem though, I look back now and think "what on earth were you on about?!"

    Also you're on a journey, it's not going to be immediate, and I bet you still look much better than when you began! Check out what you consider to be bad photos of when you were heavier - and I'm sure you'll see the improvement then! A lot of it is just about perspective, mentally and physically. :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I think that slow progress is better than none. You probably look different than when you started. Give yourself a break. It doesn't help to be hard on your self. This isn't an easy journey no matter how much you have to lose.
  • Missy_Snipes
    Missy_Snipes Posts: 30 Member
    I could have written this!! Lol! Yesterday I went to church....wore a nice dress and probably 15 people said something about my loss, called me skinny, slim, even asked me HOW to loose weight, I came home and asked my son to take a pic for me, SOOOO disappointed and not where I want to be! I know I have come so far and am so much healthier but I am definitely not slim and skinny! I looked thru your pics, you are beautiful and you have done such a great job, but I know how you feel when you see a pic and it's not what you thought it would be!!! Good luck on your journey!!!
  • jessthornton7
    i have the exact same problem. as soon as i go out and see all of these other people with such amazing bodies, my confidence = zero.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I had lost about 35 pounds and was feeling really great. Had on pants/shirt that did not fit in the last year. I went home for a family gathering on Father's Day. We took lots of pictures and when I posted them, all I could think was - I'm still huge!!! I think it's because looking in the mirror - it's only me and I can SEE the difference in my body. But in pictures with other smaller people, I still am larger than them and it's disheartening. But, on a positive note, every time we take pictures together FROM NOW ON - I will be smaller and smaller and that you can't change. Hang in there and STAY STRONG!!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Yep, had that realization and I work hard to step out of the way of the "crush"… The good news is that once you get past comparing yourself to others, you can delight in your own successes. I am really happy at age 53 to be where I am today and now my huge goal is to maintain and find ways to get even healthier… this board is a big part of it!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yep, I totally get it! Had the same problem when I saw pics from my brother's weddding a few months ago. I just try to stay away from having my photo taken, period. Unless I take it myself to use as a comparison photo to before I lost the weight. I'm confident that, once I get under 200lbs, I'll start feeling better about how I look in photos. I have alot of pictures from when I was in the 190's before I gained all this weight, and I don't look like a total slob at that weight, just a little "thick".