So who's done the Warrior Dash???:)

Im planning on doing this in 2014!I cannot wait:)Im wondering who here has done it...and what was it like??Awesome?Hard?Amazing?lol...I have a team im setting up including my parents,my hubby,my 2 brothers,and my sister-in-law:)


  • You really like to plan races far out! I just did one in June, they're packed with people so be prepared to wait at the obstacles a little especially if you go off in a later wave. Warrior Dash is mass marketed and very doable, I'd even say easy so have fun with your family and enjoy the mud.
  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    I did it. :) It was super fun but a little bit gross. After the race is a lot of fun too so make sure you stay and partake!!!
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    I did it on Saturday. It was fun. I ran it on a very hilly course and the terrain was very challenging but the obstacles really weren't that hard. It's pretty accessible for lots of fitness levels. It will be a lot of fun to do as a group - enjoy!
  • Happymom83
    Happymom83 Posts: 405 Member
    Well we might do it in 2013...But im wanting to find one in Oregon...and there isnt any listed in Oregon in 2013..but maybe they havent finished the list yet??
  • cc7315
    cc7315 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi- I did the Warrior Dash in June. It was awesome, but it was difficult, too. You really should train for upper body strength for the obstacles and I don't know where you are doing it, but definately train running up hills! Good luck and happy mudding!!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Done it! It was a blast, but go with people you can keep up with, I felt like I was keeping my friend behind even though I told her to go on without me.
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    I did this past April in North Texas. It was fun! Would totally do it again. I think you need to be "in shape", but you don't have to be super fit just to do this one.

    Edit to add: I agree on needing the upper body strength!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Yes I did my first one in JUne and it was awesome, hard but not as hard as I had expected and absolutely amazing! I had the time of my life as well as the friends that did it with me! We are all planning on doing it again next year, my best advice is be prepared for LOTS of hills and just go and have fun!
  • nmf062174
    nmf062174 Posts: 171 Member
    That is on my list for 2013. I would have signed up for it this year but I am already doing Dirty Girl and they are on the same day.
  • Missed it this year, but want to do it next year. It looks like a helluva good time!!
  • kser145
    kser145 Posts: 40
    Just went to watch one saturday (friends were doing it). It looked fun. We have a large group planning one in October 2012 can't wait!!!
  • I did it in TN last year. It was really awesome. I think you need upper body but also stamina. I can do a regular 5k (same distance) in like 33-36 minutes but this one took me 48 minutes. The distance doesn't bother me as much as the fact that you wear yourself out on the obstacles.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Doing my first one Sunday ... :)
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    I just ran it for the first time in June and I LOVED it! It was a complete blast! As others have said I would definitely work on your upper body strength a bit before hand though since a lot of the obstacles involved climbing/pulling yourself up and over walls.

    I had such a good time, I signed up for another one in my area in September :happy:
  • Warrior Dash isn't the only obstacle/mud run available, there's Spartan Races, Tough Mudder, Urbanathlons, Guts 'n Glory, etc... so something else may be in your area. If you do a Google search or check with your local gym, or running stores you may find one close to home and not have to wait.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Doing my first warrior dash on the 18th of August! Super excited!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i did rugged maniac (similar) this year. sum it up in 1 word AWESOME!. upper body strength is key - even a tad bit more important than running. plan to get dirty! plan to buy new sneakers AFTER. it took 3 wash cycles to clean my workout clothes. i didn't bother with my sneakers because i was due for a new pair anyway. i struggled with the walls because i'm short (not even 5') which irritated me but i was able to tackle all the other obstacles. like dark angel i liked it so much i signed up for another one in september - this one has zombies chasing you. i guess they thought mud and obstacles were not enough so now they added zombies. ha ha ha!
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I did it on Saturday. It was fun. I ran it on a very hilly course and the terrain was very challenging but the obstacles really weren't that hard. It's pretty accessible for lots of fitness levels. It will be a lot of fun to do as a group - enjoy!
    I did it on Saturday also in Barrie, Ontario. The hills were challenging but definitely something that most people is decent shape could tackle. The obstacles were not that tough. I'm by no means a runner and I finished it relatively easily. The worst part for me was a blister that formed because I was wearing old shoes goin up & down steep hills & they had gotten wet early in the course. I ran it with my wife & we're already making plans for next year.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    search mud runs in your area. there are a lot of them - not just warrior dash.
  • My boyfriend and Brother In Law did this yesterday. They liked it! I really want to do it next year. I might have been able to this year, but I just started running this summer, so I didn't know where I would be. Next year for sure though.

    I agree with the others, check and see if there is a different run with the same idea :) There are tons out there. I am doing Run For Your Lives: Zombies in the fall.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash in June and a local mud run two weeks ago. I think they're a blast. The Warrior Dash was the easier of the two that I did. Be prepared to run hills and as for upper body strength, you need some but not a ton. Basically, if you can climb a ladder, you'll be fine with the cargo nets and wall climbs. The hill running itself was much harder than the actual obstacles. If an obstacle is too tough, you can easily go around in most cases. Be prepared to get very dirty.

    My advice is to take extra clothes to change into and take plastic wrap to cover your car seats once you're finished.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Mud races are fun to do. I love the mix of obstacles with running. The problem is sometimes the logistics are not thought out well enough. But overall these are a lot of fun and I am looking forward to doing a Zombie race later this yearwhich will include obstacles, mud, running and ZOMBIES!!! I've also done the Rebel race, it was the first year in Central TX and they had poor planning, and there were bottleneck areas where slow people were started at the same time as the faster runners so when the first obstacle came up, there was not enough space to weed out the slower ones before to let the fast runners go through. That's my biggest complaint but you'll have fun and theres always beer afterward, free beer.
  • Happymom83
    Happymom83 Posts: 405 Member
    Warrior Dash isn't the only obstacle/mud run available, there's Spartan Races, Tough Mudder, Urbanathlons, Guts 'n Glory, etc... so something else may be in your area. If you do a Google search or check with your local gym, or running stores you may find one close to home and not have to wait.

    awesome!thanx so much:)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I did it last year!

    It was really fun if you go with a group of people and don't focus on time. They had ours on a ski hill so the first obstacle was a freaking massive hill.

    Wear a pair of gloves for the rope courses, it really saves your hands!

    I had lots of fun, but we focused on having fun and not the time thing. Wear an old pair of shoes and donate them at the end, trust me you won't want them back!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    And DO NOT forget this race! :)
  • spinningma
    spinningma Posts: 45
    Yes... I did my first one in June! My pic I am using was actually taken just before I took off! It was FUN! My course was hilly-- on a flippin' ski hill. All the obstacles were very doable. There were ALL shapes and sizes there. Walkers to diehard runners- and even they were swearing while they were WALKING up the hills! All for FUN! Enjoy! I plan on doing it next year too.