Finally going to lose the baby weight

deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
Hi, I just had my 4th baby in April. My oldest is 4 1/2 and I never really lost much of the weight in between babies, so I have an extra 50 lbs to shed. I'm 190 now and 5'7" I'd like to be down to 140, although as long as I'm in a size 6 or 8 (I'm size 14 now) I'm not too worried about the number on the scale.

I've started running and joined an outdoor fitness class two times a week, but I need to seriously ramp it up in consistency and intensity to make headway. I found this site so I could track my daily calorie intake.

Anyway, wish me luck! Deanna


  • marleniss2006
    marleniss2006 Posts: 7 Member
    HI there, the same thing is happening to me i had my baby girl on october last year. and im really tired of looking on the mirror and seeing myself like this. i want to lose around 10 to 15 pounds. Im trying hard since i dont have much time to exercise but i doing my best to walk more and be more active. What i find more difficult is to choose the right food since i dont have much time to cook.

    Good Luck, and you can do it !!
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    Good luck! I'm finally loosing my baby weight too. I have 3 boys (youngest is 3yrs old). I'm doing it by eating clean and lots of exercise.

    I have a weekly blog with tips and links that I find helpful and like to pass on to others it you want to check it out.

    Always open to friend requests if anyone needs more friends for motivation.

    Good Luck!
  • adrie315
    adrie315 Posts: 12 Member
    in the same boat! i have a two month old and having a hard time dealing with this new after pregnancy body. I just started Jillians 30 day shred (on day 5). Im really trying to be more active and just overall eating better. I know its hard finding time but I usually do it at night when he just falls asleep or i have my SO be on baby duty so I can do it. The good thing about it is that its a quick video and your done in about 25 minutes. I also found it good to have someone do this with you, a lot of the time my SO does the video with me so we push each other to finish.

    Good luck!!
  • heatherS8
    heatherS8 Posts: 10
    I'm working on the same thing, and my baby is....3 and a half now. Woops. I'm doing the Body For Life/Transformation program with my husband, and I wanted to suggest it to you. They're both created by Bill Phillips and very similar - you eat 6 times a day making sure it's a good carb/protein balance, and then exercise 5 - 6 times per week, alternating strength training and cardio. The awesome thing is that with the Transformation program, the workouts are only 25 minutes long, so it's easy to fit them in. You work hard and then you're done. I *was* running or doing other cardio/circuit training for an hour per day, 5 - 6 days per week and I wasn't seeing any results. I started this program and lost 5 inches in the first week (arms, legs, waist, tum combined). No joke. So now I'm doing that program and tracking my food here. You can grab his books at the library if you're interested.

    Good luck losing the baby weight!