Does water really make a difference?

erin023 Posts: 123 Member
I was recently told by a nurse that it actually doesn't matter if you drink 8 cups of water a day, that as long as you're eating plenty of fruit & vegetables that you're getting all the liquids you need.

I have a really hard time drinking anything, let alone water. I just don't think to do it and I don't like how full it makes me feel. I could probably put myself on a schedule of some kind, like a glass of water per hour if I knew it would really help my weight loss...


  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I don't ever get my water in for the day!~
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. Water makes a huge difference. And no, fruits and veggies, while wonderful to eat, especially in their raw states (if cleaned properly), they are not water replacements. Water helps pull toxins out of your body, flush out excess sodium and potassium (electrolyte balance) among other things. When you run, you use up water during the run, and water is utilized for cellular repair post-run (or weight training, whatever). If you do not replace that water, you run the risk of dehydration. Also, and this is especially true for women, drinking water prevents urinary tract infections when the body sweats out water.

    I used to not drink water - I thought it was nasty. Now I crave it.

    Runs off to get a water refill...
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I don't have any medical qualifications to say it makes a difference, but it makes a huge difference to me. I feel soooo much better when I drink plenty of water. Also, it means I don't have to watch my salt intake like a hawk, because I know I'm providing my body with enough water to flush out excess. That said, I have a desk job, so it's easy for me to just sip at a bottle of water all day long without getting that sloshy full feeling.
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I will weigh a couple of pounds more after a day of not getting enough water. It seems my body is happy with 6 glasses of water, unless I've been extra active or it's really hot outside. Try adding something like crystal light (only 5 cal) to change up the flavor. I sip on water all day, so I hardly ever drink a whole glass at one time. That might help your feeling of being too full. Good luck!
  • gazaar
    gazaar Posts: 2
    Water DOES make a difference, not only for hydration, but also for cutting cravings. Cold Water is best for re-hydration, and luke warm water best for warding off cravings...
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Yes, if you're thirsty.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    it makes a huge difference for me. I am less hungry and less likley to overeat if i can get my water in.
  • 23Missy
    23Missy Posts: 13 Member
    I believe that water does make a difference. For the last 20yrs I've ALWAYS read to drink lots of water. You hear it from dr.s and any diet program. I think it one it helps to clean you out and two it also helps to keep you full.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I can only speak for myself, so YES!!!! I'm fuller and feel better over all. This is coming from someone who hardly ever drank water. I have a cup with a straw on my desk all day (yes, crazy but the straw helps).
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    If water makes you feel really full, you are better of taking a sip every couple of minutes, rather than a whole glass every hour.

    Put a big glass or a bottle of water right in front of you (so you can see it) and take a sip every time.

    And yes, you need water.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    YES! It is the easiset change I have made that has made teh biggest difference. I carry around a bottle all day. I find I drink more when I walkign down the hall with my water bottle than any other time.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I was recently told by a nurse that it actually doesn't matter if you drink 8 cups of water a day, that as long as you're eating plenty of fruit & vegetables that you're getting all the liquids you need.

    I have a really hard time drinking anything, let alone water. I just don't think to do it and I don't like how full it makes me feel. I could probably put myself on a schedule of some kind, like a glass of water per hour if I knew it would really help my weight loss...

    This is actually what I was taught while I was in nursing school too, but I don't follow it myself. It's also important to note that "8 glasses a day" is a guideline and every individual is different. Fruits and veggies may be enough for a 120 pound woman who is in A/C and isn't working hard, but on hot days where you are sweating, or during your exercising, a few strawberries won't be enough to replenish yourself.

    I had to put myself on a water schedule as well at first, but after a while it becomes second nature. If you don't like the taste, you can add flavor. I use tea bags, mint and fresh fruit sometimes to add a little flavor to my water. There is also those Mio flavors that a lot of people like, too.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Water makes a TON of a difference.

    If you're having a lot of trouble, just carry a large (at least 20-32oz) water bottle around with you EVERYWHERE. Guaranteed that you will end up drinking much more than usual. You'll end up in the bathroom much more often, but you'll notice a difference by the end of the first week of drinking 8 cups or more. Less bloated, not overeating as much as usual because you're full, and noticing that you feel much better!

    Good luck and drink up! :drinker:
  • geminigrl622
    geminigrl622 Posts: 144
    I think it does make a difference. I drink 10 sips of water each time I drink it and I use a straw which is easier for me vs trying to chug an entire bottle.
  • Runner50266
    Yes!!! When you exercise your body creates metabolic waste. Water is the only thing to flush it out. It also get's your "indoor plumbing' moving right along. You need to drink before you are thirsty. Often hunger is really your body telling you that you are thirsty. Your body will retain water if you don't drink water.

    Everything I just said above is what my doctor told me and I have read about it in legitimate periodicals. I'm NOT a health professional so feel free to ask your doctor as well.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. Water makes a huge difference. And no, fruits and veggies, while wonderful to eat, especially in their raw states (if cleaned properly), they are not water replacements. Water helps pull toxins out of your body, flush out excess sodium and potassium (electrolyte balance) among other things. When you run, you use up water during the run, and water is utilized for cellular repair post-run (or weight training, whatever). If you do not replace that water, you run the risk of dehydration. Also, and this is especially true for women, drinking water prevents urinary tract infections when the body sweats out water.

    I used to not drink water - I thought it was nasty. Now I crave it.

    Runs off to get a water refill...

    I agree.....try the zero cal vitamin waters to start can also add fruit to tap water ....once you start drinking it on a regular basis you will crave it.....makes me feel so much better....more energy....
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Drink when you are thirsty. The medical professional that gave you the advise is correct. The 8 glasses of water a day mantra is wrong.

    I drink a few glasses of water a day, because I am thirsty, and because it keeps me from eating a bunch of junk. However, I can go en entire day on a couple of cups of coffee and a glass of water at night, and feel just fine.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I can be below my goal every single day but if I do not drink my normal amount (70-100 ounces), the scale will not budge.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Sorry - but the drink real water every day is a myth - you can get it from coffee, vegetables, food, etc.

    I think the research was supported by the bottled water companies

    I drink anywhere from 4 to 12 glasses a day, depending how may body feels (Not by following a rule)- if I'm walking outside in a heat wave I can easily sweat off 2lbs. I also do not carry water with me, everyone walking around with a bottle and sipping every ten minutes has been brain washed.