Brazil Butt Lift, anyone?

20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
I am interested in this. Does anyone know how long the workouts are? And does it work?

I've lost over 55lbs, and my tush is a lot smaller now, and kinda "sagging". Will this help? I've heard it's also a full body work out, cardio included. Can anyone give me a bit more info on it?


  • Tiphona
    Tiphona Posts: 6
    I haven't done it before but my sister did the workout a few times and she said she was really sore afterwards. She didn't keep it up long enough to see results tho.
    However if you want to tone your butt I recommend doing simple lunges! Worked for me, I did forward lunges every 2nd day during the 3 month period of my diet and now when I tense my butt it doesn't go from saggy to tight, it kinda stays the same cos it's more toned :P