Not eating after 6pm or 7pm?



  • MY trainer told me to eat every 3 hours or so. He knows that due to sleep problems sometimes I dont go to sleep till3 or I am up 24 hours and he says if I am up to eat
  • fatpanda96
    fatpanda96 Posts: 77
    I don't think it matter the exact time you stop eating but I try not to eat at least 2 to 3 hours before I plan to go to sleep.
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I eat the majority of my calories at night.

    What about countries that eat their last meal after the magic metabolism shutting down hour?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What about countries that eat their last meal after the magic metabolism shutting down hour?

    Clearly they are all fatty McFatty fat.
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    The reason that myth circulated is because lots of people eat high calorie foods at night, when they eliminated the late night snacks they lost weight and people then assumed that eating late at night was the cause of weight gain. (This is all just speculation though).
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I almost always eat a late dinner around 9 or even later. And I am 5'9 around 140.
  • Chellybell13
    Chellybell13 Posts: 54 Member
    I wouldn't say at 6-7pm exactly, but a few hours before bed it's sensible not to eat. Essentially food = Engery, why eat a huge meal when your gonna be laying in bed all night?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have lost 310 lbs. taking a 500-600 calorie snack to bed every night so chalk me up in the "This is totally a myth column" Your body doesn't care when you fuel it, just as long as you are getting your macros and caloric intake in is required...... Best of Luck!!!
  • Chellybell13
    Chellybell13 Posts: 54 Member
    All i'm saying is that personally i'd rather save the calories and have a snack and have an awesome big breakfast in the morning when i'll be really hungry and ready for the day.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I wouldn't say at 6-7pm exactly, but a few hours before bed it's sensible not to eat. Essentially food = Engery, why eat a huge meal when your gonna be laying in bed all night?

    Because the difference between fat oxidation and fat storage is the only variable that matters when determining how much fat you gain or lose. If you eat more at night you will burn more during the day and this will be governed by energy balance, not nutrient timing.

    You can literally eat all of your food in bed and put a sandwich right next to your pillow and wake up at 2am to eat the sandwich. If your total food intake is proper, you will lose just the same.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Totally not true! I work out every night around 7 and don't eat dinner till at least 8:30! As long as it fits in my calories....the kitchen is always open!
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    I never eat after 9am.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I eat all day, right up until bedtime. No problems here!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    Out of habit, I avoid eating after 8 pm. But that's mainly because I have to test my fasting sugar the next morning.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Ive heard that too but now I dont believe it. If Im hungry, I eat, no matter the time. However, I feel really sick if I go straight to bed after a full, heavy meal (dinner is my largest meal).
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I've heard that not eating after 6pm or 7pm helps you lose weight because your food is fully digested when you are about to sleep.
    Is this true?

    But what if you get hungry like around 9pm? Is it unhealthy to eat at that time? What if you sleep late or have a late shift at work and have no choice but eat after you get home.

    Thanks for your help! I appreciate it. :)
    Everything Sidesteal said.

    Also, it takes 3 days to fully digest food. The body burns fat 24/7, when you choose to eat doesn't make a difference.

    Yep. It takes a good 4-5 hours for food to completely leave the stomach. And different foods have different transit times. And it just doesn't really matter.

    Here's a good article on the process of food digestion. And it doesn't necessarily take 3 days to digest food. When I use to eat corn it would show up the next morning - anyone else have that happen?

    And I stopped counting calories over a year ago and have maintained a weight average of 110 (between 108-112lbs) by switching over to a high-fat diet. I had better luck tracking macros rather than calories. (I had only planned on dropping 10lbs but when I switched over I dropped 12lbs more - water and fat. My weight and health issues were due to what I was putting in my mouth, not how much. Besides proteins and fat are broken down into amino and fatty acids and used for repair and maintainence also - not just for energy (a calorie is a unit of energy only). How do we count these as calories?
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    All i'm saying is that personally i'd rather save the calories and have a snack and have an awesome big breakfast in the morning when i'll be really hungry and ready for the day.

    And I think the "personally" part is the most important part. I would rather have an awesome big dinner because I don't really enjoy starting my day with a full belly.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I basically eat from the time my feet hit the floor until my head hits the pillow. It makes no difference when you eat, but what you're eating. I do find that I tend to make poorer decisions in the evening, but i don't find it's the fact that I'm eating but the fact that I'm eating peanut M&M's that's the issue.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    I stop eating after 8pm and I don't start eating again before 6am....The discipline has been great for me...and it has really helped
    me to regulate my eating habits.
  • Chellybell13
    Chellybell13 Posts: 54 Member
    All i'm saying is that personally i'd rather save the calories and have a snack and have an awesome big breakfast in the morning when i'll be really hungry and ready for the day.

    And I think the "personally" part is the most important part. I would rather have an awesome big dinner because I don't really enjoy starting my day with a full belly.

    So would i, i love having a nice meal in the evening, and i do sometimes...just not right before bed. I'd rather have a big evening meal but i don't as i don't see why it'd be nessacery. And rather wait and be properly hungry for my breakfast :)